Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 20
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Daphne De Luca
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English French
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage (LMR/02)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives


Knowledge and understanding of the causes and appearance of the deterioration of artefacts painted on canvas. Ability to read the state of conservation of the artefacts. Acquisition of the notions inherent to the restoration and conservation interventions to be carried out in case of need (traditional and innovative techniques)


Learning of advanced cleaning techniques and methodologies. Appropriate use of the tools provided in the laboratory. Deepening of the chemical and physical knowledge of the proposed materials. Development of autonomy in designing an adequate cleaning methodology with respect to polychrome surfaces. Development of manual skills related to the removal of substances above the painted surfaces.


The section is about different in-painting techniques for the restoration of easel paintings. In order to study and practice, both exercises on mock-ups and direct interventions on original artefacts will be performed. In addition to the laboratory activities, there will be lectures, and case studies presentations, using videos and on-site visits.


The section aims to deepen the topics already learned in previous courses and consolidate the technical and critical skills of students relating to the aesthetic presentation of wooden works. Study of pictorial reintegration techniques.



The course aims to provide useful information for the appropriate use of instrumentation and an acquisition of knowledge for the recognition of wood species. In addition to laboratory activities, power point lectures are planned.



  • Description of the rheological behavior of materials and analysis of the phenomenology of degradation (causes and appearance) of the textile support and of the preparatory and pictorial layers (5 HOURS)
  • Description of the interventions on textile supports. Illustration of historical techniques and traditional methods of restoration. Illustration of case studies and exemplary restorations (5 HOURS)
  •  Description of the innovative technologies applied to textile supports: lining and non-lining, inserts, compensation of discontinuities. Lining with synthetic products. Traditional and innovative methods compared (5 HOURS)
  •  Spring tensioning systems. Traditional and innovative methods compared (5 HOURS)
  • Laboratory activities and exercises on models (105 HOURS)

  • Rigid Gels Agar, Agarose, Gellan, Nevek and their differences (3 HOURS)
  • Chemical gels Hydrogel (3 HOURS)
  •  Dry cleaning methods and cleaning methods with semi-wet systems. Laser cleaning applied to polychrome surfaces (6 HOURS).
  • Enzymes. artificial saliva. (6 HOURS)
  •  Siloxanes, cyclometicones, D5, Velvesil plus; Benzyl alcohol properties and use (6 HOURS).
  • Use and practice of instruments for measuring the pH and surface conductivity of the painted works (4 HOURS)
  • Chemical and physical knowledge of the materials proposed during the theory lessons. Morphological observation under the microscope in particular of the materials used for dry cleaning. (20 HOURS)
  • Preparation and use of the methods shown on the basis of cleaning tests on the works (or models) present in the laboratory (15 HOURS)
  • Use of the microscope during cleaning operations. Interventions on the artifacts available for teaching, with particular attention to cleaning and removal of the above-mentioned substances found on the artifacts. (HOURS 62)

    • Filling and smoothing - Traditional and innovative materials and methods (35 hours) Both the traditional materials (e.g. Bologna gypsum and animal glue) and the innovative ones (Aquazol, Klucel-G, Arbocel, Tylose, etc.) will be studied and tested, highlighting their qualities and problems in relation to the various artifacts, their conservation problems, the quality of gaps, the texturing of the surfaces and the final destination of the work (microclimate, etc.). Reference will be made to the most recent research (national and international publications).
    • In-painting techniques (watercolor and varnish colors) - Traditional and innovative materials and methods (75 hours) The various in-painting techniques will be presented and compared: hatching (tratteggio), chromatic selection (selezione cromatica), chromatic abstraction (astrazione cromatica), lowering of tone, glazing, etc., with reference to the bibliography and significant case studies in the field. Retouching palette: various techniques will be tested using colors with different binders (watercolors, natural varnish colors, Laropal A81 - Gamblin or self-produced colors, etc.). Reference will be made to the most recent research (national and international publications).
    • Varnishing - Traditional and innovative materials and methods (10 hours) Different final varnishes and different application methods will be analyzed, practicing on mock-ups to evaluate the optical effects by changing solvents and application methods, suitable to the original pictorial materials. Reference will be made to the most recent research (national and international publications).
    • Case studies and selected interventions (5 hours) With reference to the bibliography, with presentations and videos in multimedia mode, and with the visit to museum sites and exhibitions, case studies and selected interventions will be illustrated, for a better understanding of the topics.


  • Optical properties of colors and their characteristics  (5 HOURS)
  •  Materials constituting the final layers   (5 HOURS)
  •  Comparison on the use of varnish in the field of restoration  (5 HOURS)
  • The final presentation of a work, critical analysis of the methodological choices  (5 HOURS)
  •  Presentation of case studies, illustrated with images, videos and multimedia supports  (5 HOURS)
  • Loss compensation: filling with traditional and non-traditional materials  (10 HOURS)
  • Aesthetic presentation: treatment of loss in the support, methods for the pictorial reintegration of three-dimensional wooden artifacts, treatment of the losses and abrasions of the pictorial layer; protective surface treatments  (40 HOURS)
  • Exercises on models and laboratory artifacts  (45 HOURS)
  • Examination and documentation practices of the conservation state of artifacts; thematic mapping of the phenomena of decay and of the interventions carried out on the artifacts subject to intervention  (5 HOURS)

    1. Use of the optical microscope used? Application of optical microscope to the study and recognition of wood species.

    2. Scanning electron microscopy: theory and preparative of wood samples and recognition

    3. Transmission electron microscopy: theory and preparation of wood samples. Possible applications

    4. Confocal microscopy in the study of wood species. When to use it?

    5. Bibliographic material.

    Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

    The course aims to train the restorer student on the detection of the state of conservation of a work of art through the analysis of the executive technique, the reading of the degradation of its constituent materials and the understanding of the causes triggering this degradation. The student will acquire the appropriate skills to properly design the restoration intervention based on the real needs of the building. Thanks to a solid knowledge of restoration techniques and materials on the market, the student will be able to intervene on the work by choosing the most suitable method and the most innovative techniques using suitable materials.

    Teaching Material

    The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

    Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

    Course books

    Sezione 3.1 Tele


  • D. DE LUCA, I manufatti dipinti su supporto tessile. Vademecum per allievi restauratori, 3° edizione ampliata e aggiornata, Il Prato, Padova 2021, pp. 93-101, 107-124, 129-145, 151-163.
  • D. DE LUCA, Sistemi di tensionamento elastico per dipinti su tela: proposta di rielaborazione di alcuni prototipi, in Progetto restauro”, Il Prato, Padova 2022, in stampa
  • DE LUCA, A. PISCICELLI, L. ROBINO, Il restauro della Madonna con Bambino e Santi proveniente dalla chiesa di San Pietro Apostolo di Vaccarile: mantenimento di tensione costante tramite l’impiego di calamite e applicazione di un nuovo sistema di tensionamento elastico, in “Progetto Restauro”, Il Prato, Padova, in corso di stampa.
  • R. BESTETTI, L. MARCHET (a cura di), Tensionamento e telai dei dipinti su tela fra tradizione e innovazione, Atti del convegno organizzato dal Cesmar7, Piazzola sul Brenta (PD), 1 gennaio-31 gennaio 2015, Il Prato, pp. 5-40, 61-74.
  • A. FINOZZI, Esperienze recenti di non foderatura, in: Dipinti su tela problemi e prospettive per la conservazione, Giornata di studio, Ferrara 1 Aprile 2006, Il Prato Editore, pp. 85-93.
  • M.F. MECKLENBURG, Meccanismi di cedimento nei dipinti su tela: approcci per lo sviluppo di protocolli di consolidamento, Il Prato, Padova, 2007, pp. 11-36
  • M. ROSSI DORIA, I trattamenti di consolidamento strutturale dei dipinti su tela fra sperimentazione e tradizione: aggiornamenti a partire dalla tradizione romana, in: Dipinti su tela problemi e prospettive per la conservazione, Giornata di studio, Ferrara 1 Aprile 2006. Il Prato Editore, pp. 107-118.
  • Sezione 3.2 Legno


    Testi da Studiare:

    A.A. VV. Proprietà ed esempi di utilizzo di materiali siliconici nel restauro di manufatti artistici Parte Prima. A cura di P. Cremonesi. Il Prato, Padova 2016

    A.A. VV. L’uso di Agarosio e Agar Quaderno n. 4 C7 Il Prato, Padova 2007

    M. DAUDIN-SCHOTTE, K. J. VAN DEN BERG, H. VAN KEULEN Analisi e applicazione di materiali per la pittura secco di superfici dipinte non verniciate Quaderno Cesmar Il Prato, Padova 2010

    P. CREMONESI L’uso degli enzimi nella pulitura di opere policrome Il Prato, Padova 2002

    P. CREMONESI, E. SIGNORINI Un approccio alla pulitura dei dipinti mobili Il Prato Padova 2012

    Testi Consigliati:

     PIERO BAGLIONI, DAVID CHELAZZI E RODORICO GIORGI,  Nanotechnologies in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: A Compendium of Materials and Techniques, Springer,2014

    PIERO BAGLIONI E DAVID CHELAZZI Nanoscience for the Conservation of Works of Art, Royal Society of Chemistry,2013

    P. CREMONESI, E. SIGNORINI Un approccio alla pulitura dei dipinti mobili Il Prato Padova 2012

    ANNA BRUNETTO L'utilizzo della strumentazione laser per la pulitura delle superfici nei manufatti artistici I Talenti Il Prato Padova 2004

    AA. VV. Dall’olio all’acrilico, dall’Impressionismo all’arte contemporanea. A cura di V.E Selva Bonino. Atti del 7° Congresso Internazionale COLORE E CONSERVAZIONE, Politecnico di Milano, 13-14 Novembre 2015 Il Prato, Padova 2016

    ANTHONY LAGALANTE, RICHARD WOLBERS “The Cleaning of Acrylic Paintings: New Particle-based water-in-oil Emulsifiers” e Chris STAVROUDIS;"Silicone-Based Solvents in Conservation. As free solvents and components of gel systems and microemulsions" Atti del VII Congresso internazionale colore e conservazione “dall’olio all’acrilico, dall’impressionismo all’arte contemporanea Milano, 13-14 Novembre 2015

    Sezione 3.3 Tele- Legno


    • CIATTI, M., Sul “restauro” dei beni culturali. Viatico per gli studenti, Edifir, Firenze 2022, pp. 26-30
    • DE LUCA, D., I manufatti dipinti su supporto tessile. Vademecum per gli allievi restauratori, Il Prato, Padova 2020
    • TONINI F., (2020) Retouching and surroundings: Tips and tricks for conservation students, in GE-Conservación, 18, 2020 pp. 216-220, https://doi.org/10.37558/gec.v18i1.824.
    • BESTETTI, R., La verniciatura dei manufatti policromi: dalle vernici tradizionali alle resine a basso peso molecolare, Il Prato, Padova 2020
    • IACCARINO, A., SEVERINI, L., Inpainting, ad vocem in The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 2018
    • MUÑ0Z VIÑAS, S., Teoria contemporanea del restauro, Castelvecchi, Roma 2017 (ed. italiana)
    • DE LUCA, D., BORGIOLI, L., SABATINI, L., VITI, V., Manufatti dipinti su supporto tessile. Reintegrazione delle lacune. Proposta di materiali alternativi, in Kermes n. 88, Nardini, Firenze 2012, pp. 42-54
    • AA.VV., Le fasi finali nel restauro delle opere policrome mobili, Atti del Convegno Cesmar7, Trento 19-20 novembre 2010, Il Prato, Padova 2010
    • AA.VV., Mixing and matching. Approaches to retouching paintings, Archetype, London 2010
    • CIATTI, M., Appunti per un manuale di storia e di teoria del restauro. Dispense per gli studenti, Edifir, Firenze 2009, pp. 315-408
    • FUSTER-LOPEZ, L., AUGUSTI', C., GUEROLA BLAY, V., El estuco en la restauración de pintura sobre lienzo: criterios, materiales y procesos, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2008
    • GAETANI, C., La reintegrazione delle lacune attraverso la tecnica del tratteggio: considerazioni sul metodo, in ANDALORO, M. (a cura di), La teoria del restauro nel Novecento da Riegl a Brandi, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi 12-15 novembre 2003, Nardini Editore, Firenze 2006, pp. 277-284
    • CIATTI, M., Appunti sulla storia del restauro pittorico in Italia, in Lacuna, Atti dei Convegni 2002-2003, Edifir, Firenze 2004, pp. 15-31
    • RINALDI, S., Il punteggiato di Pietro Palmaroli. Genesi tecnica e teoria cromatica, in Studi di Storia dell'Arte n. 15, 2004, pp. 255-274
    • AA.VV., Lacuna, Atti dei Convegni 2002-2003, Edifir, Firenze 2004
    • MORA, P., MORA, L., PHILIPPOT, P., Il restauro delle pitture murali, Compositori, Bologna 2021
    • ALTHOFER, H., La questione del ritocco nel restauro pittorico, Il Prato, Padova 2002 (cenni)
    • LEONARD, M., WHITTEN, J., GAMBLIN, R., DE LA RIE, E.R., Development of a new material for retouching, in Tradition and innovation: advances in conservation: contributions to the Melbourne Congress, 10-14 October 2000, pp.111-113
    • MASSCHELEIN-KLEINER, L., Ancient binding media, varnishes and adhesives, ICCROM, Roma 1995
    • BALDINI, U., Teoria del restauro e unità di metodologia, Nardini, Firenze 1988 (cenni)
    • CASAZZA, O., Restauro pittorico nell'unità di metodologia, Nardini, Firenze 1981 (cenni)
    • BRANDI, C., Teoria del restauro, Einaudi, Torino 1977 (cenni)
    • RECHGroup - Retouching for Cultural Heritage Postprints 1-6, www.rechgroup.pt

    Sezione 3.4 Tele- Legno


    • H. Althofer , La questione del ritocco nel restauro pittorico, Padova, 2002;
    • Giuseppe Basile, Che cosa è il restauro- Come quando e perchè conservare le opere d'arte, Editori Riuniti, Roma, 1989 pp.85-103
    • Marco Ciatti, Appunti sulla Storia del restauro pittorico in Italia, in LACUNA. Atti dei convegni 2002/2003 al Salone del Restauro di Ferrara, Edifir, Firenze 2004 pp.15-31;
    • G. Canocchi, M.C. Gigli, M.D.Mazzoni, Peter Stiberc, La lacuna della scultura lignea. Problematiche di intervento, in LACUNA. Atti dei convegni 2002/2003 al Salone del Restauro di Ferrara, Edifir, Firenze 2004 pp.131-135
    • M. Matteini; A. Moles; La chimica nel restauro, Nardini Editori; pp.3-57; 178-192
    • Simona Rinaldi, Restauro dei dipinti a Roma tra Settecento e Ottocento, Restauri pittorici e allestimenti museali a Roma tra Settecento e Ottocento, Edifir Editore 2007, pp.2-27
    • C.Pelosi, G.Capobianco , G.Agresti, G.Bonifazi, F. Morresi, S. Rossi, U. Santamaria, S. Serranti Methodological approach to study the stability of selected watercolours for painting reintegration, through reflectance spectrophotometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging, in Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 198 (2018) 92–106
    • G.Perusini, Il dibattito sulla reintegrazione della scultura lignea policroma dal 1950 ad oggi ed i restauri italiani, in Die kunst der restaurierung: entwicklungen und tendenzen der restaurierungsästhetik in Europa. Internationale Fachtagung München, Germany 2005, pp. 67-72.
    • V.Forni, Il problema critico delle integrazioni plastiche nella scultura lignea policroma, in “OPD Restauro” n°10, Centro Di ed. Firenze 1998 (pp. 95-111);
    • Massa, V. Scicolone, G. Le vernici per il restauro, Nardini Editore Firenze, 1991;



    1. Peter Kitin, Steven L. Voelker, Frederick C. Meinzer, Hans Beeckman, Steven H. Strauss, and Barbara Lachenbruch.
    Tyloses and Phenolic Deposits in Xylem Vessels Impede Water Transport in Low-Lignin Transgenic Poplars: A Study by Cryo-Fluorescence Microscopy.
    Plant Physiol. Vol. 154, 2010
    2.Robert A. Blanchette. A review of microbial deterioration found in archaeological wood from different environments.
    International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 46 189-204, 2000.

    3.Rosemary G. White and Deborah A. Barton. The cytoskeleton in plasmodesmata: a role in intercellular transport? Journal of Experimental Botany, 62, 15, 5249-5266, 2011.

    4.Carl J. Houtman, Peter Kitin, Jon C. D. Houtman, Kenneth E. Hammel, Christopher
    G. Hunt. Acridine Orange Indicates Early Oxidation of Wood Cell Walls by Fungi. PLOS ONE 25, 2016.
    5.Yoon Soo Kim & Adya P. Singh. Micromorphological characteristics of Wood biodegradation in wet environments: a review. IAWA Journal, Vol. 21 (2), 2000: 135-155.
    6.J Bond, L Donaldson, S Hill, K Hitchcock. Safranine fluorescent staining of wood cell walls. Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2008, 83(3-4): 161-171.
    7.N. Macchioni, B.Pizzo, C. Capretti, G. Giachi. How an integrated diagnostic approach can help in a correct evaluation of the state of preservation of waterlogged archaeological wooden artefacts. Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2012) 1e9.

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