Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Sociological theories in the social context
Teorie sociologiche e contesto sociale

A.Y. Credits
2016/2017 5
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Guido Maggioni 11-12.30 Thursday; on other days and times by appointment to be requested by e-mail
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English French
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Sociology and Social Work (L-39 / L-40)
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims to enable students to acquire a basic knowledge, with reference  to general theories in the sociological and sociological-legal thought and the social and cultural context in which they emerge and develop.   On the basis of the knowledge acquired, students will develop analytical skills in relation to the theoretical and epistemological content of sociological and sociological-legal thought of the past and present.                                                                                                                                                                         The acquisition of such knowledge within the first year will enable students of the B.A. course in Sociology and Social Service to continue their studies in successive years with the necessary basic knowledge of the historical and theoretical foundations of sociological studies (special sociologies) and of the social policies enacted since the nineteenth century to the present day. They will also verify their cultural interests  to better define their preferences in view of the choice of the topic of their dissertation and of third year programme .


The course presents a historical profile of sociological thought from precursors up to contemporary times. In its development special attention will be accorded to the social and cultural context in which emerges and develops modern sociological thought , understood as an expression of social modernization and secularization, and at the same time as an active component of these changes. In dealing with different authors, a special attention will be devoted to the theme of modernity and the way in which sociological reflection originated and developed in relation to the understanding of the specifics of what is "modern" versus what is described as "traditional." The first part will present the origins of sociology, up to and including contributions made by the sociologists of the late '800up to around 1920. Particular attention will be given to the sociological study of the law and the state.

 Course topics: The historical background, political and economic of the first social sciences in the eighteenth century: ideas about progress and science. political and social philosophy economics. Culture and society in Europe 1815-1850. Socialism, democracy, liberalism, conservatism. The origins of sociological thought. Bentham and Savigny: two perspectives on society and law. The birth of sociology of positivism and romanticism. Saint-Simon and the saintsimoniani. Auguste Comte. sociological theory and the laws of society. Rights and duties: the establishment of the company. Alexis de Tocqueville. Modernity as a democracy. The case of the American and French. Democracy in America: historical, institutional and sociological aspects. Religion and community. The ancient regime and the revolution. Interpretations of modernity. The conflittualistica perspective. Karl Marx. social conflict and class struggle. The materialist conception of history. Marx's contribution to the social sciences. Herbert Spencer: Sociology, Positivism and evolution. The evolution as a principle of development. Military society and industrial society. Evolution and conflict: Social Darwinism. The historical context of the classics of sociology. France and Germany between the end of '800 and early' 900: politics, society, culture. Ludwig Gumplowicz. Ferdinand Tönnies: community and society. Emile Durkheim. The division of social labor. Rules and sanctions, law and society. The notion of anomie and the study of suicide. A remedy to social disorganization: the corporations. Conception of sociology and sociological method. A sociologist Durkheim-lawyer: Léon Duguit. Vilfredo Pareto. Sociology and political science: the theory of elites. Sort actions: act logical / illogical. Truth and utility of the theory The task of sociology. Max Weber. ideal types, social action and rationality. The method. The comprehensive sociology. A social action sociology. The sociology of power, bureaucracy and administration. The rationalization process. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. The right. Georg Simmel. A sociology of forms. Content and object of sociology. The experience of modernity. The money and the metropolis. The study of social types: the stranger and the poor. Simmel and contemporary sociological theories. 

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

It is expected that students will acquire:
1. knowledge and understanding: mastery of basic knowledge about the history of sociologica thought in the social context, with particular reference to its constituent elements (problems and methods) in relation with other social sciences
The students will attain these basic knowledge: by participating in lessons and through the analytical study of the texts proposed by the teacher and discussed in the classroom.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and theories provided by the course; developing new insights, both from a theoretical and empirical point of view.
To be achieved through classroom discussions, interacting with the teacher, reading texts.
3. Capacity of judgment: critical reflection on themes, topics, texts presented.
This capability will mature in the interaction in the classroom, with the teacher and with fellow students, in reading essays, articles, scientific papers.
4. Communication skills: the ability to communicate their knowledge in a clear and correct manner
Outcomes to be achieved by discussions in the classroom, interacting actively during lectures, workshops, seminars, asking and answering questions, and also through written contributions.  
5. Learning Skills: methods of analysis of the problems,  independent judgment. Skills to be acquired primarily discussing with other students and with the teacher the themes of the course. Knowledge of the  study materials will offer a greater capacity for further learning. The teacher in the course will encourage the acquisition of such skills, which will be evaluated during the exam

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Through the Moodle platform  will be made available to students numerous materials, consisting both in texts and in significant pictures and photographs to allow them to put in context the social and legal changes that will be covered in the course. 

The teaching material made available by the lecturer can be found, together with other supporting activities, inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it 


Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Frontal lessons. contextual study, in all the parts shown, of the course texts and materials provided by the teacher . Explanation of the best use of the work materials uploaded by the teacher in the Moodle platform.


The  qualification is obtained through the verification of the attendance to the lessons, for a share of at least 3/4 of the actual hours taught.

Course books

Maggioni G., Percorsi di storia della sociologia : i classici, Liguori, Napoli 2012
-Calabrò A. R. (a cura di) I caratteri della modernità: parlano i classici. Liguori, Napoli 2004. (esclusa l'introduzione)

A list of alternative texts in the English (or French) language can be provided by the teacher


The assessment is done individually on the occasion of regular exams by a committee chaired by the form teacher, by oral examination.

The assessment is done on an individual basis and is maintained by a committee chaired by the owner of the form teacher.
It seeks to establish the ability to use knowledge and concepts acquired during the course, with particular reference to the following aspects: mastery of basic knowledge about the historical development of sociological and sociological-legal thought in the broader context of the formation and development of the social sciences, with particular reference to the social and cultural context in which it emerges and develops the modern sociological thought; awareness of its constituent elements (problems and methods); acquisition of cultural foundations as to develop capacity for critical evaluation, avoiding ideological simplifications.
At the end of the lessons, students who have fulfilled the compulsory attendance can support an audit according to the written test mode open-ended questions.
The conduct of the written test
It proceeds with the recognition of the candidates through the booklet or identity document and verify their presence in the list of students who have acquired the status of attending (¾ of lessons / activities chat). attending to the current a.a. also they can be added students who have acquired the status of attending in previous academic years, who have not yet successfully passed the exam. It then goes to the delivery of the card for verification - it is recommended to carefully fill in the title page, where you must give the name and serial number. Each board consists of five sheets, bearing the first general information and the other four a different question each. The questions refer only to the texts indicated and the content of the lessons. Have been prepared with the intent to avoid is an extremely general plan, is too specific. They provide an "open response", to contain within the lines prepared (you can use the back of the sheets as a draft). At the end of the allotted time (100 minutes), we shall withdraw the completed forms. And 'possible to deliver before time runs out, as well as give up the test even once it has begun.
Mode of the written test evaluation
The assessment is made based on two readings by the examination committee members.
Each answer is evaluated analytically by each examiner according to the following scale: 10 excellent 9 very good 8 discrete 7 sufficient insufficient 6 5 4 does not respond very insufficient 3
It then proceeds to perform the arithmetic average of the scores awarded by each examiner, to obtain the score-based mid-term test (out of thirty, multiplying by three the average).
The lecturer makes an overall final review to maximize the fairness of evaluations. Where are needed for the conditions, the score will vary by +/- 2 points from the score-based, thus giving rise to the final evaluation.
The test results will be announced within three days by a notice posted on the notice board of the Bachelor of Science in Sociology situated to plan B and publication in the website http://sociologiaonline.org/
 Students who pass the written test will be able to directly use the evaluation obtained in the same test in any subsequent official exam session of History of sociological thought and sociological-legal, as early as the summer session of the academic year exams . 2016-17. Because the result of the examination can be recorded in the official minutes, the students must register online appeal they intend to validate the vote.
Registration can only be done when the student has completed the verification of all parts of the syllabus. E 'can roll call officer orally meets the test of a single part of the program, arguing for the other part of the success attained in a written test.
Attending students who did not pass any written examination, or that they had not carried out, they will present to the normal exam sessions for the exam entirely in oral form. Overcoming written midterm test does not preclude the possibility of still take the oral test, in case you want to improve the evaluation rating. The oral test will be considered as a new event.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Individual study of the course program in all its parts


Not required.

Course books

-Maggioni G., Percorsi di storia della sociologia : i classici, -Liguori, Napoli 2012
-Calabrò A. R. (a cura di) I caratteri della modernità: parlano i classici. Liguori, Napoli 2004


The assessment is done individually by oral examination on the occasion of regular exams by a board chaired by the form teacher.

The examination aim is to establish the ability to use knowledge and concepts acquired during the course, with particular reference to the following aspects: mastery of basic knowledge about the historical development of sociological and sociological-legal thought in the broader context of the formation and development of the social sciences, with particular reference to the social and cultural context in which it emerges and develops the modern sociological thought; awareness of its constituent elements (problems and methods); acquisition of cultural foundations as to develop capacity for critical evaluation, avoiding ideological simplifications.

At the end of the lessons, students who have fulfilled the compulsory attendance can participate to an intermediate written test . Similarly, they can take part in a second written test on the remainder of the program, to be held at the end of AMI 2 teaching module.

In the exams, provided according to the official calendar, the outcome for those who have passed the written tests will be certified. In other cases, the student will take an oral exam on the course program (in its entirety, or on one only, if the other has  already  been successfully verified).

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


The student can request to sit the final exam in English with an alternative bibliography in this language.

L'examen et la bibliographie seront en langue française à la demande de l'étudiant.

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