Il partecipante ha frequentato il Corso interdisciplinare ‘Scenari di sostenibilità’, della durata di 48 ore, superando test e redigendo elaborati di approfondimento. Ha acquisito conoscenze di base sugli Obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite e ha approfondito la complessità e i valori della sostenibilità, sperimentando il pensiero critico ed esplorativo e sviluppando capacità di azione per risolvere problematiche ambientali e di giustizia sociale.
Open KnowledgeUniurb Sostenibile
A.Y. | ||
2023/2024 |
Learning Objectives
Sustainability skills are not yet a systemic element of policy and practice in member countries. In order to develop sustainability-oriented competences, it is necessary to promote skills and attitudes that are indispensable for thinking, planning and acting with empathy, responsibility and care for the planet and to promote sustainable utopia (Giovannini, 2018). To become competent, with reference to sustainability, means to promote responsible actions and to try to deal with far-reaching actions and, therefore, to know and act on them. To design courses aimed at developing sustainability competence, it is appropriate to use the technique of 'scenarios'. This technique identifies a set of methodological approaches aimed at constructing verisimilar stories about the future, making uncertainties and critical issues visible, and can be useful in supporting decision-making processes and facilitating the planning of priority elements and possible actions and interventions to be implemented (Bradfield et al., 2005). Through scenario analysis, it is possible to consider various possible alternatives for the future, highlighting their main uncertainties and variability, attempting to acquire knowledge on the possible values and meanings they may assume for the future without overburdening the planning process and focusing attention on each individual aspect or forecast of results. The scenario is a multi-disciplinary pathway that allows the issue to be considered through multiple perspectives and representing, at the same time, coherent, plausible, and logical forecasts of how the future might develop (Quist and Vergragt, 2006). In this sense, a particular and interesting planning strategy, frequently used in the field of sustainability, is backcasting. In other words, it involves imagining a desirable future and then backcasting to determine the steps to be taken and the actions to be taken to guide the transformation towards that future. The design of future scenarios inspired by sustainability makes it possible to identify strategies and related pathways, providing stakeholders (students, political stakeholders, citizens, ...) with images useful in forming opinions and decisions.
The course consists of:
- Presentation (2 hours)
- MOOC course 'What is sustainability' (online, 12 hours)
- Transversal introduction to sustainable ethics and peace (2 hours)
- Scenarios: Climate Change, Ecosystems and Biodiversity; Poverty and Combating Inequalities; Well-being and Health; Cities and Sustainability (20 hours)
- Workshops: Duke's Walk (12 hours)
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48 hours.
The course is delivered in a blended format (in person and online).
8 Aprile 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 - Sede Albani D4
9 Aprile 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 - Sede Albani D4
16 Aprile 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 - Sede Battiferri 01
17 Aprile 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 - Sede Piazza Rinascimento 05
7 Maggio 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 - Sede Volponi C3
8 Maggio 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 - Sede Albani D4
14 Maggio 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 - Sede Volponi C3
15 Maggio 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 - Sede Albani D4
21 Maggio 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 - Sede Volponi C3
22 Maggio 2024 dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 - Sede Albani D4
*Fine settimana con data da concordare (da metà maggio a giugno)
Partenza ore 8:30 da Urbino a Frontone. Cammino fino a Fonte Avellana, cena e pernottamento al Monastero
Ore 9:00 attività laboratoriali, rientro ad Urbino ore 13:00.
- Multiple-choice tests to assess knowledge acquisition.
- Writing a paper for the development of sustainability skills.
Reference areas and competences
- Embodying the values of sustainability: attributing value to sustainability; promoting nature; defending equity.
- Accepting complexity in sustainability: defining the problem; developing systemic and critical thinking.
- Imagining sustainable futures: experimenting with adaptability and exploratory thinking
- Acting for sustainability: experimenting with individual initiative, collective action and political agency.
Transversal skills and competences
T6 Life skills and competences
T6.2 Applying environmental skills and competences
- Adopt ways to foster biodiversity and animal welfare
- Evaluate environmental impact of personal behaviour
- Adopt ways to reduce pollution
- Adopt ways to reduce negative impact of consumption
Università Aperta: online e in presenza
Dal 3 al 14 febbraio 2025 — L’incontro con le studentesse e gli studenti delle Scuole secondarie di secondo grado costituisce da oltre venti anni uno degli appuntamenti più qualificanti dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo. Ti aspettiamo!
How to apply for Sustainability Pathways: Models, Policies, Strategies
- Admission
- Course with free access
- Useful information
The registration procedure will be updated soon.
- Sign up
- Click here to enroll
Information on teaching and research activities
- Contacts
- Silvia Fioretti
Administrative contacts
- Contacts