Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Alessandra Coen Tuesday 9.00-11.00. Contact via e-mail (alessandra.coen@uniurb)

Assigned to the Degree Course

Art History (LM-89)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The students will consolidate knowledge and skills in content and methodology related to the study of one of the most important artistic production of the Etruscans, namely that of the great megalographic production, analyzed through technical, iconographic, hermeneutical aspects, etc.

In particular, the course aims:

to deepen the knowledge of Etruscan painting between the orientalizing and Hellenistic periods;

provide the methodological skills for the study of ancient painting and the hermeneutical tools for understanding the ideological and symbolic meaning of the themes depicted;

to acquire the ability to critically place the pictorial productions in the contemporary artistic, historical and cultural framework, also in relation to similar contemporary productions of the Greek and Magna-Greek world; 

to acquire the specific language;

to learn about modern methods of investigating the paint film in order to reconstruct the type of pigments and techniques used;

to learn about the impact that Etruscan painting has had on modern and contemporary art;

to raise awareness of the potential of multimedia resources for the enhancement of the pictorial heritage.


The course will offer an overall picture of the pictorial productions of the Etruscan world from the Orientalizing to the Hellenistic age. It will examine the great pictorial production of the main centers of Etruria (Cerveteri, Tarquinia, Veio, Vulci, Chiusi, Orvieto, etc.), analyzed in parallel with contemporary ceramic productions and in relation to the funerary ideology of the Etruscans.

Will also be analyzed:

  • the sources of inspiration, the interaction with the Greek  world, the different hermeneutical approaches that have characterized the history of studies in this field.
  • Technical and conservation aspects, as well as new methods of investigation aimed at a deeper knowledge of monuments.   
  • Application of multimedia technologies for the valorization and fruition of the Etruscan pictorial heritage.
  • The fortune that Etruscan pictorial production has had in modern and contemporary art.

Bridging Courses


Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding: the student will have to demonstrate, through an oral interview, to have learned and elaborated the content and methodological assumptions of the discipline. The candidate must therefore be able to recognize and well frame the contexts and materials presented during the course in the historical and cultural period of reference.

 Applying knowledge and understanding: the student will also have to demonstrate the possession of the analytical and conceptual tools for the interpretation of archaeological data.

Making judgments: the student will have to demonstrate the ability to discuss with maturity and autonomy of judgment the various issues related to the topics of the course, also inserting them in wider and interdisciplinary contexts.

Communication skills: at the end of the course the student will have to acquire adequate skills and tools to expose appropriately with awareness and using the technical language. It will also be important to acquire the ability to communicate archaeological data at various levels. In this regard, exercises will be carried out in the classroom.

Lifelong learning skills: the student must have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake further studies and in-depth studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Guided tours are planned at some of the archaeological sites analyzed during the course (in particular Tarquinia).

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lessons. Within the course, for some topics the use of 3.00 classrooms is also envisaged for the illustration of multimedia technologies that may be useful for a better understanding of the materials presented.


Attendance strongly recommended. An attending student is considered to be anyone who has attended at least 2/3 of the lessons.

Course books

For images and short descriptive sheets, it is useful to consult S. Steingräber (a cura di),  Catalogo ragionato della pittura etrusca Jaca Book, Milano, 1985; G. Adinolfi, R. Carmagnola, M. Cataldi, “Istantanee” dal passato. Pittura etrusca a Tarquinia, Quad. dell’Associazione “Amici delle tombe dipinte di Tarquinia”, 2, 2019;  Pittura etrusca al Museo di Villa Giulia, catalogo della mostra, Roma 1989; A. Naso, La pittura etrusca, Roma 2005; Pittura etrusca: problemi e prospettive, Atti del convegno,  Alessandra Minetti (ed.), Sarteano 2003; Pittura parietale, pittura vascolare. Ricerche in corso tra Etruria e Campania, Atti della giornata di studio (S. Maria Capua Vetere 28 maggio 2003),  Napoli 2005; Il viaggio oltre la vita. Gli Etruschi e l’Aldilà tra capolavori e realtà virtuale, catalogo della mostra, Bologna 2014 .

The readings that will constitute the specific bibliography of the course and the supporting multimedia material will be included in the Moodle blended platform › blended.uniurb.it.


Oral examination.

The assessment provides that the candidate knows how to frame contexts, monuments and materials through the images that will be proposed by the teacher and that is able to start from these to elaborate a broader discourse on historical, economic and artistic aspects.

The evaluation of the candidate will take place based on the coherence and completeness of the answers, as well as the ability to classify the issues discussed during the lessons.

In the evaluation, it will also be fundamental that the candidate demonstrates the ability to use the technical language  appropriately.

They will give rise to evaluations of excellence: the student's possession of critical abilities in the exposition of the problems inherent in the course, with historical connections and  with the knowledge of contemporary productions of the Greek and Roman world;  the student must also demonstrate an appropriate use of the technical language.

They will give rise to discrete evaluations: the student's possession of a good knowledge of the contents supported by critical ability and use of an appropriate language and the technical vocabulary of the discipline.

They will give rise to sufficient evaluations: the achievement of minimal knowledge on the subjects dealt during the course, even if there are some gaps and  the use of a language not entirely appropriate.

They will give rise to negative evaluations: serious gaps in the discussion on the issues addressed during the course and the use of an inadequate technical language.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


In addition to the  texts indicated below, non-attending students will have to study in depth another topic (agreeing with the teacher). The work can be done in the form of a written essay, PowerPoint presentation, etc.,  and  it must be  sent  via e-mail to the teacher.


Non-attending students must contact the teacher to agree on the program.

Course books

For images and short descriptive sheets, it is useful to consult S. Steingräber (a cura di),  Catalogo ragionato della pittura etrusca Jaca Book, Milano, 1985; Pittura etrusca al Museo di Villa Giulia, catalogo della mostra, Roma 1989; A. Naso, La pittura etrusca, Roma 2005; Pittura etrusca: problemi e prospettive, Atti del convegno, a cura di Alessandra Minetti, Sarteano 2003; Pittura parietale, pittura vascolare. Ricerche in corso tra Etruria e Campania, Atti della giornata di studio (S. Maria Capua Vetere 28 maggio 2003),  Napoli 2005; Il viaggio oltre la vita. Gli Etruschi e l’Aldilà tra capolavori e realtà virtuale, catalogo della mostra, Bologna 2014 .

The specific readings that will constitute the specific bibliography of the course and the supporting multimedia material will be included in  Moodle › blended.uniurb.it


Oral examination.

The assessment provides that the candidate knows how to frame contexts, monuments and materials through the images that will be proposed by the teacher and that is able to start from these to elaborate a broader discourse on historical, economic and artistic aspects.

The evaluation of the candidate will take place based on the coherence and completeness of the answers, as well as the ability to classify the issues discussed during the lessons.

In the evaluation, it will also be fundamental that the candidate demonstrates the ability to use the technical language  appropriately.

They will give rise to evaluations of excellence: the student's possession of critical abilities in the exposition of the problems inherent in the course, with historical connections and  with the knowledge of contemporary productions of the Greek and Roman world;  the student must also demonstrate an appropriate use of the technical language.

They will give rise to discrete evaluations: the student's possession of a good knowledge of the contents supported by critical ability and use of an appropriate language and the technical vocabulary of the discipline.

They will give rise to sufficient evaluations: the achievement of minimal knowledge on the subjects dealt during the course, even if there are some gaps and  the use of a language not entirely appropriate.

They will give rise to negative evaluations: serious gaps in the discussion on the issues addressed during the course and the use of an inadequate technical language.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


Interdisciplinary didactics. In order to promote a specialized learning through the comparison among different scientific-disciplinary fields, the course has thematic and chronological relationship with that of Greek and Roman Archaeology and History of Art II (Prof.ssa Anna Santucci: : https://www.uniurb.it/insegnamenti-e-programmi/261491

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