Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Learning Objectives

The Summer School in Greek Metrics and Rhythmics intends to form a scientific introduction to the metric and rhythmic discipline, to the ancient musical culture, to the main problems linking metric to ecdotics and hermeneutics, with specific reference to the general principles of versification and to the history of the discipline, to the notions of ancient prosody, to the meters of recitation, to the lyric meters, to the structures of versification, to the transmission and critical tradition of the versified text, to the notions of ancient rhythmics and music. The survey on the compositional principles of the text will be put in dialogue with the analogous survey on the compositional principles in the iconography and in the history of ancient art.

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The acquired competence, which arises from the practice of close reading and careful observation of the texts under study, in light of the ancient metric sources and the ancient tradition of lyrical texts, will contribute to the training of professionals able to study and understand, in a manner philologically founded, every type of poetic composition coming from ancient Greece. It will also allow the rigorous interpretation of the verses and the metrical arrangement of poetic texts. This specific skill can support both a more conscious teaching practice and a more specialized critical and editorial activity.

Metrica greca oggi.

Introduzione ai problemi e casi studio.

Ancient Greek Metrics nowadays. An Introduction to issues and Case Studies.

Lunedì 6 settembre, h. 10-13

I. Introduzione all’antica teoria dei metri e dei ritmi. II. Antichi versi greci. La poesia lirica.

I. An Introduction to the ancient theory of metres and rhythms. II. Ancient Greek Verses. Case studies from Lyric Poetry.

Lunedì 6 settembre, h. 15-18

(Formazione dei gruppi e consegna del lavoro per la prova finale / Groups are formed homework for the final test is assigned).

Martedì 7 settembre, h. 10-13

La tragedia. Casi studio dai cantica di Eschilo, Sofocle, Euripide.

Tragedy. Case Studies from Aeschylus’, Sophocles’ and Euripides’ Cantica.

Martedì, 7 settembre, h. 16-18

SUSANNA SARTI, Funzionario archeologo Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Firenze e le province di Pistoia e Prato

Leggere le immagini dell'antichità: contesti e significati

Interpreting ancient images:  contexts and meaning 

Mercoledì 8 settembre, h. 10-13

La commedia. Casi studio dai canti di Aristofane.

Comedy. Case Studies from Aristophanes’ Songs.

Mercoledì, 8 settembre, h. 16-18

JOAN SILVA BARRIS, Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica.

Sulle tracce del ritmo greco antico: un percorso accidentato

Research on Ancient Greek Rhythm: walking on ice.

Giovedì 9 settembre, h. 10-13

(gruppi di lavoro con tutorato nelle classi / labs with tutors)

Giovedì 9 settembre, h. 15-18

Prova finale / Final Test.

Summer school in Greek Metrics and Rhythmics 2020

Tavola rotonda, 10 settembre 2021, h. 9.15-13.30; 15.30-18

Metrica greca oggi. Gli approcci possibili.

Ancient Greek Metrics nowadays. Available approaches.

9.15 Introduzione ai lavori / Introduction

9.30. Andrea Tessier, ‘Böckh e le norme del verso cantato greco’.

10.00 Anna Maganuco, L'ingresso "sonoro" di Filottete (Soph. Phil. 201-218): quale assetto metrico?

10.20 Michele Napolitano, Di alcuni cantica delle Nuvole e dei loro critici

10.50 Pausa /Break

11.10 Consegna Premio B. Gentili, V Edizione / award ceremony of the Bruno Gentili Prize

11.30 Patrick Finglass, Sophoclean metre and textual criticism

12.00 Alessandra Tenore, La monodia dell'Alcesti: problemi metrici e testuali

12.20 Discussione / Discussion

15.30 Maria Chiara Martinelli, La versificazione giambica e trocaica: nuovi materiali e prospettive di ricerca (da confermare)

16.00 Loredana Di Virgilio, Alternative colometriche negli Scholia vetera ad Aristofane

16.20 Deborah Ferrante, Strofica e drammaturgia: un caso della Pace di Aristofane

16.50 Pausa /Break

17.10 E. Christian Kopff, Osservazioni sulla colometria manoscritta dei lirici dell'Elettra e Edipo Re di Sofocle

17.30 Discussione / Discussion

The tenth edition of the Greek summer school of metrics and rhythms will take place online, on the Zoom platform.

The links for entry to the classrooms will be indicated with the completion of the registration. Digital classrooms will be made available for the conduct of the workshops.

All the material necessary for the lessons will be uploaded to Moodle and made available to subscribers.

At the end of the Summer School, on the occasion of the Round Table, the "Bruno Gentili" prize will be awarded to the author of the best Master's or doctoral thesis on metrics, rhythms and ancient Greek music (link of the announcement).


It is possible to participate in free access to the evening conferences (7-8 September, h. 16.00-18.00) and the round table (10 September, h. 9.15-18.00).




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How to apply for Greek metrics and rhythmics

Course with free access
Number of positions
50 available
Useful information

Access to the Summer School is granted to Italian and foreign citizens who hold at least an upper secondary school diploma.

Students who meet the requirements will be admitted in chronological order of submission of the complete enrolment application (including the payment of the application fee), until the maximum number of available places is reached.

The minimum number of students necessary for the activation of the Summer School is 20.

The application will be acquired by the office directly from the system. No documentation must be sent to the office.

Candidates who do not finalize their registration by the indicated deadline will lose their right.

According to Ministerial Decree 270/04, 1 credit (ECTS) corresponds to 25 hours of effort per student, including individual study.

Pursuant to art. 75 of the Presidential Decree 445/2000, if upon adequate verifications the Administration finds the content of the declarations made by the candidate untruthful, any right or benefit obtained by the declarant from the provision issues on the basis of the false declaration will be revoked.

At the end of the Summer School 4 ECTS are awarded.

Application procedure
You can apply from the 20/07/21 to the 31/08/2021 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
Online registration
Online registration Registration guidelines
Tuition fees

Enrolment fee of € 100 to be paid in a single instalment by 30 July 2021 (registration deed).

PLEASE NOTE: before making the payment, check if the minimum number (20) of participants to activate the course has been reached.

Payments must be made using the method available under "payments" in the menu on the left of the student's personal web page.

The fee is net of bank charges. The registration fee includes the expenses for stamp duty and insurance coverage. Contributions, excluding stamp duty, will be returned only in case of non-activation of the Summer School.

In the event that the registration fee is paid by a person other than the interested party or by an institution, body or company, the latter must pay the amount according to the same methods and timing indicated above, under penalty of failure to register for the course.

As the Summer School is part of the institutional activity of the University no VAT is applied to the enrolment fee, therefore no invoice will be issued.

Useful documents and materials

Presentation sheet download
Course presentation download

Information on teaching and research activities


Responsabile didattico

Liana Lomiento (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo)


Docenti collaboratori

Luigi Bravi (Università “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara)

Maria Grazia Fileni (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo)

Giovanna Pace (Università di Salerno)

Giampaolo Galvani (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo)

Segreteria della Scuola

dr.ssa Iuna Rossi


For information please write to:

Liana Lomiento

Iuna Rossi

Liana Lomiento
 3477100413   liana.lomiento@uniurb.it@uniurb.it

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304637   corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
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