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Rilascio delDiploma Supplement: seleziona “Diploma Supplement” nel campo “Motivazione. Non è necessario compilare il modulo di richiesta. Il diploma supplement verrà rilasciato dietro esibizione del documento di identità.
The Masters aims to provide in-depth knowledge of the communication skills required for managing human resources, conflict resolution and managing teams in professional and training contexts. The aims of the course are :
knowledge of the theoretical prerequisites and techniques of mediation
Overcome a negative concept of conflict, i.e. Moving from a vision that only considers the destructive potential to a perspective that highlights the positive values and the opportunities for transformation.
Experimentation and increase skills in order to address anger and resentment, fear and prejudice and all feelings that are characteristic of conflict.
Acquiring awareness of own ways of managing conflict to evaluate efficacy
Understanding of communication modes that allow productive exchanges between individuals.
Reflection on self-efficacy in finding new, long-lasting solutions to solve conflicts and on possible areas of improvement.
Development of listening skills in conflictual situations.
Recognising and managing own emotional involvement in conflicts.
Aiding communication through internal (operator-operator) and external (operator-user) conflict mediation
Spreading the mediation culture.
Open Day online and in person
From May to October 2024 — This is the perfect time to get to know the University of Urbino and its academic offerings up close. Don’t miss the chance to meet the professors and tutors of the degree programs.
You can
from the 07/01/2016 to the 22/01/2016
. Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.