Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Laboratory 4 - Painted woodden artifacts 4th Academic Year 2015/16 - Module 2B
Laboratorio 4 - Manufatti dipinti su supporto ligneo. Manufatti scolpiti in legno. Arredi e strutture lignee 2 - Modulo 2B Legno

A.Y. Credits
2015/2016 5
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Silva Cuzzolin

Assigned to the Degree Course

Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aimes at giving the students the basic theoretical knowledge and pratical skillsthat will enable them to analyse a polychrome wood sculpture's conservation state . With the scientific expert's cooperation they will be able to plan the different steps of a restauration scheme.


The teaching programme consist of a theoretical part (25 hrs) and a praticalo ne, working on artifacts in the laboratory (100 hrs).

1 - lectures
• 1.01 - main reasons of decay (3 hrs).
• 1.02 - scientific study (1 hrs)
• 1.03 - conservation state's research - restauration's planning (3hrs)
• 1.04 - fixing and consolidating paint and ground layers - determining techniques and materials (3hrs)
• 1.05 - cleaning-issues about cleaning and removing previous maintenance or restauration operations (6hrs)
• 1.06 - finishing touch to the artifact's appearance: techniques and materials - final report (5hrs)
• 1.07 - wood sculpture history . Lectures given by Professor Grazia M. Fachechi (2hrs)
• 1.08 - Case studies - lectures given in cooperation with Professor Grazia M. Fachechi (2hrs)

2- pratical lessons - laboratory
• 2.01 - preliminary cataloguing (1hrs)
• 2.02 - graphic and photographic reproduction of the artifact prior to its restauration (3hrs)
• 2.03 - fixing and consolidating the paint and ground layers (15hrs)
• 2.04 - cleaning and removing repainted layers (50 hrs)
• 2.05 - lacunae and filling materials (10 hrs)
• 2.06 - retouching and protective coating (20 hrs)

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

-Acquiring the necessary Knowledge in order to determine and artifact's conservation state, techniques and materials.
-Ability to analyse and trace back a wood sculpure's or another woodden artifact's conservation history.
-Ability to interact and cooperate with scientific experts.
-Acquiring the necessary skills in order to determine and choose adhesives and consolidating materials appropriate to the artifact's needs.
-Acquiring the necessary skills enabling the removing of later paint layers appliied to the original polycromy, by using organic solvents and emulsions.
-Knowledge of materials and techniques to be used during polycrome wood sculpture's restauration.
Ability to draft accurate restauration's reports.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Use of power point presentations

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Courses offered : lectures 25 hours

                       laboratory 100 hourses

Course books

Testi di studio:
-Atti del Convegno di Pergola, 9/12 maggio 2002, L'arte del legno in Italia. Esperienze e indagini a confronto, Perugia 2005.
-Atti del Seminario di studi di Perugia, 1/2 aprile 2005, Statue di legno. Caratteristiche tecnologiche e formali delle specie legnose. Roma 2008
-Atti del Convegno di Serra San Quirico - Pergola , 13-15 dicembre 2007, Scultura lignea . Per una storia dei sistemi costruttivi e decorativi del medioevo al XIX secolo. In "Bollettino d'Arte-volume speciale 2011" Roma 2012.
-Baracchini Clara, Parmini Giovanni, Scultura lignea dipinta. I materiali e le tecniche, Firenze 1996
-Borgioli Leonardo , Cremonesi Paolo, le resine sintetiche usate nel trattamento di opere policrome. Padova 2005.
-Brandi Cesare, Teoria del restauro, Milano 2000.
-Casazza Ornella , Il restauro pittorico nell'Unità di metodologia, Firenze 2007
-Cennini Cennino, Il libro dell'Arte, a cura di F. Frezzato, Verona 2009
-Conti Alessandro, Storia del Restauro e della Conservazione delle opere d'arte, Milano 2002.
-Cremonesi Paolo, Un approccio alla pulitura dei dipinti mobili. Padova 2012
-Cuzzolin Silva, Tecniche esecutive e restauro di due sculture lignee policrome in:" Nuovi contributi alla cultura lignea marchigiana" a cura di Maria Giannatiempo Lopez e Antonio Iacobini, pp. 291-306, Sant'Angelo in Vado 2002
-Perusini Giuseppina, Il restauro dei dipinti e delle sculture lignee, Udine 1989
-Speranza Laura, La scultura lignea policroma. Ricerche e modelli operativi di restauro in: "Le Antologie di OPD", Firenze 2007.
-Tonini Francesca, La scultura lignea. Tecniche e restauro. Padova 2015


The final test will consist of a written test with questions and multiple choice answers, plus questions with free answers, and an oral test with questions on the subjects studied during the course.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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