Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Workshop 3 - Manufacture of paintings on wooden support . Artifacts carved in wood. Furniture and wooden structures 1 - Form 1A Wood
Laboratorio 3 - Manufatti dipinti su supporto ligneo. Manufatti scolpiti in legno. Arredi e strutture lignee 1 - Modulo 1A Legno

A.Y. Credits
2015/2016 5
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Michele Papi

Assigned to the Degree Course

Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The purpose of the course so0no orincipalmente based on training and knowledge of attiività relating to the ability that each operator for the restoration works din of wooden support must have in order to operate in sicueezza .

ttivitrà the course will be to give a theoretical subject knowledge , knowledge necessaia to give way to a inraprendere activities with awareness and critical thinking skills of analysis fondaqmnetali for the job on the field .


The program is divided into a theoretical part (20 hours), and a practical part of intervention on the works in the laboratory (105 hours).
Lectures: Knowledge of the methods of construction of the plates at various times. The woods used: poplar, fir, larch, beech, oak, chestnut. 3 hours
Knowledge of wood species used in different eras, anatomy and behavior of the wood. 2 hours
Cennino Cennini. Technical execution media (tables and sculptures); types of interlocking and assembly systems. 2 hours
Phenomenology of the deterioration of the artifacts; materials and methods of conservative treatment and restoration. 4 hours
Knowledge of machines and tools used, the safety during the use of equipment such as saws, planes, chisels etc .; historical techniques of restoration; illustration of case studies and exemplary restorations 5 Hours
Laboratory: Filing of works problems of degradation and mapping 20 Hours
Consolidation of the wooden support using synthetic resins, acrylic and dynamic penetration. Experimentation on wooden supports of various kinds 10 hours
Techniques of cabinetmaking and parchettatura and other auxiliary support systems, intervention techniques passive against environmental changes. 10 hours
The attack xylophagous. Chemical treatments. Disinfestation of support by means of anoxia or impregnation with woodworm of a chemical nature. 8 hours
Consolidation of the preparatory layers and the paint film with natural and synthetic methods. 10 hours
The attaco biocide and collection techniques for analysis. Biocide treatment techniques with methods and aqueous solvent. The attack any biological sampling and surveys with digital microscope. 10 hours
Cleaning of wooden surfaces 10 Hours
Documetazione camera to direct and oblique. Ultra violet and infrared. 15 hours (lesson to be agreed with Prof. Lorenzo Marra)
THE CROSS SECTION OF A PAINTING ON TABLE tests carried out using ancient methods (treatise on Painting): 12 Hours

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Acquire the main concepts related to artifacts paintings on wooden support , through the knowledge of the techniques used and the constituent materials , the phenomena of degradation and techniques of historical restoration .
Acquire some previous knowledge related to restoration ( consolidation , compensation for injuries , disinfestation , leveling of deformations , reitegrazioni gaps , etc . ) And the main materials to be used that will be detailed during the modules

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Course books

Wood technology ; 1 Tome Guglielmo Giordano Ed . Hoepli

The restoration of wooden structures ; Buffer Gennaro , Ed . Hoepli

ONSERVATION panel paintings ; Luke Uzielli and Ornella Casazza , Nardini Publisher



1) To take the exam, the student must submit a technical report of the 'restoration work done on the works in the laboratory, drawn in a group or individually (a report for each work regardless of the number of students who worked there), including :
- Description of the techniques used and the constituent materials;
- Description of the state of conservation;
- Description of any restoration work earlier reported on the article;
- Detailed description of the restoration project on the article and of any transactions yet to be performed
(The latter described by points).
The report will be drawn up according to the model provided by the lecturers during the modules and will be inclusive of:
- Graphic documentation;
- photographic documentation;
- Card detection and documentation.
The entry must be mailed at least two weeks before the teachers and delivered on paper and computer, for evaluation.
The photographic image must be properly numbered and accompanied by its caption.
Students who have only partially recovered some of those workshops will CFU
submit a report of the work done; the report must be sent by mail, two weeks before the exam to teachers and delivered on paper and computer, when examining

The exam consists of a written test and an oral interview:
Written test: to be performed in an hour, consists of 6 closed questions and three open-ended questions;
Oral test: will focus on the work done in the lab and on the topics covered in lectures and study texts indicated.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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