Learning Objectives
The training course is connected to Italian legislation on the need for those intending to act as Prevention and Protection Service Managers and workers in workplaces must have suitable skills by means of attending specific training courses split into several modules (art. 32, par. 2, of the leg. decree no. 81/2008; art. 8-bis of the leg. decree no. 626/1994; State-Regions agreement dated 26 January 2006). The training paths are arranged into three modules: A, B and C. MODULE A) comprises the basic course, for working as Prevention and Protection Service Managers and Workers (RSPP and ASPP respectively). The module lasts for 28 hours The training contents: a) are compliant with the Min. Decree 16 January 1997 by the Ministry of Employment (published in the Official Gazette on 3 February 1997, no. 27), containing the minimum content of training for employers, safety representatives and workers, who can directly carry out the tasks of the prevention and protection service; b) integrate the ones in the Min. Decree 16 January 1997, referred to in letter a). MODULE B) specialisation, this is the course for the nature of risks in the workplace and regarding working activities. It can last for 12-68 hours, depending on the relevant macro-sector. Like Module A, module B is common for both RSPP and ASPP. MODULE C) specialisation, for RSPP only. This is the risk prevention and protection course, including ergonomics and psycho-social elements, the organisation and management of technical-administrative activities and communication in the company and trade union relations, as implementation of article 8-bis, par. 4, of Leg. Decree no. 626/1994. It lasts for 24 hours and is compulsory for RSPP only . In consideration of the experimental nature of the course, only Modules A and C will be held in the academic year 2015/16. Module B may be held in the future, also considering the current review process that the 26 January 2006 agreement is undergoing.