Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


The fundamental concepts of aesthetics and the relationship between word and image
I concetti fondamentali dell'estetica e il rapporto fra parola e immagine

A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Venanzio Raspa Palazzo Albani, Thursday, 11-13 and by appointment
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English French German
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Art History (LM-89)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

Considered as an advancement in aesthetic studies, the course aims to examine relevant issues for both philosophical and literary and artistic disciplines. We will examine classical and contemporary theories. One part of the course has a general character, while another will deal more specifically with the relationship between word and image, poetry and painting.

Specifically, the course has the following specific educational objectives:

- acquiring knowledge of some fundamental concepts of aesthetics (art, beauty, creativity, mimesis);

- developing the ability to read and understand classical aesthetic texts;

- developing a critical and cultured consideration of the role of the image in contemporary society.


The course is structured in three parts. (1) First, on the basis of Tatarkiewicz's text, some fundamental notions of aesthetics in their historical development will be examined: the concepts of art, beauty, artistic creativity and mimesis. (2) Particular attention will be paid to the notion of mimesis and to the relationship between poetry and painting in the classical conceptions of Plato and Aristotle. (3) Finally, we will study the concept of image in some contemporary theories. Some seminar lessons will be dedicated to the artistic form of comics.

The course will address the following topics in the order indicated below:

1. the concept of art in its historical development;

2. beauty and its forms;

3. the notion of artistic creation in relation to that of invention;

4. the concept of mimesis. In particular,

4.1. the relationship between artistic representation and truth in Plato: Resp., VI 509b-511e, VII 514a-518d, X 595a-608b; Soph., 235c-236c, 263d-268c (text available on the moodle platform);

4.2. mimesis, tragedy and the truthful nature of art in Aristotle's Poetics, chapters 1-15;

5. the image in some contemporary theories;

6. the relationship between word and image in comics.

Bridging Courses

Prerequisites are not required.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding
The student will be able to understand and explain the aesthetical-philosophical texts examined, to argue rigorously and to discuss critically the topics which have been dealt in the class.

Making judgments
The student will demonstrate independent judgment in the evaluation of the aesthetical-philosophical theories studied and he/she will be able to produce a personal reworking of the acquired knowledge.

Learning skills
The student will be able to master the knowledge and skills he/she has acquired.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Seminars will be held by prof. Denis Seron (University of Liège) on figurative art, the nature of the represented object and the literary object (6 hours).

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures, seminars.



The course requires a regular attendance (at least 2/3 of the lessons). Alternatively, please make use of the information for not attending students.

Course books

A. Texts:

Platone, Repubblica, a cura di M. Vegetti, Rizzoli, Milano 2006 (VI 509b-511e, VII 514a-518d, X 595a-608b); Sofista, 235c-236c, 263d-268c (text available on the moodle platform).

Aristotele, Poetica, a cura di D. Guastini, Carocci, Roma 2009 (capp. 1-15).

W. Tatarkiewicz, Storia di sei idee, Aesthetica Edizioni, Sesto San Giovanni 2020.

B. Literature:

A. Voltolini, Immagine, il Mulino, Bologna 2013.

F. Vercellone, Il futuro dell’immagine, il Mulino, Bologna 2017.

A. Tosti, Graphic novel. Storia e teoria del romanza a fumetti e del rapporto fra parola e immagine, Tunué, Latina 2016.

C) Reference books:

F. Desideri e C. Cantelli, Storia dell'estetica occidentale, Roma, Carocci, 2008.

F. Vercellone, A. Bertinetto, G. Garelli, Lineamenti di storia dell'estetica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008.

Other texts of secondary literature will be indicated during the course.


An oral examination on the text of the group (A) and on one of the groups (B) and (C).

Students' knowledge of the philosophical theories dealt with during the course will be subject to an evaluation.

Particular attention is given to the expository capacity with appropriate terminology of philosophical theories as well as to the ability to understand and explain passages from the texts that have been studied.

Students will be expected to develop a critical approach with regard to the theories studied. In evaluating students, particular attention will be given to their ability to reformulate in their own terms the ideas encountered in coursework and to their ability to make comparisons between the various thinkers they have studied.

- Criteria for an evaluation of excellence: a clear exposition with an appropriate terminology of the theories studied; a thorough knowledge of the texts read and commented on during the course; the ability to connect the various theories; the possession of good critical and in-depth skills.

- Criteria for a discrete evaluation: a clear, albeit mnemonic, exposition of the theories studied; a good knowledge of the texts read and commented on during the course; a relative ability to connect the various theories; the possession of a relative critical capacity.

- Criteria for a sufficient evaluation: a minimal knowledge of the theories studied, even in the presence of some training gaps; a minimum knowledge of the texts read and commented on during the course; the use of inappropriate language.

- Criteria for a negative evaluation: poor knowledge of the theories studied; evident training gaps; lack of knowledge of the texts read and commented on during the course; the use of an inappropriate language.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Non-attending students can contact the teacher in the office hours to ask for explanations about the content of the tests for the exam.


Please contact the teacher, preferably personally, at least three months in advance of the scheduled date of the exam.

Course books

A. Texts:

Platone, Repubblica, a cura di M. Vegetti, Rizzoli, Milano 2006 (VI 509b-511e, VII 514a-518d, X 595a-608b); Sofista, 235c-236c, 263d-268c (testo disponibile sulla piattaforma moodle).

Aristotele, Poetica, a cura di D. Guastini, Carocci, Roma 2009 (capp. 1-15).

W. Tatarkiewicz, Storia di sei idee, Aesthetica Edizioni, Sesto San Giovanni 2020.

B. Literature:

A. Voltolini, Immagine, il Mulino, Bologna 2013.

F. Vercellone, Il futuro dell’immagine, il Mulino, Bologna 2017.

A. Tosti, Graphic novel. Storia e teoria del romanza a fumetti e del rapporto fra parola e immagine, Tunué, Latina 2016.

C) Reference books:

F. Desideri e C. Cantelli, Storia dell'estetica occidentale, Roma, Carocci, 2008.

F. Vercellone, A. Bertinetto, G. Garelli, Lineamenti di storia dell'estetica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008.

Other texts of secondary literature will be indicated during the course.


An oral examination on the text of the group (A) and on two of the groups (B) and (C).

Students' knowledge of the philosophical theories dealt with during the course will be subject to an evaluation.

Particular attention is given to the expository capacity with appropriate terminology of philosophical theories as well as to the ability to understand and explain passages from the texts that have been studied.

Students will be expected to develop a critical approach with regard to the theories studied. In evaluating students, particular attention will be given to their ability to reformulate in their own terms the ideas encountered in coursework and to their ability to make comparisons between the various thinkers they have studied.

- Criteria for an evaluation of excellence: a clear exposition with an appropriate terminology of the theories studied; a thorough knowledge of the texts; the ability to connect the various theories; the possession of good critical and in-depth skills.

- Criteria for a discrete evaluation: a clear, albeit mnemonic, exposition of the theories studied; a good knowledge of the texts; a relative ability to connect the various theories; the possession of a relative critical capacity.

- Criteria for a sufficient evaluation: a minimal knowledge of the theories studied, even in the presence of some training gaps; a minimum knowledge of the texts; the use of inappropriate language.

- Criteria for a negative evaluation: poor knowledge of the theories studied; evident training gaps; lack of knowledge of the texts; the use of an inappropriate language.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


The teacher is available for the students in the appropriate office hours, for explanations and additional bibliographic information on the exam program, particularly in the case of not attending students.

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