Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 10
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Michele Mattioli
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Geology and Land-Use Planning (L-34 / L-21)
Curriculum: COMUNE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at acquiring the skills to recognize, classify and describe the most important minerals on the basis of their morphological, structural, crystal-chemical and physical properties. The course also aims at mastering the fundamental concepts to describe and classify the most common magmatic and metamorphic rocks on a macroscopic scale.


Introductory elements. General characters and internal structure of the Earth: direct and indirect observations. Perforations, xenoliths, meteorites, tectonics, seismic. P waves and S waves. Propagation of seismic waves in depth. Physical, chemical, and mineralogical changes. Oceanic crust. Continental crust. Lithosphere and asthenosphere. Mantle. Core. Basics of plate tectonics. Composition of the Earth. Distribution of chemical elements. Geothermal gradient. Heat sources and thermal flow. Variations in pressure and density with depth.

Crystallography. States of aggregation of matter. Solid state. Crystalline state and amorphous state. Homogeneous substance. Minerals and crystals. Mineralogy and its disciplines. Definition of mineral. Isotropy and anisotropy. Crystalline morphology: shape and habit. Base unit and growing conditions. I law of Mineralogy. The symmetry. Recognition of symmetry in minerals. Morphological elements in crystals. Relations between morphology and structure. The symmetry operators. Homogeneous one-dimensional periodical. Two-dimensional periodic homogenous. The periods of translation and the angle γ. Simple and multiple elementary geometrical forms. The 5 fundamental forms. Symmetry recognition exercises. Homogeneous three-dimensional periodical. Elementary lattice and crystallographic constants. The 14 translation grids. The 7 crystalline systems. Relations between symmetry and crystalline systems. Categories of symmetry groupings. Positioning of the faces. Parametric relationships. II Law of mineralogy. Miller indices. Real and possible faces in crystals. Simple forms and compound forms. The representation of crystals and their symmetry. Stereographic projection. Forms of minimal symmetry (pedione, pinacoid, doma, sphenoid). Higher symmetry forms (prisms, pyramids, trapezoedra, rhombohedrons). Isodiametric shapes.

Crystal chemistry. Review of chemistry. The periodic table. Chemical bonds. Coexistence of bonds. Crystalline structure of minerals. Coordination and ionic radius. Coordination polyhedra. Stability of the crystalline building. Pauling rules. Examples of crystalline structures. Isomorphism. Solid solutions and vicariance between ions. Isomorphogenic groups. Complete and partial solubility. Isomorphism of I, II and III species. Examples of isomorphic mixtures. Crystallization isobar diagrams of isomorphic mixtures. Polymorphism. Control factors of polymorphism. P-T diagrams with polymorphic phases. Distortion polymorphism. Reconstructive polymorphism. Polymorphism with a change of bonds.

Physical properties. The physical properties of crystals. Scalar and vector properties. Continuous and discontinuous properties. Crystalline habits. Examples of crystal morphologies. Shine. Transparency. Color. Color of the powder. Hardness. Cleavage. Density and specific weight. Solubility in HCl. Fusibility. Thermal expansion. Electrical properties.

Minerogenesis. Outlines of minerogenesis. Nucleation. Growth. Crystal associations. Twinning. Inclusions. Magmatic Genesis. Magmatic phase. Pegmatitic phase. Hydrothermal phase. Sedimentary genesis. Metamorphic Genesis. Examples of allochemical reactions. Metamorphic environments.

Systematics. Descriptive mineralogy. Fundamental minerals and accessories. Systematics and classification criteria. Chemical-structural classification. Class 1: Native elements. Gold, silver, copper, sulfur, carbon. Class 2: Sulphides. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, blende, galena, cinnabar, realgar, orpiment. Class 3: Halides. Rock salt, fluorite. Class 4: Oxides. Spinel, corundum. Class 5: Carbonates. Calcite, aragonite, dolomite. Azurite, malachite. Class 6: Borates. Class 7: Sulphates. Anhydride, barite, gypsum. Class 8: Phosphates. Apatite. Class 9: Silicates. The structural classification of silicates. Description and recognition of the main silicates. The base unit and the bridge oxygen. Polymerization. types of silicates. Nesosilicates. Olivine, garnets, aluminum silicates. Soro- and cyclosilicates. Tourmaline, beryl, epidote, cordierite. Inosilicates. Pyroxenes. Amphiboles. Phyllosilicates. Serpentine group. Group of clay minerals. Group of micas. Tectosilicates. Silica. Feldspars. Feldspathoids. Zeolites.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

The student have to demonstrate:

Knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course, the student must have assimilated the fundamental knowledge of the morphological, structural, crystal-chemical and physical properties of minerals, and the macroscopic characteristics of magmatic and metamorphic rocks.

Apply knowledge and understanding. The student will have to demonstrate to have the mastery of the fundamental concepts to recognize, classify and describe the most important minerals of the Earth at a macro- and microscopic scale, and the most common magmatic and metamorphic rocks at a macroscopic scale. The student will also have to demonstrate the ability to trace the mineral- and petrogenetic environments and to reconstruct the processes of formation of minerals and rocks.

Making judgment. The student will have to demonstrate mastery of the fundamental concepts to independently and critically evaluate the relationships between minerals and rocks, also identifying potential and/or risks associated with their use and processing.

Communication skills. The student should be able to describe mineral and rock samples using specific technical language correctly.

Learning ability. The student must be able to construct his/her scientific growth path in the mineralogical and lithological field in a critical and autonomous way, using the acquired knowledge. These skills, as far as possible, will be stimulated by the teacher by proposing in-depth studies.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Exercises are held in the classroom and in the laboratory with the teacher of the course.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The course will take place through continuous interaction between lectures, classroom exercises, and under the microscope.

The course includes:
- frontal lessons;
- group work and exercises both in class and under the microscope;
- participatory lessons in which selected topics will be discussed.

Innovative teaching methods

The face-to-face teaching method will be integrated with numerous exercises and in-depth studies, individual and group, which students will carry out in the classroom or using the University Moodle platform. Some topics of the course can be treated by following the practice of the "flipped lesson". Instant Poll at the end of the lessons.


No obligations.

Course books


  • Cornelis Klein, Anthony R. Philpotts (2018) Mineralogia e petrografia, ZANICHELLI
  • Cornelis Klein (2004), Mineralogia, ZANICHELLI
  • Lucio Morbidelli (2005), Le rocce e i loro costituenti, BARDI Ed.


  • F. Mazzi, G.P. Bernardini (1983), Fondamenti di cristallografia e ottica cristallografica, USES, Firenze (Carobbi 1).
  • C. Cipriani, C. Garavelli (1983), Cristallografia chimica e mineralogia speciale, USES, Firenze (Carobbi 2).
  • D’Argenio B., Innocenti F., Sassi F.P. (1994), Introduzione allo studio delle rocce, UTET.

(further reading)

  • A. Putnis (1992), Introduction to mineral sciences, Cambridge University Press;
  • Winter J.D. (2001), An introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Prentice Hall.
  • Frost & Frost (2014) Essentials of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Cambridge, ISBN: 9781108710589.

The expected learning outcomes will be assessed with an oral exam, which is accessed after verifying the following skills:

(1) recognition of symmetry, attribution to system, class, group and identification of the shape of some crystalline morphologies;

(2) description of the optical characters and recognition of minerals under the polarizing microscope;

The oral exam includes questions on all the topics in the program.

The criteria underlying the evaluation are:

  • Level of mastery of knowledge (verification of acquired knowledge)
  • Articulation of the response
  • Ability in thematic connection and synthesis skills

Voting classes:

  • less than 18: skill level not enough
  • 18-20: skill level enough
  • 21-23: skill level satisfactory
  • 24-26: skill level good
  • 27-29: skill level very good
  • 30-30 with honors: skill level excellent


Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Non-attending students are encouraged to consult the Moodle-loaded teaching material (slide discussed at lesson) through which you will be able to deepen the study of the volumes indicated in the "Course books" section.


No obligations.

Course books
  • (Suggested)

  • Cornelis Klein, Anthony R. Philpotts (2018) Mineralogia e petrografia, ZANICHELLI
  • Cornelis Klein (2004), Mineralogia, ZANICHELLI
  • Lucio Morbidelli (2005), Le rocce e i loro costituenti, BARDI Ed.
  • (Additional)

  • F. Mazzi, G.P. Bernardini (1983), Fondamenti di cristallografia e ottica cristallografica, USES, Firenze (Carobbi 1).
  • C. Cipriani, C. Garavelli (1983), Cristallografia chimica e mineralogia speciale, USES, Firenze (Carobbi 2).
  • D’Argenio B., Innocenti F., Sassi F.P. (1994), Introduzione allo studio delle rocce, UTET.
  • (further reading)

  • A. Putnis (1992), Introduction to mineral sciences, Cambridge University Press;
  • Winter J.D. (2001), An introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Prentice Hall.
  • Frost & Frost (2014) Essentials of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Cambridge, ISBN: 9781108710589.

The expected learning outcomes will be assessed with an oral exam, which is accessed after verifying the following skills:

(1) recognition of symmetry, attribution to system, class, group and identification of the shape of some crystalline morphologies;

(2) description of the optical characters and recognition of minerals under the polarizing microscope;

The oral exam includes questions on all the topics in the program.

The criteria underlying the evaluation are:

  • Level of mastery of knowledge (verification of acquired knowledge)
  • Articulation of the response
  • Ability in thematic connection and synthesis skills

Voting classes:

  • less than 18: skill level not enough
  • 18-20: skill level enough
  • 21-23: skill level satisfactory
  • 24-26: skill level good
  • 27-29: skill level very good
  • 30-30 with honors: skill level excellent
Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

« back Last update: 09/11/2022

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