Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Learning Objectives

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the lessons and other activities of the Course will be held remotely in online mode.

The Continuing Education Course in "Effective teaching, communication and inclusive strategies and technologies for specific learning disorders, special educational needs and developmental disorders" is also open to those who only have a high school diploma.

Anyone who is simultaneously enrolled in a degree course, a master's degree, a specialization course, ongoing training or summer/winter school can also participate in the course.

The Continuing Education Course in  “Effective teaching, communicative and inclusive strategies and technologies for specific learning disorders, special educational needs and developmental disorders” aims to provide participants with concrete tools and practical methodologies to be used in family and teaching contexts. learning and more generally in educational contexts with all children and adolescents, even with those who are in difficulty, to encourage their development and access to disciplinary concepts and contents through the promotion of adequate relationships and a plurality of channels and strategies.

During the lessons you will be able to learn and experience firsthand the use and functionality of teaching practices, technological tools and communicative-relational strategies that take into account individual differences and the specific difficulties of children and, without mortifying their self-esteem and actual intellectual abilities, favor the development of autonomy and the growth of the sense of personal efficacy.

A part of the course will also be dedicated to the learning and practical and operational management of observation, analysis and intervention tools in developmental disorders, such as ADHD, DSA, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Language Development Disorders.

The course is aimed both at people who already face these problems in the family or work environment and who therefore want to deepen specific knowledge and skills, and at people who are training to embark on a career in teaching and education contexts.

Those who wish to attend the course without having a high school diploma can also participate as auditors.Applications will be evaluated by the Course Director if they are congruent with the training scope of the Course itself.

The course is aimed at all those who, regardless of whether or not they have a degree, wish to acquire or consolidate the knowledge and valid tools to use in their personal life, family or professional life within educational institutions, educational and social, to those who are already tenured and non-tenured teachers in schools of all levels, to those who wish to train to undertake a teaching career, to students who attend other courses, to educators, psychologists, social workers, speech therapists, rehabilitators, who operate, both in the public and private sectors, in the field of educational, scholastic, rehabilitative, social and health services.

Teaching will be delivered in e-learning mode and the training activities of the Course will take place remotely using the University's Education platform and further resources on uniurb.it.

The course awards 30 credits.

Course teachings:

Communication psychology                                                                                       M-PED/01 credits 6

Effective interpersonal relationships and teaching methodologies                                                         M-PED/01 credits 5

Teaching tools and technologies in typical learning and learning disorders  M-PED/01 credits 6

Learning styles and individual differences                                                                          M-PED/01 credits 5

Computational thinking and coding at school                                                                               M-PED/04 credits 6

All the topics of the Course are addressed by Teachers, Professionals and Clinicians, each chosen from among the major recognized experts in their sector, through participatory and interactive teaching methodologies, testimonies, case studies and practical exercises.

All lessons and other activities of the Course will be held remotely in online mode

The online lessons, with compulsory attendance in remote synchronous presence for 2/3 of the scheduled hours, will be held on Thursday afternoons on a fortnightly basis, starting from 27 February 2025 until June 2025.

All lessons and other activities of the Course for the Academic Year 2024-2025 will be held remotely in online mode.The "face-to-face" lessons will take place remotely in online mode mainly on the University's Education portal. The Zoom e-learning platform will be used for the video lessons. All students will be personally assisted and constantly and carefully accompanied in the use of the platform.

The part of the activities provided in the form of "frontal" lessons will be recorded and made available to those enrolled so that they can be listened to later also in asynchronous mode on the University platform. The activities carried out on the same day as the "face-to-face" lessons or on different days in interactive, participatory, laboratory and alternative teaching formats will not be recorded to protect the confidentiality of each participant.

The final test will consist of the discussion of a short report on a topic chosen by the student from among the topics covered in the course.

How to apply for Effective Teaching, Communicational, and Inclusive Strategies and Technics in Specific Learning Disabilities, in Special Educational Needs and in Developmental and Behavioral Disorders

Course with free access
Number of positions
70 available
Useful information

There is no selection and, if the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, admissions will take place in the chronological order of submission of the application.

Those who have a high school diploma or a three-year, specialist, master's or old-school degree, or equivalent qualification, can access the course. If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, admission will take place according to the order of arrival of the registration applications.

Those who wish to request study permits (150 hours) can enroll within the deadline set by their employer, which presumably will fall in the month of November 2024, to be able to show the certificate of enrollment in the Course.

The course awards 30 ECTS. The maximum number of participants is 70 while the minimum number necessary to activate the Course is 10 paying members.

Attendance at the Course is mandatory for at least 2/3 of each of the individual training activities.

At the end of the Course, a certificate of participation will be issued together with the attribution of 30 university training credits (CFU) acquired.

In accordance with Ministerial Decree 270/04, 1 training credit corresponds to 25 hours of commitment per student, including individual study.

Enrollment in the course "Effective teaching, communicative and inclusive strategies and technologies for specific learning disorders, special educational needs and developmental disorders" is compatible with simultaneous enrollment in a bachelor's or master's degree course, in a master's degree or in a master's degree. a research doctorate, a specialization course, ongoing training, summer/winter school.

The registration application does not need to be sent, the Office will acquire it directly from the system.

Candidates who do not complete their registration by the indicated deadline will lose their right.

Foreign and Italian candidates with qualifications obtained abroad are required to present the following documentation: original qualification or replacement certificate for all legal purposes; official translation into Italian and legalization of the qualification; "declaration of value on site" by the Italian diplomatic-consular representation competent for the territory in the State to which the qualification refers; if the final grade for obtaining the qualification is not indicated in the diploma, it is necessary to also attach official documentation with the list of exams taken, the related grade and indication of the scale of values; copy of the identity document and residence permit (the latter with reference to foreign candidates).

Pursuant to art. 75 of the Presidential Decree 445/2000, if the Administration finds, on the basis of suitable checks, the untruthfulness of the content of declarations made by the candidate, the declarant will lose any benefits obtained from the provision issued on the basis of the untruthful declaration.

To attend the training activities of the Course, a knowledge of the native Italian language is essential, i.e. the possession of a certification of Italian language proficiency corresponding to the C1 and C2 level of the Council of Europe, issued within the CLIQ quality system (Italian Language Certification). quality).

Application procedure
You can apply from the 26/07/2024 to the 21/02/2025 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
Online registration
Online registration Registration guidelines
Tuition fees

Registration fee: €390.00 to be paid in a single payment by 21 February 2025

Auditors: Fee of €300.00 to be paid in a single payment by 21 February 2025

The minimum number necessary to activate the course is 10 participants paying the full fee.

Payments must be made using the method available under "payments" in the menu on the left of the student's personal web page.

The fee is net of bank charges. The registration fee includes expenses for stamp duty and insurance coverage.Contributions will be returned only if the Course is not activated, excluding stamp duty.

In the event that the registration fee is paid by a person other than the interested party or by an institution, body or company, the latter must pay the amount according to the same methods and deadlines indicated above, under penalty of failure to register for the course.

Since the course falls within the institutional activity of the University, the registration fee remains outside the scope of VAT, therefore no invoice will be issued.

Information on teaching and research activities


Direttore del Corso professor Mario Rizzardi  mario.rizzardi@uniurb.it

Coordinatrice del Corso professoressa Barbara Tognazzi 338-8195922 barbara.tognazzi@uniurb.it


Professoressa Barbara Tognazzi 338-8195922 barbara.tognazzi@uniurb.it

Mario Rizzardi
Barbara Tognazzi
 338-8195922   barbara.tognazzi@uniurb.it

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304637   corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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