A.Y. | Credits |
2024/2025 | 6 |
Lecturer | Office hours for students | |
Francesca Declich | I semestre: contact the prof. via mail to meet online - II semestre: online or in person by appointment Thursday h 11-12 - |
Teaching in foreign languages |
Course with optional materials in a foreign language
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language. |
Assigned to the Degree Course
Date | Time | Classroom / Location |
Date | Time | Classroom / Location |
Learning Objectives
The course aims to bring students to a basic knowledge of the main anthropological issues, and of the methodologies used by anthropologists in the field. The course aims, in particular, to develop an ethnographic outlook on observation. Therefore, the following specific training objectives will be promoted:
- be able to distinguish between anthropological theories from empirical evidence;
- be able to identify an emic and ethical point of view in an anthropological text;
- being able to identify with which methods an anthroplogical work has been carried out;
- be able to describe an ethnographic field through studied examples.
The course will be dedicated to an introduction to cultural anthropology, ethnology and social anthropology. The following topics will be presented: basic theoretical principles of anthropology, methodologies and characteristics of field research, approaches used by the different anthropological schools, British social anthropology, French structuralism. North American school of culture and personality, folklore, cultural relativism, ethnicity. Part of the lessons will focus on visual anthropology.
Bridging Courses
Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)
- Basic knowledge in the field of cultural anthropology and ethnology (concepts, definitions, models, theories, history of concepts);
- Basic theoretical knowledge on the most debated issues of the anthropological debate (functionalism, structuralism, culturalism, cultural materialism, Marxist approach);
- Ability to correctly read and understand manuals of cultural anthropology and ethnology and ethnographic monographs in their basic meanings;
- Basic ability to apply knowledge on an ethnographic case.
- Ability to express the concepts learned with the specific language of the discipline
Teaching Material
The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform ›
Supporting Activities
Seminars of the series: "Seminars of Ethnology and Anthropology in honor of Margaret Mead and Elizabeth Colson" or other seminars with guests from outside the University of Urbino to which students are warmly invited to participate are foreseen.
Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment
- Teaching
Lectures and specific seminars. Concept maps tutorials and films presentation. Active participation in presentations might be requested.
- Innovative teaching methods
Audiovisulas and films will be used to highlight important anthropological issues and thematics.
- Attendance
Those who attend will be able to bring only 3 books (including two manuals) if they have attended at least 75% of the lessons. The frequency is recorded through a register of signatures.
- Course books
For the exam, the study of 4 books are required. Those can be the versions in English of the following books or others chosen together with the teacher:
2 manuali:
1) Marvin Harris, 1990, Antropologia Culturale, Bologna: Zanichelli.
2) Giovanna Campani, Antropologia di genere, Rosenberg and Sellier, Torino
1) Shultz and Lavenda, 2020, Antropologia Culturale, Bologna: Zanichelli.
2) Giovanna Campani, Antropologia di genere, Rosenberg and Sellier, Torino
1) Fabio Dei, Antropologia culturale, Il Mulino (ultima Edizione) Bologna.
2) Giovanna Campani, Antropologia di genere Rosenberg and Sellier, Torino
2 texts chosen from the following texts.
To facilitate the choice, most of the texts are divided here by theme:
Marjories Shostak, 2017, Nisa. La vita e le parole di una donna !Kung, Meltemi editore
Profilo di antropologia politica ed economica:
Stefano Liberti, Land Grabbing, Minimumfax.
Filippo Lenzi Grillini, 2010 I confini delle terre indigene in Brasile , CISU, Roma
Marco Gardini, 2017, La terra contesa. Conflitti fondiari e lavoro agricolo in Togo, Mimesis, Milano
Louis Dumont, 1991, Homo Hierarchicus, Il sistema delle caste e le sue implicazioni, Adelphi
Louis Dumont, 2019, Homo Aequalis, Adelphi
Marshall Sahlins, 1980, Economia dell’età della pietra, Bompiani
Lorenzo D’Angelo, Diamanti. Pratiche e stereotipi dell’estrazione mineraria in Sierra Leone, Meltemi, Roma
Profilo conflitti internazionali:
David Van Reybrouck, Congo, Feltrinellii, Milano.
Luca Jourdan, Generazione Kalashnikov, Laterza, Bari.
Francesca Declich, Quando il silenzio è memoria, CLEUP, Padova oppure
Profilo di antropologia visuale
Francesco Faeta, Fotografi e fotografie. Uno sguardo antropologico, Franco Angeli
Cecilia Pennacini, Filmare le culture. Introduzione all'antropologia visiva, Carocci, Roma
Profilo di antropologia dello sviluppo
Francesca Declich, Il mestiere dell’antropologo, Carocci, Roma
Laetitia Atlani, Per il bene degli altri, Laterza, Bari
Profilo di antropologia religiosa
A. Simonicca – F. Dei (a cura di), Simbolo e teoria nell’antropologia religiosa, Lecce, Argo, 1998
Francesca Declich, I Bantu della Somalia, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2003
Profilo su origini e natura umana
Marshall Sahlins, Un grosso sbaglio. L’idea occidentale di natura umana, Eleuthera 2009
Ugo Fabietti, L' identità etnica, Carocci, Roma
Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza, 1996, Geni, popoli e lingue, Adelphi
Profilo di antropologia ambientale
A. Mancuso, Altre persone. Antropologia, visioni del mondo e ontologie indigene. Mimesis 2018 (tranne cap. 4).
R. Carson, Primavera silenziosa, Feltrinelli
Amitav Gosh, La grande cecità
- Assessment
The exam will consist of an oral test aimed at assessing the acquired mastery of the discipline. The following aspects will be assessed during the exam:
1) ability to understand the concepts studied through specific questions to be answered orally;
2) ability to apply theories to concrete cases or to know how to describe empirical (ethnographic) cases from the point of view of an anthropological analysis;
3) mastery of the specific language of the discipline
4) for the reading of narrative texts the ability to exercise critical thinking is required by identifying the anthropological aspects contained in the book. For attending students, the assessment will take into account active participation in class discussions. The exam is passed with a minimum score of 18/30 if the quality of the answers to the questions asked is evaluated as just sufficient.
According to the criteria set out by the Dubino descriptors, the maximum marks of 30/30 and 30/30 cum laude will be assigned to students who demonstrate: a) Advanced knowledge of the arguments and critical understanding of the theories and principles of the discipline b) Advanced ability to apply the knowledge and solve the proposed problems also in an innovative way c) Full ownership of specific language d) Ability to organize in autonomous and innovative way of working
26-29 a) Comprehensive and specialized knowledge accompanied by critical awareness b) Complete ability to apply the acquired knowledge and to develop creative solutions to abstract problems c) Good command of specialized language d) Ability to organize work independently
22-25 a) Knowledge of facts, principles, processes and general concepts of teaching b) Basic ability to apply methods, material tools and information relating to teaching c) Basic mastery of specialized language d) Basic ability to organize in a autonomous work
18-21 a) Minimum knowledge of the main teaching topics b) Minimum ability to independently apply the acquired knowledge c) Minimum command of technical language d) Minimum ability to organize work independently
For those who attend, the final evaluation will also take into account active participation in the lessons.
- Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)
Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.
To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.
Additional Information for Non-Attending Students
- Teaching
Reading and study of all texts
- Attendance
As no attendance is required, the exams will be taken on the basis of the texts indicated in this vademecum.
- Course books
For the exam, the study of 4 books and the reading of a text are required. Those can be the versions in English of the following books or others chosen together with the teacher:
2 manuali:
1) Marvin Harris, 1990, Antropologia Culturale, Bologna: Zanichelli.
2) Giovanna Campani, Antropologia di genere, Rosenberg and Sellier, Torino
1) Shultz and Lavenda, 2020, Antropologia Culturale, Bologna: Zanichelli.
2) Giovanna Campani, Antropologia di genere, Rosenberg and Sellier, Torino
1) Fabio Dei, Antropologia culturale, Il Mulino (ultima Edizione) Bologna.
2) Giovanna Campani, Antropologia di genere Rosenberg and Sellier, Torino
2 testi a scelta tra i seguenti testi.
Per facilitarne la scelta la maggior parte dei testi sono qui divisi per tematiche:
Marjories Shostak, 2017, Nisa. La vita e le parole di una donna !Kung, Meltemi editore
Profilo di antropologia politica ed economica:
Stefano Liberti, Land Grabbing, Minimumfax.
Filippo Lenzi Grillini, 2010 I confini delle terre indigene in Brasile , CISU, Roma
Marco Gardini, 2017, La terra contesa. Conflitti fondiari e lavoro agricolo in Togo, Mimesis, Milano
Louis Dumont, 1991, Homo Hierarchicus, Il sistema delle caste e le sue implicazioni, Adelphi
Louis Dumont, 2019, Homo Aequalis, Adelphi
Marshall Sahlins, 1980, Economia dell’età della pietra, Bompiani
Lorenzo D’Angelo, Diamanti. Pratiche e stereotipi dell’estrazione mineraria in Sierra Leone, Meltemi, Roma
Profilo conflitti internazionali:
David Van Reybrouck, Congo, Feltrinellii, Milano.
Luca Jourdan, Generazione Kalashnikov, Laterza, Bari.
Francesca Declich, Quando il silenzio è memoria, CLEUP, Padova oppure
Profilo di antropologia visuale
Francesco Faeta, Fotografi e fotografie. Uno sguardo antropologico, Franco Angeli
Cecilia Pennacini, Filmare le culture. Introduzione all'antropologia visiva, Carocci, Roma
Profilo di antropologia dello sviluppo
Francesca Declich, Il mestiere dell’antropologo, Carocci, Roma
Laetitia Atlani, Per il bene degli altri, Laterza, Bari
Profilo di antropologia religiosa
A. Simonicca – F. Dei (a cura di), Simbolo e teoria nell’antropologia religiosa, Lecce, Argo, 1998
Francesca Declich, I Bantu della Somalia, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2003
Profilo su origini e natura umana
Marshall Sahlins, Un grosso sbaglio. L’idea occidentale di natura umana, Eleuthera 2009
Ugo Fabietti, L' identità etnica, Carocci, Roma
Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza, 1996, Geni, popoli e lingue, Adelphi
Profilo di antropologia ambientale
A. Mancuso, Altre persone. Antropologia, visioni del mondo e ontologie indigene. Mimesis 2018 (tranne cap. 4).
R. Carson, Primavera silenziosa, Feltrinelli
Amitav Gosh, La grande cecità
- Assessment
The exam will consist of an oral test aimed at assessing the acquired mastery of the discipline. The following aspects will be assessed during the exam:
1) ability to understand the concepts studied through specific questions to be answered orally;
2) ability to apply theories to concrete cases or to know how to describe empirical (ethnographic) cases from the point of view of an anthropological analysis;
3) mastery of the specific language of the discipline
4) for the reading of narrative texts the ability to exercise critical thinking is required by identifying the anthropological aspects contained in the book. For attending students, the assessment will take into account active participation in class discussions. The exam is passed with a minimum score of 18/30 if the quality of the answers to the questions asked is evaluated as just sufficient.
According to the criteria set out by the Dubino descriptors, the maximum marks of 30/30 and 30/30 cum laude will be assigned to students who demonstrate: a) Advanced knowledge of the arguments and critical understanding of the theories and principles of the discipline b) Advanced ability to apply the knowledge and solve the proposed problems also in an innovative way c) Full ownership of specific language d) Ability to organize in autonomous and innovative way of working
26-29 a) Comprehensive and specialized knowledge accompanied by critical awareness b) Complete ability to apply the acquired knowledge and to develop creative solutions to abstract problems c) Good command of specialized language d) Ability to organize work independently
22-25 a) Knowledge of facts, principles, processes and general concepts of teaching b) Basic ability to apply methods, material tools and information relating to teaching c) Basic mastery of specialized language d) Basic ability to organize in a autonomous work
18-21 a) Minimum knowledge of the main teaching topics b) Minimum ability to independently apply the acquired knowledge c) Minimum command of technical language d) Minimum ability to organize work independently
For those who attend, the final evaluation will also take into account active participation in the lessons.
- Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)
Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.
To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.
Those students who whish to take the exams by using a text in lnguages other than Italian should talk about it to the prof. by coming to a class or by a meeting in person seeking and appointment.
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