Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2016/2017 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Francesca Salis

Assigned to the Degree Course

Education Sciences (L-19)
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims to promote a practical- theoretical reflection and the knowledge of the students about the problem of diversity related to disability and to BES according to an inclusive perspective.

The  approach perspective to the study themes will be that of Special Didactics  namely of a discipline which has, as a research field and theoretical and practical study, the teaching and training process of those who in infancy, adolescence and adulthood  are notable for disability situation. From some essential historical references that mark the evolution of Special Didactics  the course will guide the reflection on the intrinsic and extrinsic value of the  school and extracurricular activities  within the life project,  as an,  holistic and dynamic reference of the inclusive process. In this sense the principles of constructivist, inclusive and cooperative-workshop teaching methodology will be studied, with core objectives and approaches in reference to national and international experiences too. Special Didactics  is distinguishes itself as an access to the cultural universe of the disabled person, at various stages of life, (so that it acquires an) identity and develops appropriate skills allowing the exercise of the right to citizenship in order to benefit  from the social life  and promote processes of changing the socio-cultural dynamics. The proposed references intends to help stimulating personal paths of research and study both in theoretical and practical  operational field and at the same time call for the acquisition of knowledge and educational and teaching methodological skills useful for characterizing the cultural and professional profile of the professional-to-be, whether it works in the school or in the extra-school



Institutional section

Epistemology and operational practice of Special Didactics

The Special Didactics  as a reference of inclusive processes in the whole cycle of existence.

Complexity and diversity.

BES, new frontiers of inclusive processes.

Deficit and Sensory and motion disturbances

Down's syndrome and cognitive disability.

Development abnormalities and pathologies).

(Learning, speech and relationship disabilities and disorders).

Functional diagnosis), functional dynamic profile, Personalized Education Plan.

Helping relationship) and care in inclusive learning processes .

Anthropological model ICF, (critical reflections) and educational perspectives

Transversal skills and resilience.

Design and network logics models.

Inclusion and citizenship and membership rights.

The indicators of school and social inclusion process.

Educational practices for social inclusion.

The life project  and qualified accompaniment

Personalized Education Plan ( PEP) , Annual plan on social inclusion

The life project

The accessibility in training contexts.

monographic section 

The role of the constructivist teaching (methodology) in inclusive processes.

From integration to inclusion, a common responsibility: The ICF, a new way of looking at disability.

Designing the inclusion: context and synergies. The organization of the group-class and resources.

The quality indicators of school and social  inclusion.

The narrative approach in Special Didactics

Emotional skills in the helping relationship.

The complexity of the  specialized teacher’s skills.

The personalization of  educational paths.

Storytelling and inclusion.

The training guidance, an educational and didactic  problem: family, school, society.

Teamwork and collaboration / Work objectives and evaluation.

Closing remarks, open questions.


Bridging Courses

knowledge of educational psychology and basic teaching methodology and major philosophical and pedagogic currents of Western thought

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

In relation to the  subject the student must prove to have :

–  knowledge about specialized subjects;

–   The understanding of the advanced concepts of the subject;

–  -The ability to use knowledge and concepts to think independently about the issues of the subject.

At the end of the course, the student will have acquired the basic skills required to design, implement and coordinate educational / training interventions aimed to inclusion:

–  Knowledge and understanding of the proposed contents,  historical developments of teaching methodology;learning principles,  education theories ,the curriculum and planning, teaching strategies, the management of learning groups, motivation, evaluation.

–   knowledge and understanding;

Be able to identify possibilities for inter-institutional cooperation – between and outside the school and outside school for the execution  of active and personalized training path for people with special needs.


Be able to propose and evaluate organizational and teaching solutions for school differentiation:

individualization and  personalization  through cooperative learning, open classes, laboratories and workshops, activities in natural environments and in local cultural institutions (libraries, museums, media libraries, Children’s recreation centre, cultural and voluntary associations, etc.).


Be able  to implement procedures and request / solicit various types of interventions (diagnostic, rehabilitative, training, etc.), for the benefit of people affected by disability and BES, making use of existing legislation and the available institutional resources.


- communication skills;

Be acquainted with the technologies able to enhance the communication , intellectual and learning skills  of people with special needs.

Know  sites, locations and publications of the main associations and institutions  offering information, advice, assistance and services to the disabled, to persons.

-  Making judgements. Students will be able to: assess learning experiences, select the most appropriate teaching strategies, evaluate events and identify key issues relevant to the  training success.


-  Learning skills. Students will learn how to seek new educational resources in inclusive perspective and to collaborate in the design and management of training events

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


(Teaching methodologies)

Class in the form of a dialogue  and participation supported by didactic examples; exercises; group work, film projections; debates on specific issues, production of  individual and group teaching objects in itinere


No compulsory attendance

Course books

P. Gaspari, Narrazione e diversità. L'approccio narrativo in Pedagogia e didattica speciale, Anicia, Roma, 2008. (pp. 292)

P. Gaspari, Pedagogia speciale e “Bes”. Spunti per una riflessione critica verso la scuola inclusiva, Anicia, Roma, 2014. (pp. 246)

P. Gaspari, L’insegnante specializzato nella scuola inclusiva: problemi e prospettive, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2015. (in preparazione) (pp. 140)

F. Salis, Disabilità cognitiva e narrazione. Il contributo in Pedagogia speciale, Anicia, Roma, 2016.  (pp.140)


In the assessment of the tests, the following will be considered:

The Special Didactics   exam includes a written test with a mix of open-ended  and closed questions  (multiple choice).The results will provide a mark that can be put on record or integrated with an oral exam. Students unable to take the written test can ask the teacher to take the oral one only. Attending students will take the examination in two parts:an intermediate test (halfway through the course), and a final test. The students will then carry out a group work this also being evaluated.


In the assessment of tests), the following will be considered:

1.     Disciplinary vocabulary appropriateness and terminological precision;

2.     Communication effectiveness in the formulation of knowledge;

3.     Rigour  in explaining theories and concepts;

4.     Accuracy of references to scientific literature;

5.     Interpretative significance of the contents;

6.     Originality in the revision of knowledge;

7.  Wealth and enunciation of links;

8.     Relevance in the application of methods, techniques, tools;

9.  Reflexivity and perspective in the construction of answers;

10.   Relevance of personal insights.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students

Course books

the books are the same of those attending the course


the evaluation criteria are the same as indicated for those attending the course

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


students who take the exam must have their record book and course books

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