Learning Objectives
• Acquisition of advanced knowledge on disciplinary matters relating to areas taught (language-literature, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, history, geography, art, music and movement) integrated by corresponding educational-subject knowledge.
• Acquisition of knowledge and thorough methodological skills in educational (also in historical and experimental sense),psychological, sociological and education technology areas, aimed at understanding and managing the scholastic context, also referring to integrating students with disabilities or special educational needs.
• Original processing of acquired knowledge, aimed at the effective educational transposition of teaching content, planning of teaching/learning situations, assessing learning results and management of classes, also referring to the inclusion of disabled students.
• Thorough theoretical and methodological knowledge for teaching and programme planning, divided into the analysis of teaching content; the preparation of teaching contexts and tools suited to the characteristics of students; in the definition of general and specific goals; in the organisation and management of class groups; the assessment of learning results and more generally, efficiency in teaching programmes.
• English language oral and written skills, also relating to the subject.