Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide an adequate historical, anthropological, sociological, political, legal, economic preparation allowing attending students to understand the peculiarities of the present as a result of complex historical phenomena, providing at the same time knowledge and skills useful to elaborate policies to overcome current imbalances and promote individual and collective well-being thanks to a new way of considering care activities (democracy of care). In this sense, and more specifically, the course aims to provide attending students with relevant knowledge and skills about - gender relations - the division of care work and domestic and extra-domestic work between men and women, - the evolution over time of the domestic sphere as a workplace and the economic value of the work performed within it: unpaid care and domestic work done by members of the family, primarily by women; paid domestic work and care (domestic workers, housekeepers, carers, babysitters etc.; WHR - working from home; remote working) - the global division of care and domestic work linked to globalization - globalization and imbalances in the post-colonial world - international migration and the rights of migrant people - the right to work and the right to health - gender equality and policies to pursue it - relations between public welfare and private welfare - public policies to improve welfare - democracy of care In this sense, the audience addressed are primarily policy makers, members of the parliament, trade unionists, administrators, people engaged in the third sector, people engaged in the health and socio-health sector, teachers.

The knowledge and skills acquired during the course can be spent in the planning and implementation of specific policies and interventions at various levels (local, regional, national, European) in a wide-ranging framework with the awareness of the historical depth of the processes in which those policies and interventions are inserted and the ability to consider their medium-long term effects.

Storia di genere Gender history M-STO/02 5 CFU

Antropologia di genere, delle migrazioni e interculturalità Anthropology of gender, migration and interculturality M-DEA/01 1 CFU

Pensiero politico della globalizzazione Political thought of globalization SPS/02 1 CFU

Genere lavoro e partecipazione sociale Gender, work and social participation SPS/09 1 CFU

Politiche del welfare Welfare policies SPS/04 1 CFU

Comunicazione pubblica, istituzionale e sociale Public institutional and social communication SPS/08 1 CFU

Diritto alla salute Rigth to health IUS/08 1 CFU

Diritto del lavoro e delle pari opportunità Labour Law and the rights of equal opportunities IUS/07 1 CFU

Diritto della sicurezza sul lavoro Workplace health and safety IUS/07 1 CFU

Genere, diritti ed economia Gender, rights, economomy SECS-P/01 1 CFU

Prospettive internazionali International perspectives SECS P/02 1 CFU

PROVA FINALE (obbligatoria) 5 CFU



How to apply for Gender history, globalization and caring democracy

Course with free access
Number of positions
60 available
Useful information

Access to the Course is granted to Italian and foreign citizens who hold at least an upper secondary school diploma.

Students who meet the requirements will be admitted in chronological order of submission of the complete enrolment application (including the payment of the application fee), until the maximum number of available places is reached.

The minimum number of students necessary for the activation of the Summer School is 15.

The application will be acquired by the office directly from the system. No documentation must be sent to the office.

Candidates who do not finalize their registration by the indicated deadline will lose their right.

According to Ministerial Decree 270/04, 1 credit (ECTS) corresponds to 25 hours of effort per student, including individual study.

Pursuant to art. 75 of the Presidential Decree 445/2000, if upon adequate verifications the Administration finds the content of the declarations made by the candidate untruthful, any right or benefit obtained by the declarant from the provision issues on the basis of the false declaration will be revoked.

At the end of the Course 20 ECTS are awarded.

Application procedure
You can apply from the 20/07/2021 to the 08/10/2021 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
Online registration
Online registration Registration guidelines
Tuition fees

Enrolment fee of € 900 to be paid in two instalment :

I^instalment: € 600 by 8 october 2021(registration deed).

II^ instalment:: € 300 (by28 february 2022)


€ 700 to be paid in a single instalment by 8 october 2021(registration deed).

PLEASE NOTE: before making the payment, check if the minimum number (15) of participants to activate the course has been reached.

Payments must be made using the method available under "payments" in the menu on the left of the student's personal web page.

The fee is net of bank charges. The registration fee includes the expenses for stamp duty and insurance coverage. Contributions, excluding stamp duty, will be returned only in case of non-activation of the Course.

Information on teaching and research activities

Raffella Sarti
Sandra Abderhalden

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304637   corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
2025 © Tutti i diritti sono riservati
