Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

Il partecipante ha frequentato il corso “Digital Humanities e Studi umanistici. Fondamenti teorici e prospettive pratiche” (17 ore), finalizzato all’acquisizione di competenze specifiche relative all’applicazione del digitale ai vari ambiti del sapere umanistico, spendibili nel mercato del lavoro. 

Open Knowledge


Learning Objectives

Digital technologies and the resources offered by the web have become pivotal tools in the humanities, not only for what concerns well-known aspects of valorisation and fruition of cultural heritage, but also for the fundamental support that they provide in the field of research. This is fluid and constantly updated and, consequently, can benefit greatly from having access to new data and new analyses very quickly.

The course is therefore divided into a series of lectures by experts in the various disciplines of history, philosophy, literature, linguistics, archaeology and art history, starting from the theoretical foundations that guide the possible applications of digital technologies to the various fields of humanistic knowledge. Then, practical perspectives for the various disciplines are illustrated. The course aims to offer the opportunity to get to know the basic principles regulating the creation and use of a wide range of digital and multimedia resources that are useful for research, such as open source digital catalogues, including lexicographic ones, databases and related software to exploit them, devices for “reading the invisible”, i.e. devices that are capable of providing a scientific visualisation of the original appearance of altered or lost contexts, while at the same time communicating the complexity of research to a non-specialist audience in an immediate way. 

At the same time, the practical perspectives of the use of digital instruments in various fields will be illustrated. They will be mostly focused on innovative ways of communicating and using cultural heritage, both remotely and in presence (3D, video modelling, virtual reality, augmented reality, apps, etc.); a historical perspective will be adopted. Critical reflections on the potential of social media will also be included, as they represent a fundamental means of communication as well a powerful way to develop participated planning in any scientific domain (from that of sociological / linguistic surveys to museum design, and many others). The multiple research approaches that will be pursued with the specific disciplinary methodologies, coupled with the innovation potential of the digital technologies, will allow the students to acquire basic skills in the digital humanities,  that will be useful in the future, once they have entered the job market, in order to choose the most suitable solutions for the use, protection and public valorisation of the cultural heritage, as well as for research and cooperation in development and internationalisation.


Scopri come migliore le tue soft skills
Ottieni l'Open Badge

Durata del corso

17 hours

Modalità di erogazione

Online (Zoom).

Programmazione e tempestiche di erogazione

9 Aprile 2024 dalle 11:00 alle 13:00 - in presenza
9 Aprile 2024 dalle 16:00 alle 17:00 - in presenza
11 Aprile 2024 dalle 14:00 alle 16:00 - online
16 Aprile 2024 dalle 14:00 alle 16:00  - in presenza
26 Aprile 2024 dalle 16:00 alle 18:00 - online
14 Maggio 2024 dalle 16:00 alle 18:00  - in presenza
21 Maggio 2024 dalle 16:00 alle 18:00  - in presenza
28 Maggio 2024 dalle 16:00 alle 18:00  - in presenza
22 Maggio 2024 dalle 14:00 alle 16:00  - in presenza

Parole chiave

Digital Humanities (Umanistica digitale), Cultural Heritage (Patrimonio culturale), Digital Knowledge (Sapere digitale), Computational thinking (pensiero computazionale), Multimedia, Creative Thinking (pensiero creativo), Digital content creation (creazione di contenuti digitali), Information science (scienza dell’informazione),  Data curation (supervisione del ciclo di vita dei dati), Problem solving (risoluzione dei problemi).

Criteri di assegnazione del Badge

Compulsory attendance for at least 90 per cent of the lessons (15/17) and active participation in all planned activities during the lessons.

Competenze acquisite con la partecipazione al corso


Ability to use acquired knowledge to choose autonomously the most appropriate solutions for the public use, protection and valorisation of cultural heritage (Soft skills: Communication, Problem solving, Critical thinking). Ability to work in interdisciplinary teams (Teamworking).

Competenze trasversali - Soft Skills
  • Working with digital devices and applications. 
  • Processing information, ideas and concepts. 
  • Organize information, objects and resource. 
  • Thinking creatively and innovatively. 
  • Dealing with problems. 
  • Applying cultural skills and competences. 
  • Teamworking.


Università Aperta: online e in presenza

Dal 3 al 14 febbraio 2025 — L’incontro con le studentesse e gli studenti delle Scuole secondarie di secondo grado costituisce da oltre venti anni uno degli appuntamenti più qualificanti dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo. Ti aspettiamo!

scopri il programma

How to apply for Digital Humanities and Humanistic Studies. Theoretical foundations and practical perspectives

Course with free access
Useful information

The registration procedure will be updated soon.

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Information on teaching and research activities

Fabio Cavallero
Alessandra Coen

Administrative contacts


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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
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