Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 3
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Patrizia Gaspari Tuesdey 18-19

Assigned to the Degree Course

Humanities (XXXVIII)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at acquiring the theoretical and methodological principles of Special Pedagogy interpreted as a science of integration and inclusion of people with disabilities and "Special Educational Needs". Here it becomes of particular importance to make a careful critical reflection on the epistemological question of Special Pedagogy, which is to be understood as a science of recognition and enhancement of the educational potential of people with "Special Educational Needs", overcoming the risks of reductionist and technical perspectives, increasingly hegemonic, of the languages of medicalisation and psychologisation of diversity. Of particular importance is the passage from the integrative logic to that of the process of social inclusion.


The course will cover the following topics in the order indicated:

- The epistemology of Special Pedagogy: the epistemological debate.

- Special Pedagogy as a science of integration-inclusion of diversity.

- Old and new models of classification of disability.

- The terminological and semantic problem in Special Pedagogy.

- A new interpretation of disability.

- The culture of social integration of people with disabilities.

- Special Pedagogy and the Evolution into Inclusive Pedagogy

- The transition from integration to inclusion of diversity in socio-cultural contexts.

- The Special Pedagogy as a pedagogy of inclusion of differences and diversities.

- The concept of "Special Educational Need" according to recent regulations and perspectives.

- People with "Special Educational Needs" and educational and social inclusion.

- The national and international debate on people with Special Educational Needs: open issues.

- For Special Pedagogy beyond medicalisation

- Special Pedagogy as a science of recognition and appreciation of diversity

- Special Pedagogy as a Science of Educational Care and Helpful Relationship

- Educational care, supportive relationship and existential redesign

- Narration and educational care

- Narration as a "cure" against the drifts of "specialism"...

- Narration as an inclusive language and "gesture" of care

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

1.   Knowledge and understanding.

At the end of the course the student will have acquired the:

- knowledge of the main lines of the epistemological debate within Special Pedagogy with particular reference to its constitutive elements (problems and methods) and its relationship with other educational sciences;

- ability to identify, define and compare the fundamental characteristics of the theoretical and methodological approaches of Special Pedagogy with particular reference to inclusive school and social processes.

2.   Applying knowledge and understanding.

At the end of the course the student will have to demonstrate the ability to:

- know and understand the concepts and theories of the course;

- recognize the different theoretical approaches and work conceptually with them;

- analyze the characteristics of some inclusive tools related to the school environment, such as PEI, PDP, PAI interpreted in the light of the explored constructs.

3.   Autonomy of judgement (making judgements).

At the end of the course the student will have to demonstrate the aptitude to:

- to use knowledge and concepts that allow to reason according to the plural and open logic of the discipline;

- identify intervention methodologies suitable for different contexts (ICF logic);

- know how to propose hypotheses of intervention and deal with pedagogical cases related to inclusion.

- design inclusive good care and help practices

4.   Communication skills.

At the end of the course the student must have acquired the ability to:

- use the specific vocabulary of the discipline in its meaning of reflection and operational practices in the field;

- know how to communicate with congruent tools faced during the teaching course.

- communicate with the specific disciplinary language with school operators;

5.   Learning skills.

At the end of the course the student will have acquired the ability to:

- analyze and critically evaluate, in their reflexive and epistemological aspects, the constructs of the discipline related to the school environment and beyond;

- investigate independently the problems related to the different educational contexts (school and extra-school);

- to find the necessary sources for the development of reflections and projects aimed at an inclusive perspective;

- construct hypotheses of intervention related to pupils/persons with disabilities and BES.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The course will be organized using a "plural" teaching based on lectures, but also term papers, videos, individual research, laboratory exercises, seminars, debates on specific topics, group work, etc.

In order to encourage innovative teaching, some moments of laboratory activity related to the narrative project entitled: "Encountering diversity: a sensitive knowledge", with the use of mixed qualitative and quantitative research methods, are foreseen within the course.

A specific moment of formative evaluation is foreseen on some issues addressed, without suspension of the lessons.

Innovative teaching methods

The face-to-face teaching method will be enriched with individual and group exercises and insights. Some topics of the course will be treated through the use of diversified languages for exemple: illustrative videos, film clips, documentaries. Students will be encouraged to create multimedia products according to the narrative-autobiographical method (video, podcast, etc.) with the use of other expressive languages such as music and dance. In addition, strategies such as the "Flipped classroom", the reading of articles or essays to be discussed together in a critical-constructive way with “Debate” practices will be implemented. Finally, the intervention of experts is foreseen.

Course books

 P. Gaspari, Cura educativa, relazione d'aiuto e inclusione: le categorie fondative della Pedagogia speciale nelle professionalità educative, Anicia, Roma, 2021(pp. 238).

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students

Course books

 P. Gaspari, Cura educativa, relazione d'aiuto e inclusione: le categorie fondative della Pedagogia speciale nelle professionalità educative, Anicia, Roma, 2021(pp. 238).

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