Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Language Assistant Email Office hours for students
Patricia Vannetti to be defined

Assigned to the Degree Course

Modern Languages and Cultures (L-11)
Curriculum: AZIENDALE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course will provide students with an education that, in addition to expanding their language skills to reach level C1 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), will foster the appropriation and management of economic notions as well as knowledge of the professional and business world with the aim in the future of operating effectively in international contexts.

The professional and corporate world will include the tourism industry, the dynamics of which will be studied, such as the link between tourism and the territory, the organisational and legal framework, marketing and the design of the tourism offer from an international perspective.


For the economic business and tourism sector language

Discovering the context of a company:

- the choice of a company for production;
- from the creation to the distribution of value;
- changes in the employment relationship, etc.
- how is a business sector characterised?
- how does a company interact with its environment?
- how are relations between economic agents formalised (various contracts, etc.)?
- how is an enterprise structured?
- how can a company adapt to its environment?
- Changes in the working relationship: digital revolution, digital communication etc.


- Birth of tourism and development in globalisation; the various factors
- The various organisations: WTO, UNESCO etc.
- The various forms of tourism: seaside, mountain, rural, urban, leisure, heritage, natural and sports, spa and health etc.
- The French territorial collectivities: la France administrative, métropolitaine et d'outre-mer
- The various types of heritage
- French tourism 
- Study of a territory: Normandy

To reach level C1 
1. reading comprehension activity
This activity is designed to assess the students' comprehension of long and complex texts, on current journalistic topics or relating to the economy, the business world and tourism. The texts are accompanied by a questionnaire.
- title analysis
- first quick reading to identify the topic
- reading the questions: closed questions, open questions etc.
- return to the text to identify its structure: subtitles, paragraphs, paragraph layout, images etc.
- first answers to the questions
- rereading of the text and checking the answers

2. listening comprehension activity
This activity aims to assess comprehension of audio documents of varying length, mainly radio broadcasts (interview, lecture, interview etc.). Each document is accompanied by questions.
Methodology: this exercise involves learning how to write notes: abbreviations, acronyms, finding key words, as well as finding clues provided by surrounding noises in the recording etc.
- reading the questions
- first listening
- first answers to questions
- second listening
- completion of answers
The listening test, part of the Year 3 examination, will also include the writing of a summary of the content of the sound document; this is also to assess synthesis skills (going to the essentials by eliminating details, the superfluous) since the questionnaire assesses analysis with precise and detailed questions. The sound document will have a maximum length of 5 minutes and there will be two listenings to answer the questions.

3. written production activity
The written production activity in Year 3 will be aimed at learning the exercise known as "synthèse de documents". It is a comprehension and production exercise at the same time. It consists of drawing from a dossier of 3 texts in French a question (the so-called "problématique") and identifying the essential, secondary ideas and examples in each text and then condensing the most important information (reformulating it) into a new text, following a coherent scheme (plan). Personal additions, comments, quotations from the texts are strictly forbidden (only the repetition of mots-clés keywords is allowed).                                                Objectivity and conciseness (no more than a given number of words) are the fundamental criteria of the exercise. 
- identify essential ideas in the texts (pillars of the paragraphs)
- identify secondary ideas (ideas that illustrate, explain or justify the essential ideas) in the texts
- identifying examples
- learning to reformulate essential and secondary ideas using different techniques: synonyms, hypernyms, simplifications, etc.
- learning to present the content of various texts in a logical and coherent manner following a thread and using connectors
- learning to remain objective (use of impersonal forms, passive form etc.) and concise
- knowing how to construct paragraphs
In addition to the synthèse de documents, exercises will also be carried out on how to write an argumentative text, with the definition of a "problématique" and the search for relevant arguments (essential ideas, secondary ideas and examples) with the aim of convincing readers. It will then be studied how to arrange the text with the various paragraphs and special attention will also be paid to punctuation and connectives. The different 'plans' (dialectical, analytical, comparative, thematic) will be studied. The argumentative text, however, will not be subject to a final examination. 

 4. Oral production activities
With regard to oral production, students must be able, at the end of the course, to elaborate a personal reflection based on the study and analysis of a dossier composed of one or two texts. Students must prove that they are comfortable in exposition, expound in a fluid and coherent manner (knowledge of the various "connecteurs"), possess effective arguments to convince their audience and master the different types of schemes (plans analytiques, dialectique, comparatifs etc.).
- understand long texts with different points of view
- identify the general topic 
- formulating the starting question (problématique) 
- distancing oneself from the texts in order to develop a personal opinion 
- know how to refer to texts to justify, illustrate, challenge ideas
- demonstrate critical spirit
- learn to be convincing
- learning to involve the interlocutor, capture his/her attention etc.
- learn to respond to objections etc.
- eventually learning to broaden the debate with a view to possible consequences and future developments of the topic at hand.

Thematic dossiers for the various activities:    

1. the world of work:
- teleworking, shared offices, flexibility etc.
- the right to disconnect
- professional reconversion
- generational conflicts
- reduction of working time and the 4-day semester
- robotisation

- ecotourism and sustainable tourism
- green tourism
- the end of mass tourism ?
- Unesco's intangible heritage
- humanitarian holidays

- linguistic diversity
- discrimination, social conflicts, etc.
- distance learning

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the language assistant in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the language assistant specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Course books

Textbook (for purchase)


Publisher: HACHETTE

ISBN Code: 9782017145936

« back Last update: 10/02/2023

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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