Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2021/2022 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Salvatore Ritrovato on appointment

Assigned to the Degree Course

Humanities. Literature, Arts and Philosophy (L-10)
Curriculum: FILOSOFICO
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course intends to encourage the student to be able to (a) read, analyze and interpret the literary aesthetic work in relation to its time and tradition; (b) to know, with critical mastery of current methodologies, the issues, currents and works - both through the life of the authors and through the activity of magazines - that have characterized Italian literature from the second half of the nineteenth century to our own days; (c) describe and discuss the "canon" through a careful methodological reflection on the role of criticism in the system of contemporary culture; (d) investigate the relationship between literature, culture, politics and publishing in contemporary literary production and within individual works


Critical and methodological issues related to the study of the discipline 

Analytical path of modern and contemporary Italian literature, with a reasoned choice of texts from 1861 to the present day, arranged in an overall historical-cultural framework

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Shit descriptors The student must demonstrate that he has acquired the following skills: a) reading, analysis and interpretation of a literary text, using knowledge and concepts that allow him to reason according to the specific logic of the discipline, but also to exceed the threshold, which risks closing the speech in a self-referential context; b) placing the work in its historical-cultural horizon and in dialectical conflict with tradition, identifying values ??and strengths, but also limits and criticalities; c) discussion on the themes that characterize contemporary artistic work in relation to its reception over the centuries and in different regions; d) reflection on the ambiguity of the new 'critical' mediation functions that the society of communication and information entail, as opposed to the specific task of the historical-materialistic, sociological, anthropological and critical-aesthetic judgment that the reader has the right to exercise against the pervasiveness of the entertainment society.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lessons; analysis of films and audiovisual materials; class discussions of the texts used; in-depth seminars on the topics of the course; laboratory.


In order to be able to take the exam as attending students, students must attend at least 80% of the lessons and all seminar activities included in the sum of the hours of the course. Alternatively, contact the teacher.

Course books

Referring to one or more anthological manuals, or complete editions, or even to the various archives now online, students will have to demonstrate a good knowledge of the variety of forms and issues of Italian literature, selecting 50 texts (of which no more than two for author), which they will arrange in a personal dispensation to be presented for examination, together with 5 complete works, starting from the following five groups:

(a) Carlo Collodi, Ippolito Nievo, Giosue Carducci, Iginio U. Tarchetti, Luigi Capuana, Antonio Fogazzaro, Arrigo Boito, Edmondo De Amicis, Giovanni Verga, Carlo Dossi, Giovanni Pascoli, Matilde Serao, Salvatore Di Giacomo, Federico De Roberto, Italo Svevo, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Alfredo Panzini, Luigi Pirandello (5 testi + 1 opera); ù

(b) Grazia Deledda, Trilussa, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Sibilla Aleramo, Massimo Bontempelli, Bruno Barilli, Aldo Palazzeschi, Umberto Saba, Federigo Tozzi, Guido Gozzano, Virgilio Giotti, Dino Campana, Vincenzo Cardarelli, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Riccardo Bacchelli, Camillo Sbarbaro, Clemente Rebora, Anna Banti, Delio Tessa, Biagio Marin, Alberto Savinio, Ugo Betti, Giovanni Comisso, Corrado Alvaro, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Eugenio Montale, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Curzio Malaparte, Giacomo Noventa, Carlo Betocchi, Ignazio Buttitta, Fabio Tombari, Achille Campanile (15 testi + 1 opera);

(c) Eduardo De Filippo, Ignazio Silone, Salvatore Quasimodo, Carlo Levi, Francesco Jovine, Libero Bigiaretti, Mario Soldati, Sandro Penna, Lalla Romano, Dino Buzzati, Alberto Moravia, Romano Bilenchi, Guido Piovene, Vitaliano Brancati, Cesare Pavese, Elio Vittorini, Tommaso Landolfi, Alfonso Gatto, Ennio Flaiano, Pier Antonio Quarantotti Gambini, Diego Fabbri, Mario Tobino, Attilio Bertolucci, Guido Morselli, Antonia Pozzi, Elsa Morante, Natalia Ginzburg, Giorgio Caproni, Vittorio Sereni, David Maria Turoldo, Vasco Pratolini, Vittorio Bodini, Mario Luzi, Anna Maria Ortese, Giorgio Bassani, Franco Matacotta, Franco Fortini, Carlo Cassola, Luigi Santucci, Primo Levi (15 testi + 1 opera);

(d) Gesualdo Bufalino, Michele Prisco, Tonino Guerra, Mario Pomilio, Leonardo Sciascia, Mario Rigoni Stern, Italo Calvino, Andrea Zanzotto, Beppe Fenoglio, Luigi Meneghello, Luciano Bianciardi, Raffaele La Capria, Cristina Campo, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Rocco Scotellaro, Giovanni Giudici, Paolo Volponi, Dario Fo, Elio Pagliarani, Ermanno Rea, Francesco Biamonti, Luigi Malerba, Goffredo Parise (10 testi + 1 opera);

(e) Franco Loi, Amelia Rosselli, Edoardo Sanguineti, Franco Scataglini, Luigi Di Ruscio, Rosetta Loy, Umberto Eco, Giovanni Raboni, Vincenzo Consolo, Raffaello Baldini, Giuseppe Pontiggia, Dacia Maraini, Gianni Celati, Antonio Tabucchi, Walter Siti, Stefano Benni, Pier Vittorio Tondelli, Fabio Pusterla, Antonella Anedda (5 testi + 1 opera) 


Exam interview on the authors and issues, both critical-methodological and historical-literary, touched upon during the lessons and on the partial and complete texts selected by the student.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Contact the teacher


Contatc the teacher

Course books

Contact the teacher


Exam interview on authors and questions, both critical-methodological and historical-literary, concerning the period of the history of modern and contemporary literature.

Students will be assessed according to the following criteria: (1) knowledge of the topics, (2) ability to reason appropriately on the topics raised during the interview, (3) ability to present the arguments with language properties.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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