Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2015/2016 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Daniele Savelli personalized, by appointment via e-mail

Assigned to the Degree Course

Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The aim of the course is to give the students the basic concepts of landform analysis, mapping and interpretation, focusing on the natural processes that generate and modify landforms. The course also considers some of the practical aspects of recognizing and mapping morphostructures and landforms conditioned by geological structures, aimed at assessing their morphoevolutive trend and state of activity.


Relief Shaping

Introduction. Geomorphological agents and processes. Endogenous dynamics and landforms. Exogenous geomorphological processes. Weathering: processes, landforms and products. Karst. Landforms conditioned by the geological structures: tectonic landforms and landforms produced by selective erosion. Processes and landforms on the hillslopes: mass movements and slope-wash. The fluvial system. Fluvial processes and landforms. Drainage networks. Channel planforms and subdivisions. Stream terraces and alluvial fans. Coastal geomorphology. Near-shore processes and landforms. Coastal types and their subdivisions. Coastal lakes and lagoons. River mouths.

Climate Geomorphology

Periglacial morphoclimatic system: characteristics, processes and landforms. Glacial morphoclimatic system: characteristics, processes and landforms. Hot-dry morphoclimatic system: characteristics, processes and landforms. Hot-humid periglacial morphoclimatic system: characteristics, processes and landforms. Temperate morphoclimatic system: characteristics, processes and landforms.

Bridging Courses

Physical Geography

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment



Course books

DRAMIS F., OLLIER C. (2016) – Genesi ed evoluzione del rilievo terrestre. Fondamenti di Geomorfologia. Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 334 pp.


PANIZZA M. (2014) – Geomorfologia. Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 386 pp.

CICCACCI S. (2015) – Le forme del rilievo. Mondadori Università, 576 pp.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students



Course books

DRAMIS F., OLLIER C. (2016) – Genesi ed evoluzione del rilievo terrestre. Fondamenti di Geomorfologia. Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 334 pp.


PANIZZA M. (2014) – Geomorfologia. Pitagora Ed., Bologna, 386 pp.

CICCACCI S. (2015) – Le forme del rilievo. Mondadori Università, 576 pp.

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