Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Politics and symbols
La politica e i simboli

A.Y. Credits
2015/2016 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Alessandro Di Caro
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

Political communication has used ways and paths closer to the size of economic exchange. In this regard a striking resemblance is not purely formal invests the symbolic dimension with references to political logos. Knowledge of the tricks and character representative will guide the student to have a civic competence nontrivial.


The course will address the relationship you can establish between the symbolic and iconic suggestion and effective political narrative.

Bridging Courses

Knowledge of the Italian parliamentary system and features institutions.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

1. Knowledge and understanding. Students must know the general outline of the political history of the Italian Republic since the war. Understand the most important institutional changes, the division of powers, and the proportional method and majority. 1.1. How are they acquired? Through the study of texts and historical documents but also the present and political science processing
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: The most important political schemes, right-left, majority, opposition, bipolarity, centrifugal pluralism must be documented with historical and political examples also contemporaries. 2.1. How are they acquired? Through exercises and teacher-learners compare the schema structure to identify more than the historical narrative. 3. Capacity of judgment: the correct judgment on political scheme to spot will be exhibited individually and / or in groups in order to allow a useful common comparison 3.1. How are they acquired? Through the public corrections of the class and the teacher to form a series of implicit rules to allow a careful definition of the schema to be characterized. They will use anthropological tools such as the distinctive colors, totemic objects and other materials that serve to immediately define the political opposition. 4. Communication skills: The communication will benefit as well as the common language of useful representations of the parties logos or even flags with anthropological study can reveal the distinctive political opposition. 4.1. How are they acquired? With a set of skills related cultural and social anthropology. For example the patterns of polarized pluralism of the first Italian repbblica can be symbolized by the three colors black, white, red where the center is represented by the color white and the details from the black and red identifiable immediately centrist ideologies and those extremist . 5. Learning skills. Learning needs to be defined through a series of linguistic and iconic examples. The comparison of objects, colors and political schemes will be supported by an intense public debate. 5.1. How are they acquired? Through a comparison by trial and error with a definition of implicit rules are not always fully explained. It is up to the public dialogue between students and teacher the task better understanding of political and anthropological patterns.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Knowledge of logic (in this regard may suffice chapter: Foreword essential Wittgenstein interprets Wittgenstein)

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The lectures will be supported at points of the Syllabus that will be presented in the early hours of lessons. These points can be chosen to be discussed by the students.


Study of texts proposed.
Keep in mind the site

Course books

Alessandro Di Caro, Falce, martello e Nike, Goliardiche, Trieste 2007.
Alessandro Di Caro, Wittgenstein interpreta Wittgenstein.Il "secondo" Wittgenstein legge il Tractatus, Aracne, Rome 2015 .Being a text on demand the text should be asked directly to the publisher.


The points of the syllabus can be chosen for a detailed discussion by students. Out of this discussion it will be a first test.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Study of texts.
Note the site
Students have access clarify any doubts with the e-mail of the professor.


Textual knowledge

Course books

Alessandro Di Caro, Falce, martello e Nike, Goliardiche, Trieste 2007.
Alessandro Di Caro, Wittgenstein interpreta Wittgenstein.Il "secondo" Wittgenstein legge il Tractatus, Aracne, Rome 2015. Being a text on demand the text should be asked directly to the publisher.



Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


The course is offered also on-line inside the Moodle platform > blended.uniurb.it

Each lesson includes two hours
1 Lezione.La policy has always been determined by the language. In the sense that a political decision like this needs to be shared, in the case of democracy at all, if the oligarchy of a few, but in any case the political decision to be made in terms linguistici.Ma to be effective it must be exposed in logical terms or presumptively these.
So the political language has to have an armor logic.
2.Lezione What is the logic? The logic can paradoxically be said in many ways. It is believed that the logic should be the one that forms the essential Foreword of the text Wittgenstein interprets Wittgenstein. Negation, conjunction, disjunction, implication material.
3.Lezione There are misunderstandings logical as the liar paradox, misunderstanding and even classical but solvable. But there are no misunderstandings classics that are typical of the policy; for example the concept of left and right that refers to a geographical space, but in reality is a social space. Geographical space which inevitably leads to number two with a reference to another stylistic feature of the policy is that the majority and the opposition.
Lesson 4 At the geographical space can be replaced, in politics, the color space. And 'This is a point of view quite unusual that the text Sickle, hammer and Nike tries to explain, starting from cultural and social anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss to which lessons (College de France) the teacher attended.
5) Lesson In order to reach the site is useful http://www.uniurb.it/soc/F/f.htm under the menu 'History of Political Thought.
It will be seen that the method of dual policy, right, left, majority, opposition, ex parte principis, ex parte populi fits perfectly into the mechanics of primitive organizations
that they need, for the exchange of women, of two halves. Although the universality of the organizations dualist is not universally popular, the few exceptions only confirm this human habit.
6) Lesson But as well as the method of half the tribe does not oppose 'the hard way, so' political opposition that is heir to the opposition should not be bloody, but, very simply distintiva.Unretaggio hidden opposition of you colors. The opposition of political colors is already headed towards this attenuation. In fact, the colors per se can not be alone. Ultimately the monotone color (such as red or black for the past experience policy) complaint always a lack, an aggressiveness that typically the alternating two or more colors (such as in flags) has not.
7) This lesson plurality of colors is also evident in the flags. To denounce the aggression is the flag with the unique color. An example is the red flag indicating a time, a revolutionary movement, or more recently the black flag with written exhibited by the so-called Islamic state (ISIS). The plurality of colors has scans still more detailed, dimensions related all'araldica but also to more recent traditions.
8) Lesson For example to move in the European field, it is known that the vertical bars typically triadic characterize the French Revolution and its flag. Who reached ersatz independence that event played more and the three vertical bars (Italy, Romania, Ireland, Belgium), who instead had another constitution prefers other provisions of colors (horizontal stripes), such as Hungary, Russia , Germany, the Netherlands or the theme of the cross as the Scandinavian countries. A typical European color is red white blue.
9) lesson. This color composition crosses continents. And 'evident in the flag of the United States, one in Australia, so that for the West to speak properly so that we can not refer more to geography but to the composition of the colors of the flags. From the historical point of view the reason is more documented. The United States was a colony of England so 'as Australia.
10) Lesson would it take to think in terms of globalization. East and West are to join. The prophecy of Lévi-Strauss documented in the final parts of Tristes Tropiques that sounded like a wish is becoming increasingly topical. Beijing (Bejing) to those who have visited recently increasingly takes on the appearance of a western town. Even the political system with the characteristic harmony given by the Chinese Tao Te Ching is moving ever closer to the West. This proximity was not without costs, significant costs.
11) One of the most obvious costs increasingly evident is the fate of the Arab civilization. Because closer to Christian civilization it has undergone its influence but also the distance. The peculiarity of the Arab civilization and even in part of Islam was that of mediation, in past centuries. Now this mediation was due to the mutual position of the West and East. Arab civilization was slowly communicate these two civilizations. Communication suffered endless delays of the caravans, the Silk Road.
12) With the advent of instant communication typical of aerial equipment, information technology, mediation has suffered a big trauma. Arab civilization has reacted violently to this. With increasingly heavy attacks with terrorism. The distinction of roles, dejected and generates the monster of war.
13) What remedy? Perhaps the answer typical western namely the integration seems to be an answer absolutely naive. In any cultural integration necessary to establish a series of mythical beliefs also that integration could relate. The policy of the myth is therefore once again a form of tolerance and elimination of conflicts.
14) This leads to the assessment of political to a precise dilemma. Right left. Labour, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats can not be considered just a way of political opposition, but also a distinctive form of opposition. In some countries the opposition has a minor role where the national unity is more forte.In others still of fundamental importance (such as Italy).
15) This leads us to establish once again the need for distinctive oppositions between East and West. To preserve the specificity, the distinction, the peculiarity. From this point of view the English nation has done, once again, school. The immense empire of the British Commonwealth is not an empire because it has been able to respect differences of peoples.
16) From this point of view, in a sense, the West has wrong. Standardizing the new with the old, the present with the past has forgotten the differences that now in the Arab world and perhaps later in other nations could explode. This decline with the advent and the triumph of capitalism would still unavolta miss the idea of ​​distinction and difference,
17) The example is again the transformation of the Chinese communist state in a state that the West is no longer able to catalog (capitalist state, capitaliso status?). It is actually at work in that country harmonization, certainly in some ways not peaceful but basically done in the name of the old traditions and respect those.
18) Once again, therefore, it clarifies the great teaching dell'anropologo Claude Lévi-Strauss not sufficiently understood perhaps even in his homeland, France. Respect for differences, myths, and rituals are not suitable for operations only sparse anthropologists and ethnologists but should be a common heritage policy.

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