Psychopedagogy Developmental Disorders: Learning, Needs,Relationships, and Emotions in Educational and School Settings
Master di secondo livello
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
A.Y. | ||
2023/2024 |
Learning Objectives
This course was designed to offer specific tools and advanced effective strategies to those who have previously attended first level masters coordinated by the same staff of teachers to specialize, deepen and expand their training relating to skills, sensitivity and emotional and relational skills essential for activating psycho-pedagogical interventions, didactic and educational tools for the prevention of discomfort and the promotion of well-being, and in particular for managing the difficulties of children, adolescents, parents, educators, teachers, in school, educational and social settings.
From this point of view, psycho-pedagogical aspects involved in school and educational contexts will be addressed, with specific reference to those of communication and relationships, which can favor or disturb not only personal development and the acquisition of knowledge in children and adolescents, but also the quality itself of their educational and school experiences.
Therefore, in order to adequately and profitably attend the II level Master's degree in "Psychopedagogy of developmental age disorders: learning, needs, relationships, emotions in educational and scholastic contexts" it is necessary to have already participated in one of the following first level Urbino's masters considered preparatory : "SLD (Specific Learning Disorders), BES (Special Educational Needs) and Developmental Disorders. Psychopedagogy, Teaching Methodologies, Computational Thinking (coding) and Didactics of inclusion", "DSA (Specific Learning Disorders) and other disorders of Psychopedagogy, didactics, special educational needs (BES)", "Learning and learning disorders. Psychopedagogy and didactics for DSA", "Didactics and psychopedagogy of specific learning disorders".
Career prospects
The course is aimed at permanent and non-tenured teachers of schools of all levels, educators, socio-pedagogical professional educators, pedagogists, psychologists, social workers who work both in the public and in the private sector, in the field of educational services, scholastic, rehabilitation, social and health care, in possession of a specialist degree or master's degree or an old system degree, i.e. obtained according to the systems in force prior to the Ministerial Decree 509/99.
It is considered a prerequisite for access to the II level Master's degree in "Psychopedagogy of developmental age disorders: learning, needs, relationships, emotions in educational and scholastic contexts" to have attended one of the following first level Urbino University's masters: " DSA (Specific Learning Disorders), BES (Special Educational Needs) and Developmental Disorders Psychopedagogy, Teaching Methodologies, Computational Thinking (coding) and Didactics of Inclusion", "DSA (Specific Learning Disorders) and other age-related disorders Psychopedagogy, didactics, special educational needs (BES)", "Learning and learning disorders. Psychopedagogy and didactics for DSA", "Didactics and psychopedagogy of specific learning disorders".
Contents and structure of the course / Syllabus
Activities of PhD Students
The training course includes the following subjects:.
Psicologia dell’apprendimento e dei Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA)
Psychology of Learning and of Learning Disabilities
M-PSI/04 cfu1
Psicologia dello sviluppo e la identificazione e la diagnosi dei Disturbi dello Sviluppo
Developmental Psychology and Diagnosis of Developmental Disorders
M-PSI/04 cfu 6
M-PED/01 cfu 6
Pedagogia speciale e didattica dell’inclusione
Special Education and Didactics of Inclusion
M-PED/03 cfu12
Psicopedagogia della comunicazione
Psychopedagogy of Communication
M-PED/01 cfu 6
Metodologie e tecnologie didattiche
Educational strategies and technologies
M-PED/03 cfu 6
Psicopedagogia delle relazioni
Psychopedagogy of Relationships
M-PED/01 cfu 6
Information about final examination
Course structure and research training
The final exam will consist in the discussion of a report on a topic chosen by the candidate. A first diploma thesis discussion session is scheduled for July 2024. Further thesis discussion sessions will be held in September, October and November 2024.
How to apply for Psychopedagogy Developmental Disorders: Learning, Needs,Relationships, and Emotions in Educational and School Settings
- Admission
- Course with limited number of positions
- Number of positions
- 160 available
- Admission deadline
- Applications due by 19/10/2023
- Useful information
The Master can be accessed by those in possession of a specialist degree, master's degree or old system degree obtained according to the systems in force prior to the Ministerial Decree 509/99;
The course will be activated with a minimum number of 25 paying members. If the applications exceed the available places, admission will take place according to the chronological order of arrival and according to an evaluation of the applications. For information relating to the application for admission, contact the number 338-8195922.
The application for admission (downloadable under Forms) with the required documentation attached (curriculum) and a valid identification document must be received by the deadline date, unless extended, exclusively by personal e-mail to the address indicating in the object: "Application for admission to Master II level Psychopedagogy of developmental age disorders"
Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
The admitted candidates will have to complete the application by clicking on Register online and making the payment of the tuition fee with PagoPA.
The application for registration does not have to be sent, the Office will acquire it directly from the system.
Candidates who do not complete the enrollment within the indicated deadline will lose their right.
Attendance at the course is compulsory for at least 2/3 of the hours scheduled for each of the individual training activities.
In accordance with Ministerial Decree 270/04, 1 training credit corresponds to 25 hours of work per student, including individual study.
Pursuant to art. 75 of the Presidential Decree 445/2000, if the Administration ascertains, on the basis of suitable checks, the untruthfulness of the content of the declarations made by the candidate, the declarant forfeits any benefits possibly achieved by the provision issued on the basis of the untruthful declaration.
At the end of the course the Master's Diploma is issued.
Foreign and Italian candidates with a qualification obtained abroad are required to present the following documentation: original qualification or a substitute certificate for all legal purposes; official translation into Italian and legalization of the qualification; "declaration of local value" by the Italian diplomatic-consular representation competent for the territory in the State to whose legal system the qualification itself refers; if the final graduation mark is not indicated in the diploma, it is also necessary to attach official documentation with the list of exams taken, relative marks and indication of the scale of values; copy of identity document and residence permit (the latter with reference to foreign candidates).
- Forms
- Registration form
- Application procedure
- You can apply from the 28/10/2023 to the 30/11/2023 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
- Online registration
- Online registration Registration guidelines
- Tuition fees
Tuition fees
€ 940.00 to be paid as follows:
• 1st installment: € 500.00 to be paid upon registration by 30/11/2023
• 2nd installment: € 440. to be paid by 30/04/2024
Useful documents and materials
List of admitted students | download |
Information on teaching and research activities
- Organization
Direttore: prof. Mario Rizzardi
Referente membro del Comitato scientifico: prof.ssa Barbara Tognazzi tel. 338-8195922
- Contact
Direttore: prof. Mario Rizzardi
Referente membro del Comitato scientifico: prof.ssa Barbara Tognazzi tel. 338-8195922
- Contacts
- Prof. Mario Rizzardi
- prof.ssa Barbara Tognazzi
- 338-8195922
Administrative contacts
- Secretary’s Office
- Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
- Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
- Office hours
- Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
- Contacts
- Tel. +39 0722 304637