Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Language Assistant Email Office hours for students
Janina Di Pierro On Wednesday from 1 to 2pm, at CLA. ONLY by appointment

Assigned to the Degree Course

Modern Languages and Cultures (L-11)
Curriculum: LETTERARIO
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

To pass this level, students must demonstrate their ability to be constantly practicing
their language competence which will allow them, in each of the basic skills and with a
sufficient degree of communicative effectiveness. to cover the required level. By the
end of the course the student should be able to:
- Communicate with a certain degree of confidence in both common and more
unfamiliar topics related to personal interests and specialty.
- Understand and use appropriately, according to context, formulas for social
interaction: greeting, saying goodbye, apologizing, wishing luck, congratulating, etc.
(standard and colloquial).
- Understand short and clear public messages: announcements, directions, instructions,
answering machines, most recorded or broadcast material pronounced in standard
language, etc. (standard).
- Hold clear conversations related to immediate daily needs (in a restaurant, in bank
offices, in stores, in public services, etc. (standard)
- Use Spanish as a language of interaction in the class: understand the teacher's
explanations, express doubts or make presentations (standard)
- Hold face-to-face or telephone conversations with known or unknown interlocutors to
present a personal question and understand possible answers, ask for clarifications,
clarifications or repetitions of the explanation (if necessary) (standard and colloquial)
- Describe a variety of topics that interest you, presenting them as a linear sequence of
- Narrate facts and events with reasonable fluidity following a linear sequence of events
(standard and colloquial)
- Discriminate the basic meaning of longer oral information, exhibitions, interviews,
documentaries, etc. (standard and colloquial)
- Use strategies to enhance communicative capacity from limited resources of Spanish
proficiency (paraphrase, ask a partner for collaboration, retrieve information from the
interlocutor, etc. (standard and colloquial)
- Understand texts aimed at a general public: posters, notes, notices, information
leaflets, announcements, programs, information on institutions, administrative forms,
etc. (standard)
- Fill in official forms requesting personal data (standard)
- Answer questionnaires related to their professional activity, their studies, their
personal interests: surveys, evaluative tests, exams, forms, etc. (standard)
- Understand and write messages related to daily activities: notes, postcards, personal
letters, etc. (standard and colloquial)
- Write formal applications (instances), personal curricula and official standardized
documents (standard)
- Understand the basic information of press releases, opinion articles or newspaper
reports (standard)
- Read short literary texts written in simple language: short stories, adapted novels, etc.

- Read specialized language texts related to your professional activity, your studies or
your personal interests: magazine articles, reports, technical documents, etc. (standard)
- Handle necessary reference material for Spanish classes: dictionaries, grammars,
textbooks or exercises, etc.
- Being able to argue in writing a topic with some coherence.
- Take notes based on brief, clear and precise oral information, issued in a standard
- Copy short oral messages (standard) to dictation
- Read aloud texts written by themselves or others, with a sufficient degree of correction
so that they can be understood without difficulty by a native speaker.
- Summarize information from a written text or oral message (standard)

For more information see programme on Blended


Spanish language lessons - B1 Level

Written exam - 4 hours
1. Grammar part: different exercises based on all the topics in this program.
2. Reading with multiple choice answers, T / F, open answers.
3. Writing: the task will be one of the writing tasks that have been practised during the
Oral skills:
Two audios from which the student will have to answer T / F, multiple choice, open but
concise answers, etc.
Speaking Test (accertamento orale):
1. General questions related to B1 level.
2. Image descriptions.
3. Personal questions related to the previous images.

4. Questions relating to the texts in the dossier: "Textos breves - Nivel B1"

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the language assistant in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the language assistant specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Course books

Course books

Classroom work material (mandatory):
- Campus Sur. Curso intensivo de español. A1-B1. Libro del alumno. Editorial
-  Gramática básica del estudiante de español. Edición revisada y ampliada.
Editorial Difusión
- Material que los docentes cargarán en la plataforma BLENDED durante el año.

Recommended books for non-attending students (non frequentanti):
- Campus Sur. Curso intensivo de español. A1-B1. Cuaderno de ejercicios.
Editorial Difusión

Useful grammar books:
- En Gramática. Nivel B1. Anaya.
- M. Carrera Díaz – P. Silvestri, Entre palabras. Grammatica contrastiva della
lingua spagnola, con CD audio/ROM, Torino, Loescher, 2010.
- G. Caballero González, En Verbos. Modelos de conjugación prácticos
regulares e irregulares, Madrid, Anaya, 2006.
- Ángeles Encinar, Uso interactivo del vocabulario, nivel A – B1, Edelsa

- Diccionario CLAVE. Diccionario de uso del español actual. Editorial SM
- L. Tam, Grande dizionario di spagnolo-italiano, italiano-spagnolo (con CD-Rom),
Milano, Hoepli. 

Useful websites

- http://dle.rae.es/ (Diccionario de la Real Academia Española)
- http://www.wordreference.com/es/ (Diccionarios de español, de sinónimos,
italiano-español, etc)
- https://it.duolingo.com/ (página con cursos de idiomas, muy útil para hacer
pequeñas prácticas diarias)
- http://www.ver-taal.com/ (página con ejercicios de audio, léxico, gramática, etc).
- http://zonaele.com/gramatica-espanola/ (explicaciones de gramática)

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