Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 8
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Marco Zaoli At the end of the lectures
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Geology and Land-Use Planning (L-34 / L-21)
Curriculum: COMUNE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course develops an experience of urban planning and design.

Together with the design exercise and with the contribution of the complementary modules, the Laboratory analyses the territorial and urban contexts and their transformations; investigates the tools for urban and territorial planning; evaluates the potentials of implementing a complex process of urban transformation and/or reuse.

Moreover, project experiences of design and planning and examples of good practices in landscape and urban conservation, re-qualification and transformation in Italy and other countries will be illustrated.

The exercise is carried out throughout three phases:

1)     Identification of the potential aspects and opportunities for landscape and urban transformation and reuse and construction of a strategic framework: analysis of the planning framework, projects, programs and existing urban plans aimed at the evaluation of their impact on the future configuration of the area and on the system of urban relationships. This phase foresees the "reading" of the different contexts involved through field visits and surveys and a first definition of goals and objectives (represented with diagrams, sketches, notes, etc.)

2)     Elaboration of a "master plan" with the identification of the areas and specific places of possible functional and morphological transformation or reuse; first definition of site land use, accessibility pattern and types of intervention. The master plan is developed through draft representations previously discussed and agreed upon with the Professor.

3)     Final definition of the overall planning scheme and detailed layout design, focusing on one of the areas of transformation or reuse identified by the "master plan", to be represented through plans, sections at the appropriate scales, sketches, etc. During this phase, the final drawings required for the exam are produced


During the course an experience of territorial and urban planning is conducted. During the course the territorial and urban context and its consolidated transformations are analyzed, the contents of the urban and territorial planning tools are illustrated, the implementation conditions of a process of territorial transformation and / or complex urban recovery are assessed. In addition, design and planning experiences and examples of good practices of conservation, redevelopment, regeneration and territorial and urban transformation in Italy and abroad are illustrated. The design exercise is divided into three phases: 1. Identification of the potential and opportunities for transformation and construction of a general framework of strategic objectives: analysis of existing projects, programs and urban plans aimed at evaluating their impact on the future configuration of the area and on the system of urban relations. This phase includes the "reading" of the various contexts involved through inspections and surveys in the field, and an initial definition of the strategic objectives, represented through "provisional" documents chosen by the students (diagrams, sketches and diagrams, annotations, etc.). 2. Elaboration of a "strategic / ideogrammatic" scheme with the identification of the themes and places of possible transformation and an initial definition of the future possibilities of territorial and urban planning (constraints, transformations, possible uses, accessibility, morpho- types of intervention). The “strategic / ideogrammatic” scheme and the urban planning choices are represented through “draft” documents agreed with the teacher. 3. In-depth study and design verification with the final definition of the "Urban plan" (urban layout scheme and any specific project insights), through the typical drawings of a General Urban Plan. In this phase, the final documents required for the exam are produced. At the end of each of the three phases, a display of the work in progress is provided for, for a common verification of the progress.

Bridging Courses

There are no prerequisites. However, students are advised to follow the teaching after having attended and / or passed the exams of Geographic Information System, Geology applied to Territorial Planning, Physical Geography, Geomorphology and soil defense, Rural constructions and agroforestry territory, Environmental law and of the territory.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding.

The student must demonstrate knowledge of the topics related to the teaching carried out, also in the context of his relations with the other disciplines of geological sciences and territorial planning.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.

The student must be able to use the acquired knowledge correctly by demonstrating the ability to acquire and process cognitive data of the territory and urban environment and their design.

Autonomy of judgment.

The student must show the possession of the ability to reason following the logic of teaching. In particular, he / she must be able to carry out a context analysis, plan a territorial area, create analysis and project maps at various scales of representation.

Communication skills.

The student must show that he is able to describe the acquired knowledge clearly, with scientific rigor and properties of language.

Learning ability.

The student will have to show the ability to develop an individual growth path by integrating the teaching material provided with in-depth material also defined on the basis of requests from the teacher.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures in person and/or online, expeditious inspections on the territory, classroom exercises in person and/or online, activities of elaboration and revision with the teacher, checks on the various phases of work, creation of cartographic analysis and project drawings and illustrative report. The formation of working groups made up of several students is foreseen.

Innovative teaching methods

Attendance at least 2/3 of the lessons, laboratory activities and exercises. Creation of analysis and project cartographic drawings and illustrative report.

Course books
  • Claudia Mattogno (a cura di): Ventuno parole per l’urbanistica, Carocci editore, 2008
  • Kevin Lynch: The image of the city, 1960
  • Gilles Clement: Manifesto del terzo paesaggio, Quodlibet, 2005
  • Slides of the lectures of the teacher
  • Educational materials and bibliographical information on the topics addressed will be provided at the beginning of the course during the course of the lessons.

The exam will consist in a verification of learning of what is illustrated in the lectures and of the couse books, and in the discussion of the projects developed by the students. The evaluation of the documents will take into account not only their completeness, but also and above all the consistency of the contents, from the interpretative analyzes of the study area, to the definition of strategic objectives up to the articulation of the design choices and their representation. The continuity of the learning process and in particular the assiduity and active participation in the activities will be an important element for the final evaluation.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Lectures in person and/or online, expeditious inspections on the territory, classroom exercises in person and/or online, activities of elaboration and revision with the teacher, checks on the various phases of work, creation of cartographic analysis and project drawings and illustrative report. The formation of working groups made up of several students is foreseen.


Attendance at least 2/3 of the lessons, laboratory activities and exercises. Creation of analysis and project cartographic drawings and illustrative report.

Course books
  • Claudia Mattogno (a cura di): Ventuno parole per l’urbanistica, Carocci editore, 2008
  • Kevin Lynch: The image of the city, 1960
  • Gilles Clement: Manifesto del terzo paesaggio, Quodlibet, 2005
  • Slides of the lectures of the teacher
  • Educational materials and bibliographical information on the topics addressed will be provided at the beginning of the course during the course of the lessons.

The exam will consist in a verification of learning of what is illustrated in the lectures and in the discussion of the projects developed by the students. The evaluation of the documents will take into account not only their completeness, but also and above all the consistency of the contents, from the interpretative analyzes of the study area, to the definition of strategic objectives up to the articulation of the design choices and their representation. The continuity of the learning process and in particular the assiduity and active participation in the activities will be an important element for the final evaluation.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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