Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

A.Y. Venue
2023/2024 Urbino

Learning Objectives

The Italian cosmetics industry represents one of the production sectors that grows constantly both nationally and internationally. Economic indicators and market analysis report it as a highly competitive environment, which requires the training of a professional figure with specific competences in all the aspects of cosmetic science. The Master aims to provide advanced theoretical-practical knowledges of the multiple disciplines included in the Cosmetic Science and Technology field, such as prescriptions, legislation, quality control, safety and efficacy of cosmetic products, together with principles of dermatology, pathophysiology, and toxicology. The course will end with lectures focused on the principles of business management, branding, communication techniques, and storytelling. The chemistry disciplines will provide in-depth knowledges in the field of the chemistry of cosmetic products, the chemical-physical principles that regulate cosmetic technology, and the analytical quality control of cosmetic formulations. The biological disciplines will provide specific and in-depth knowledge in the field of anatomy, biochemistry, dermatology, as well as knowledge of the main experimental protocols for the biological, toxicological, and functional evaluation of cosmetic products. The technological disciplines will provide in-depth knowledge in the field of cosmetic technique and formulation, cosmetic legislation, as well as knowledge of production plants and equipments to produce cosmetics. The management, marketing and design disciplines will provide knowledge of good practices in business management, marketing, advertising, voluntary business certifications. Furthermore, this theoretical and practical knowledge aims to train a complete and skilled professional figure, highly specialized who can operate at different levels in the cosmetic field and who is capable of adapting to the vary business needs. The course is an MSC (II level Master) aimed at training the characteristic professional figure of the specialist in cosmetic sciences that will be included in the cosmetic world thanks to skills and training. This Master addresses all the issues related to the formulation and production of cosmetic and dermatological preparations, through the theoretical-practical involvement of the students. In particular, deepening the knowledge that cannot be provided at the university degree level, in order to give specific skills to deal with the problems related to the cosmetic world in a rigorous and scientific approach.  The Master was born from the real need of the regional and Italian territory where there are countless small and medium-sized industrial companies that fall within the cosmetics production chain, such as producers of raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products. Moreover, the Italian packaging industries represent one of the major world producers. During the theoretical-practical courses and the in-company internships, the student’s contact with the cosmetical professional world will be deepened. The professional internship is compulsory and will be chosen by the student based on their own interests. It will aim to get in touch with real workplaces based on their professional ambitions. The choice of professional internship will be facilitated by the organizers of the Master who, following a motivational and aptitude interview carried out with the teachers of the master, will be able to place the student in the company of his/her interest.


Open Day online e in presenza

Da maggio a ottobre 2024 — È il momento ideale per conoscere da vicino l’Università di Urbino e la sua offerta formativa. Non perdere l’occasione di incontrare i docenti e i tutor dei corsi di laurea.

scopri il programma

The cosmetics industry is booming, and the trend of recent years has significantly increased both in terms of investments in the sector and in terms of research and innovation.
The master aims to train expert specialists, on a technical, scientifical, and practical level, in the field of cosmetics with the aim of providing companies in the cosmetic sector with the necessary tools for a rational economic growth.
The acquisition of these professional skills will allow the student to operate in basic research, development, manufacturing, analytical and microbiological control laboratories, in structures responsible for certification, in the marketing sector, and in technical-scientific information. The preparation acquired in the theoretical courses and in the practical exercises is highly qualifying and will therefore allow to carry out activities in the production and evaluation of the safety of cosmetic products.


The professional figure trained in the University Master's Degree in Cosmetic Sciences and Technologies can find employment as:

• technical director of the cosmetic company;

• head of the R&D sector;

• manufacturing manager;

• quality control manager;

• responsible for regulatory affairs;

• product manager;

• marketing manager;

• pharmacist expert in the formulation and production of cosmetics;

• expert pharmacist capable of advising the client/patient on the most appropriate and personalized use of the cosmetic products;

• freelance/consultant.


Skin anatomy and physiology
Basic principles of cosmetology 
Analysis and instrumental characterization of the skin
Chemical and bibliographic bases of cosmetic ingredients
Basic raw materials 



Functional raw materials
Perfume: composition, understanding, use
Quality control of raw materials

Cosmetic legislation I
Toxicology and safety assessment



Principles of cosmetic technology and formulation
Formulation of hygiene products 
Formulation of skin care products I
Formulation of skin care products II
Formulation of hair care products 



Formulation laboratory for cosmetic and dermatological products



Quality control of finished products
Applied microbiology
Efficacy of cosmetic products
Organic cosmetics and certifications
Cosmetic legislation II



Product development and industrialization 
Quality management system and ISO 
Laboratory management software
Cosmetic packaging
Processes and plants of the cosmetic industry



Corporate culture and principles of business economics
Marketing strategies in the cosmetic field
Cosmetics branding
Career mentoring and job placement: SpoilerBox method 
Intellectual property and corporate sustainability







Dr.ssa Lorella Ragni

The verification of the results of the training activity takes place through progress checks evaluated with a grade of 30/30 and a final exam consisting in the discussion of the master's thesis evaluated with a judgment of suitability.

The Master is divided into frontal teaching activities and seminars (which can also be carried out online and/or mixed), laboratory activities, individual study and preparation activities, group project, internship (at pharmacies, cosmetics industries or industries partners, analysis laboratories). The set of training activities envisaged corresponds to the acquisition by the enrolled students of 60 university training credits (CFU) corresponding to 1500 hours.

Attendance by those enrolled in the various training activities is mandatory, the teaching activity will be provided in a mixed way (in person and/or remotely). Justified absences are allowed up to a maximum of 20% of the total number of hours foreseen. The training period cannot be suspended. Transfers to similar Masters at other universities are not permitted.

How to apply for Cosmetic Science and Technologies

Course with limited number of positions
Number of positions
20 available
Admission deadline
Applications due by 28/08/2023
Useful information

Compulsory only if the maximum number of 20 students is exceeded.
Assessment of qualifications and/or oral exam.
Any places that become vacant following renunciation or forfeiture of the winners will be filled by scrolling the merit ranking, until all available places are filled.
here will not be a selective test if the number of candidates is equal to the minimum and less than or equal to the maximum.

Registration form
Application procedure
You can apply from the 30/08/2023 to the 01/09/2023 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
Online registration
Online registration Registration guidelines
Tuition fees

Total amount: €3.156 to be paid as follows:

1st quote: €1.578 by 09.01.2023 (enrollment deed)

2nd quote: €1,578 by 01.12.2023

Auditors: € 1,656 to be paid in a single payment by 09.01.2023 (enrollment deed)

Single courses: € 222 per single course to be paid with a single payment by 09.01.2023 (enrolment deed). The practical laboratory week instead has a total cost of € 1,000 (available only if there are vacant places, among the 20 available).

Useful documents and materials

Elenco ammessi download

Information on teaching and research activities


Director - Prof. Luca Casettari

Co-Director - Dr. ssa Annalisa Aluigi
Co-Director - Dr. Mattia Tiboni

Member - Dr.ssa Carla Scesa
Member - Dr.ssa Lorella Ragni
Member - Dr. Luca Rampoldi
Member - Prof. Simone Lucarini
Member - Dr.ssa Giulia Curzi

A chi rivolgersi


Luca Casettari
Annalisa Aluigi

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304631 / +39 0722 304632 / +39 0722 304634 / +39 0722 304635   corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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