Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

MO:VE 2021 MarburgOnline: VirtualExchange 2021

pubblicato il giorno 23/02/2021


In times when traveling is restricted, MO:VE 2021 is a great opportunity to take courses at Philipps-
Universität Marburg and improve your intercultural competences without the need to go abroad.

Participants can
⋅ Take online-classes in various subjects
⋅ Attend our virtual Orientation Program for international students
⋅ Take online German language classes
⋅ Get credits and a Transcript of Records
⋅ Work with German and international students
If you are currently enrolled at one of our partner universities, MO:VE 2021 is free of charge.

Website: www.uni-marburg.de/marburg-online-virtual-exchange
Contact information: mo-ve@uni-marburg.de



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