Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Language Assistant Email Office hours for students
Kristina Volkova

Assigned to the Degree Course

Modern Languages and Cultures (L-11)
Curriculum: AZIENDALE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The program corresponds to the linguistic level "Elementarnyj uroven’" (A1 according to the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages"). The course aims to achieve the A1 linguistic level, considering the four language competency skills outlined by CEFR (written comprehension, oral comprehension, written production, oral production), with a particular focus on sector-specific business vocabulary.




1.1. The Cyrillic alphabet: listening, written and oral exercises aimed at memorizing the alphabet

1.2. Cursive writing: mastery of writing in cursive


2.1. Pronouns (Demonstrative pronoun "это," interrogatives "кто" and "что"; simple sentences with demonstrative pronouns: affirmative and negative; personal pronouns, courtesy pronoun)

2.2. Nouns (Masculine, feminine, and neuter gender in singular and plural)

2.3. Possessives in singular and plural with possessive interrogatives "чей/чья/чьё/чьи"

2.4. Qualitative and demonstrative adjectives: gender (masculine, feminine, neuter) in singular and plural; demonstrative adjectives compared to demonstrative pronouns; some short adjectives in predicative phrases "рад/рада/рады," "занят/занята/заняты"...

2.5. Use of adverbs, comparison with adjectives; use of "уже" and "ещё," "тоже" and "ещё"; difference between the direct object "русский язык" and adverbial form "по­русски"; interrogatives "где," "куда," "откуда," "когда," "сколько"

2.6. Verbs: 1st conjugation, 2nd conjugation, consonant alternation phenomenon; reflexive verbs in present, past, and future; verbal aspect: perfective and imperfective verbs

2.7. Cardinal numerals

3.DECLINATION AND CASES (ability to decline nouns in singular, some forms of adjectives and personal pronouns)

3.1. Declination phenomenon: contrastive analysis with the Italian language, comparison between strong and weak declination

3.2. Prepositional case: form (singular noun endings) and use (complement of location with respective prepositions, complement of argument with respective verbs; means of transportation: preposition "на" + prepositional; months of the year: subject and complement of time (preposition "в" + prepositional; playing a musical instrument: preposition "на" + prepositional)

3.3. Accusative case: form (singular noun endings) and use (direct object and complement of motion to a place; playing: preposition "в" + accusative; days of the week as complement of time: preposition "в" + accusative)

3.4. Genitive case: form (singular noun endings) and use (complement of specification, complement of possession, lack and absence, regency of numerals, complement of motion from a place; some prepositions + genitive)

3.5. Dative case: form (singular noun endings) and use (complement of term, age, impersonal sentence with logical subject in dative + "нужно / надо" + infinitive, expression "мне нравится / мне не нравится"; expression with "можно / нельзя"; motion verbs + "к" + dative)

3.6. Instrumental case: form (singular noun endings) and use (complement of company and union, complement of means, nominal predicate in past and future, complement predicate of the subject; some prepositions + instrumental)


4.1. Verb paradigm: 1st conjugation, 2nd conjugation, and the consonant alternation phenomenon.

4.2. Reflexive verbs: Comparison between verbs "учить" and "учиться."

4.3. Verb tenses: Present, past, simple future, and compound future.

4.4. Verbal aspect: Comparison between the Russian and Italian verbal systems; introduction to the concept of verbal aspect; perfective and imperfective verbs: forming aspectual pairs; imperfective verbs: contemporaneity of two or more actions; perfective verbs: sequence of two or more actions.

4.5. Verb "to be" in the present (peculiarities of the verb "to be" in the copula function, expressions "c’è" and "ci sono," possession expression), past, and future.

4.6. Motion verbs "идти­ходить" and "ехать­ездить" in the present and past: Difference between unidirectional and multidirectional verbs; introduction to verb derivation (prefixation): prefixes "по/при/в(во)/вы" with unidirectional motion verbs.

4.7. Modal verbs "хотеть," "мочь," and the predicative form "должен/должна/должны." 4.8. Some imperative verbs: "дай­д\айте," "скажи­\скажите," "покажи\­покажите," etc.


5.1. Complex sentences with causal subordinate clauses introduced by "потому что."

5.2. Complex sentences with consecutive subordinate clauses introduced by "поэтому." 5.3. Complex sentences like "Я знаю, что...," "Я думаю, что..."

5.4. Complex sentences with conjunctions "a," "но."


6.1. Semantic fields: "family," "room," "university," "friend," "city," "free time," "house," "my day."

6.2. Food vocabulary.

6.3. Names of some nationalities, cities, countries, languages.

6.4. Names of some professions.

6.5. Telling the time: "когда?," "сколько времени?"

6.6. Formal and informal greetings, courtesy formulas.

6.7. Seasons, months.

6.8. Days of the week.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the language assistant in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the language assistant specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Innovative teaching methods

Teaching Methods:

Theoretical concepts and language exercises

The course includes:

-  Classroom lectures

-  Group work and the preparation of written assignments

-  Oral presentations

In the classroom, the following activities will be carried out to achieve the A1 linguistic level, considering the four language competency skills outlined by CEFR (written comprehension, oral comprehension, written production, oral production):

-  Listening exercises

-  Guided conversations

-  Work on basic vocabulary

-  Targeted acquisition of sector-specific language

-  Grammar exercises

-  Linguistic analysis of written texts

-  Composition work

-  Watching videos

-  Innovative Teaching

In-person teaching will be enriched with individual and group exercises and in-depth exploration using the University's Moodle platform. Some course topics will be approached through the following innovative teaching practices:

-  Case-study analysis

-  Problem-based learning

-  Flipped classroom methodology

-  Learning by doing

-  Project-Based Learning

Course books


  • T. Blum, E. Gorelova, "The road to success 1 Course Book," Facultas, Vienna, 2017.
  • T. Blum, E. Gorelova, "The road to success 1 Workbook," Facultas, Vienna, 2017.
  • N. Nikitina, E. Freda Piredda, "Grammatica d’uso della lingua russa A1," Hoepli, Milano, 2017.
  • S. Chavronina, A. Širočenskaja, "Il Russo. Esercizi," Il Punto Editoriale, Roma, 2007.
  • S. Chavronina, A. Širočenskaja, "Russkij jazyk v upražnenijach," Russkij jazyk. Kursy, Moskva, 2007.
  • The course handout published on Blended Learning.
  • Educational material published on Blended Learning.

    Reference Texts:

  • C. Cevese, J. Dobrovolskaja, "Grammatica russa," Hoepli, Milano, 2018.
  • C. Cevese, J. Dobrovolskaja, "Sintassi russa," Hoepli, Milano, 2014.
  • Dictionary:

  • V. Kovalev, "Dizionario russo-italiano e italiano-russo," Zanichelli, Bologna, 2020.
  • Written Exam:

    1.     Composition: Write a text of at least 100 words on the given topic.

    2.     Reading Comprehension: Read a written text and answer 10 multiple-choice questions to assess comprehension.

    3.     Vocabulary and Grammar Test: Answer 60 multiple-choice questions testing vocabulary and grammar.

    Oral Exam:

    1.     Listening Test: Listen to a text (in the language lab) on topics related to the business sphere, then provide written answers to 10 multiple-choice questions assessing comprehension.

    2.     Language Proficiency Assessment: The student must:

    3.     Read a text aloud, understand it, and respond to questions about the text orally.

    4.     Present a topic covered in class orally.

    5.     Engage in a conversation with the examiner, who will ask questions to assess mastery of the grammatical and lexical content listed in the course program.

    Composition Model

    Compositions will be developed during the academic year on the following topics:

    -  Рассказ о себе/ Self-Presentation

    -  Моя семья/ My Family

    -  Моя фирма/ My Company

    -  Мой университет/ My University

    -  Мой коллега/ My Colleague

    -  Моё свободное время/ My Free Time

    -  Мой офис/ My Office

    -  Мой рабочий день/ My Working Day

    For the written production, the use of a dictionary is not allowed. The composition will be evaluated using the criterion of acquired language competence, namely, the mastery of language and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge related to grammatical and lexical content from the course (Level A1). Furthermore, the following evaluation parameters will be applied:

    -  Grammatical and syntactic correctness

    -  Lexical correctness

    -  Content

    -  Spelling and handwriting


    Any changes or additions to the presented program will be communicated to students during the course.

    « back Last update: 10/09/2023

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