Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

A.Y. Venue
2018/2019 Urbino

Learning Objectives

The course consists of a part devoted to the teaching of Italian language (in the mornings) and a part given over to Italian culture (the afternoon and two evenings a week). During the weekends, walks around Urbino and excursions to cities of art are organised.

The aim of the M1 course is to reach Level B1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Level B1+: independent use of the foreign language

The student is able to understand the main points of a speech provided that a clear, standard language is used and it concerns familiar topics relating to work, school, leisure time, etc. He/she is able to get by in most situations that may be encountered while travelling in the regions where the language is spoken. He/she is able to express himself/herself, simply and coherently, on familiar subjects concerning his/her own spheres of interest. He/she is able to communicate an experience or an event, describe a dream, a hope or an objective and to supply reasons and brief explanations relating to an opinion or plan.

Open Day online e in presenza

Da maggio a ottobre 2024 — È il momento ideale per conoscere da vicino l’Università di Urbino e la sua offerta formativa. Non perdere l’occasione di incontrare i docenti e i tutor dei corsi di laurea.

scopri il programma

  • Language course timetable: Monday to Friday from 8.45 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.
  • Total hours: 80 lessons of 45 minutes of classroom teaching (including language laboratory activities)
  • Timetable of seminars on reading and textual analysis (optional): Monday to Friday from 12.30 to 1.15 p.m.
  • Total hours: 18 lessons of 45 minutes
  • Lectures, workshops, films: approximately 60 lessons of 60 minutes
  • Academic credits: 6 (course of four weeks)

First module

Verbs sapere andconoscere in the present perfect and imperfect. Verbs fare e lasciare + infinitive. Meglio and migliore. Past perfect. Verbs farcela and andarsene. Expressions visto che and dato che. Combined pronouns. Present and past subjunctive. Verbs that require the subjunctive. Passive form with essere and venire. Conjunctions perché, poiché, siccome. Dopo + past infinitive. Lexis relating to contexts and communicative situations of everyday life, culture and society. Development of comprehension, production and oral interaction relating to matters and complex situations of everyday life, culture and society. Written comprehension of various types of texts (news stories, narrative and informative texts). Written production about matters of daily life, culture and society ( descriptive texts and argumentations).

Book used on the course: F. Colombo, C. Faraci, P. De Luca (2012), Arrivederci! 3, Roma, Edizioni Edilingua.

Second module

Revision of present conditional. Use of se and quando. Past conditional. “Passato remoto”. Altered names. Indirect speech Quello/ ciò + relative pronoun. Imperfect subjunctive. Other verbs, expressions and conjunctions that require the subjunctive. Conditional of possibility Conditional of unreality Past perfect subjunctive. Lexis relating to contexts and communicative situations of everyday life, culture and society.

Development of comprehension, production and oral interaction relating to matters and complex situations of everyday life, culture and society. Written comprehension of various types of texts (news stories, narrative and informative texts). Written production about matters of daily life, culture and society ( descriptive texts and argumentations).

Book used on the course: F. Colombo, C. Faraci, P. De Luca (2012), Arrivederci! 3, Roma, Edizioni Edilingua.

Lessons in Italian Culture

The programme runs over four weeks, includes a full series of activities - in the afternoon (from Monday to Friday), and in the evening (twice a week) - that together provide a rich introduction to several aspects of Italian culture. University lecturers, scholars and famous authors will hold conferences, seminars, laboratories (in Italian and lasting from one to three hours) open to everyone and diversified according to the linguistic level of competence of the students.

The afternoon programme foresees the pursuit of topics in the following cultural areas:

  • Literature - 4 conferences on aspects and authors of Italian literature from its origins to the present day, 2 meetings (one in the first two weeks and one in the last two weeks) with successful authors.                 
  • Cinema - 4 lessons on the history of Italian cinema, using some of the most important films from the 1940s to the present day. The lessons will also include the viewing of some of these films.
  • Music - 3 seminars on moments and protagonists of the history of Italian music, both classical and popular, listening to songs and with live exhibitions.
  • Art - 2 lessons (one in the first two weeks and one in the last two weeks) with expert Italian artists.
  • Fashion - 1 lesson on a particular aspect of the history of Italian fashion
  • History/tradition/current topics - 2 conferences on matters of particular socio-cultural interest.

Three laboratories will also be set up:

  • Lexical laboratory - 4 workshops for elementary courses aimed at promoting socio-linguistic knowledge and skills in cultural contexts, such as gesture, cuisine and music.
  • Cuisine laboratory - 2 workshops on Italian culinary art, from the Renaissance to the present day.
  • Popular and Renaissance dance laboratory - 2 workshops for discovering and practising some traditional Italian dances.

The evening programme foresees:

  • Film sessions - To add to the afternoon lessons and viewings, one evening a week will be dedicated to the showing of other key films for the history of the Italian cinema, together with explanations from lecturers and subtitled in the original language, to make them more easily understandable.
  • Eno-gastronomic event - One evening at the beginning of the third week, a trip immersed in the local culture of wine and food will be offered, with a presentation and tasting sessions run by an expert.

Guided visits

  • guided visit to the Ducal Palace of Urbino.The visit lasts around two hours and entrance is free. 
  • excursions to some historic towns in the Marche or neighbouring regions (Gubbio, Assisi, San Marino, San Leo, Ravenna, Perugia, Gradara and the Frasassi caves). Excursions take place on Saturdays. The excursions require a minimum number of enrolments and are not included in the price of the course; relative fees may be paid directly on the premises. The detailed programme will be available a few days before each excursion.
  • on the first Sunday a walk is organized through Urbino’s old town centre, with visits to some of the artistic monuments in the town.


On the first evening of the course, the Urbino E.R.D.I.S. – the organisation that manages the student accommodation services – offers refreshments to welcome all the course participants. At the end of the course a buffet will be organized to say farewell to all the students who are leaving.

The course management reserves the right to modify the programmes on the basis of number of students enrolled.

Those who want to obtain an official certificate of achievement with an indication of their grade and credits (4 or 6 credits) must attend the language and culture courses regularly (absences may not exceed 20% of the total hours of language teaching and no more than 30% of the lessons in Italian Culture) and must pass the final examination which will take place on Friday 16th August 2019. It will also be necessary to pay the sum of €20 directly in cash at the secretary’s office: revenue stamp (€16) and shipping costs will be at the expense of the students.

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

For participants who are enrolled for the first two weeks of the course (2 or 3 credits) the final examination will take place on Friday 2nd August 2019 at 3.00 p.m.

The dates of the final examinations cannot be brought forward.

In 2010 the Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo (CLA) of Carlo Bo University of Urbino became a centre for the “CILS-Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera” examinations. The CILS certificate (levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2) can be used, in particular from level B2 upwards, for the world of work, for teaching Italian and for enrolment at Italian universities. Foreign students who intend to enrol at an Italian university are exempt from the official Italian language test if they hold a CILS Level B2 certificate.

For information about CILS examinations at the University of Urbino CLA: www.uniurb.it/cla

How to apply for The Italian Language and Culture Course - Intermediate Course: Level 1 (M1)

Course with free access
07/01/2019 - 12/07/2019
Useful information

Enrolment should be carried out on-line, sending a passport-sized photograph and a copy of the payment receipt to the email address summercourse@uniurb.it or to the ordinary postal address of the Course secretary’s office.

Requests for an enrolment form to be sent in pdf format or hard copy can be made to the Course secretary’s office.

After completion of the enrolment procedure, participants will be sent instructions about the placement test to be completed before the start of the course.

  • Opening of course enrolments and booking of rooms in University Halls of Residence: on 7th January 2019

  • Last date for course enrolments and booking of rooms in University Halls of Residence: 12th July 2019

  • Maximum number of students per class: 20

  • A diploma is not required for course enrolment

  • Minimum age: 18

  • Participants must be able to read the Latin alphabet

  • Study grants are not provided

On-line procedure
On-line application
Tuition fees

The four-week course fee is € 820, which comprises a non-refundable deposit of € 200 and the course fee of € 620.The fee does not include food and accommodation expenses, excursions or the prescribed books and lecture notes.

The two-week course fee is € 470, which comprises a non-refundable deposit of € 200 and the course fee of € 270. The fee does not include food and accommodation expenses, excursions or the prescribed books and lecture notes.

Special terms are foreseen for groups that enrol on the 4-weeks course (max 30 participants). A reduction of around 10% is applied on the basis of the number of participants: one free enrolment for a minimum 10 and maximum 15 people, two free enrolments for groups of between 16 and 24 participants, and three free enrolments for groups of between 25 and 30 people.

It is absolutely compulsory to bring one’s own insurance certificate, valid for the whole duration of the course in Urbino, which guarantees medical assistance or hospitalisation in the case of illness.

Payment from a country of the European Union

At the time of enrolment, the whole fee of €820 for the four-week course, or €470 for the two-week course, must be paid by bank transfer to UBI BANCA ADRIATICA - Urbino, I-61029 Urbino (PU), giving the following banking coordinates: IBAN IT09E0311168701000000013975, SWIFT CODE: BLOPIT22 and the payee: Lingua Ideale srl

All Italian bank charges and foreign bank charges will be at the expense of the students.

Payment from countries outside the European Union

At the time of enrolment, the whole fee of €820 (+ Italian bank charges and foreign bank charges)  for the  four-week course, or € 470 (+ Italian bank charges and foreign bank charges) for the two-week course, must be paid by bank transfer to UBI BANCA ADRIATICA - Urbino, I-61029 Urbino (PU), giving the following banking coordinates: IBAN IT09E0311168701000000013975, SWIFT CODE: BLOPIT22 and the payee: Lingua Ideale srl

All Italian bank charges and foreign bank charges will be at the expense of the students.

Payment from Italy

At the time of enrolment, the whole fee of €820 for the four-week course, or €470 for the two-week course, must be paid by bank transfer to UBI BANCA ADRIATICA - Urbino, I-61029 Urbino (PU), giving the following banking coordinates: IBAN IT09E0311168701000000013975, SWIFT CODE: BLOPIT22 and the payee: Lingua Ideale srl

All Italian bank charges and foreign bank charges will be at the expense of the students.

Course participants who opt for a room in the Halls of Residence must make payment in one single instalment, to include the accommodation fee (280 euros for 4 weeks, 145 Euros for two weeks), as well as the enrolment fee

Any bank charges over and above the figure shown will be notified by the Course Secretary's office and must be paid directly in cash at the secretary’s office by the first Wednesday of the Course.

In the case of withdrawal from the Course, for valid reasons documented with certificate and notified by 15th July 2019, the following amounts will be refunded:

  • € 620 for the four-week course and € 280 if a room in the University Halls of Residence has been paid for

  • € 270 for the two-week course and € 145 if a room in the University Halls of Residence has been paid for

After the start of the Course no requests for refund will be accepted.

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Silvia Damia Paciarini - Lingua Ideale
 Via Saffi, 42 - 61029 Urbino PU
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 2.30pm to 5.00pm
 Tel. +39 0722 305554   summercourse@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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