Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Anna Maria Giomaro Thuesday, h. 12-14

Assigned to the Degree Course

Law (LMG/01)
Curriculum: Percorso comune
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims to examine the origins of the problems of Public Order and State Security; it
also aims to explore the answers that Roman law constructed to achieve the good of Security
(external and internal).
History cannot offer abstract models to which to conform; it cannot give answers to questions
that the present imposes as urgent; it cannot offer confirmations to answers that have already
been predetermined. But since every historical reality, even the present one, is a reality that is
naturally in flux (it has its roots in the past, its complexity in the present, its developments in the
future), history teaches us to become aware of the plurality of solutions to the problems of
existence (of states and of men in states) in order to help change in order to achieve the best
possible well-being.


The course will be dedicated to the study of the following themes:
.- General preliminary considerations = Security, Public Order and Roman Law: the problems
- Between Antiquity and Today = Citizenship-Immigration-Territories and Territorial
Organisations-Warfare-Fundamental Rights-Penal Law and Criminal Law-The Function of
- In Rome = Criminal law in Rome: origins and developments-Parricidium, perduellio and comitial
trial-The quaestiones perpetuae-The libri terribiles in general
- Between antiquity and today = Accusatio-inquisitio-the rite of the ancient criminal trial-Criminal

- In Rome = Criminal law in the Theodosian code-Criminal law in the Justinian code-Public order
and trials against Christians
- Between antiquity and the present = Principles and brocades of criminal law-History of criminal
law. From Beccaria to Pufendorf

Bridging Courses


Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

A) Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of the basics of the subject and, consequently,
ability to read and understand doctrinal texts relating to the course subjects.
B) Applying knowledge and understanding: ability to apply the knowledge acquired on the
original texts of Roman jurists and to independently develop the path of thought from those texts
in order to arrive at a concrete understanding of their value and theoretical contribution.
C) Autonomy of judgement (making judgements): ability to elaborate one's own legal discourse
on various subjects, in particular on obligations and contracts, real rights, commercial
experience, taking into account their historical projection and evolution over the centuries.
D) Communication skills: ability to present other people's thoughts in a clear and reasoned
manner (explanation and reworking of the case through the analysis of related institutes) and
ability to put forward one's own thoughts in a legally effective form with particular attention to
argumentative methods.
E) Learning skills: ability to also proceed autonomously in learning, possibly aimed at the
development of autonomous research with a Romanist or more purely historical approach.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities


Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures, individual and/or group exercises.
Non-attending students, in substitution of the broader didactic methodology based on historical
criticism foreseen for attending students, are advised to carefully study the recommended text
and any topics for which specific documentation will be provided on the Moodle BLENDED
platform specifying FOR NON-ATTENDING

Course books

- Files illustrating the lectures will be published on the Moodle platform. ›  blended.uniurb.it .
- Alternatively, we recommend L. SOLIDORO (ed.), Regole e garanzie nel processo
criminale romano, Torino (Giappichelli) 2016 (pp. 200).


The final exam ( an oral interview) is based on three or more questions on different topics
covered by the course.  This method allows you to better understand and appreciate the level of
understanding of the institutions, the punctuality and accuracy of the presentation, as well as the
ability to develop critical arguments and to reason on practical cases.
The evaluation criteria and the scale of marks are as follows:
less than 18/30: competence level insufficient. The student doesn’t reach the learning results
described in “knowledge and understanding”.
18-20/30: competence level sufficient. In particular, the student attains the learning results
described in “knowledge and understanding”.
21-23/30: competence level satisfactory. In particular, the student attains the learning results
described in “knowledge and understanding” and in “applied knowledge and understanding”.

24-26/30: competence level good. In particular, the student attains the learning results described
in “knowledge and understanding”, “applied knowledge and understanding” and “making
27-29/30: competence level very good. In particular, the student attains the learning results
described in “knowledge and understanding”, “applied knowledge and understanding”, “making
judgments” and “communication skills”.
30-30 with honours: competence level excellent. The student fully attains the learning results
described in “knowledge and understanding”, “applied knowledge and understanding”, “making
judgments” and “learning skills”.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Non-attending students, in substitution of the broader didactic methodology based on historical
criticism foreseen for attending students, are advised to carefully study the recommended text
and any topics for which specific documentation will be provided on the Moodle BLENDED
platform specifying FOR NON-ATTENDING

Course books

- L. SOLIDORO (ed.), Regole e garanzie nel processo criminale romano, Torino
(Giappichelli) 2016 (pp. 200).
- Specific information will be given on any other texts.


The final exam ( an oral interview) is based on three or more questions on different topics
covered by the course.  This method allows you to better understand and appreciate the level of
understanding of the institutions, the punctuality and accuracy of the presentation, as well as the
ability to develop critical arguments and to reason on practical cases.
The evaluation criteria and the scale of marks are as follows:
less than 18/30: competence level insufficient. The student doesn’t reach the learning results
described in “knowledge and understanding”.
18-20/30: competence level sufficient. In particular, the student attains the learning results
described in “knowledge and understanding”.
21-23/30: competence level satisfactory. In particular, the student attains the learning results
described in “knowledge and understanding” and in “applied knowledge and understanding”.

24-26/30: competence level good. In particular, the student attains the learning results described
in “knowledge and understanding”, “applied knowledge and understanding” and “making
27-29/30: competence level very good. In particular, the student attains the learning results
described in “knowledge and understanding”, “applied knowledge and understanding”, “making
judgments” and “communication skills”.
30-30 with honours: competence level excellent. The student fully attains the learning results
described in “knowledge and understanding”, “applied knowledge and understanding”, “making
judgments” and “learning skills”.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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