Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2016/2017 5
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Francesca Tonini

Assigned to the Degree Course

Conservation and Restauration of Cultural Heritage (LMR/02)
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

Provide Students with theoretical and practical knowledge on materials and techniques of the artifacts on wooden support (panel paintings and sculptures) with particular reference to ground and polychrome layers, gilding, etc., with specific references to treatises and historical manuals.

The study and practice of materials and artistic techniques is an essential tool for a better comprehension of the work of art, and for setting up a proper project for its maintenance or restoration.


The program is divided into a theoretical part (35 hours), and a practical part (intervention on models) (90 hours).

Frontal lessons

1. Constituent materials of the layers on wooden support (25 hours):

1.2 sizing

1.3 "incamottatura"

1.4 ground

1.4.1 binders

1.4.2 inerts

1.4.3 smoothing

1.4 gilding

1.4.1 equipment

1.4.2 bolus

1.4.3 metal leaf (gold, silver, "oro di metà", etc.).

1.4.4 application techniques

1.4.5 finishing techniques 1.4.5 (mixtion, translucent painting, etc.).

1.5 pictorial layers

1.5.1 pigments and dyes

1.5.2 binders tempera emulsions oil

1.6 varnishes

1.7 pictorial and special finishing techniques

1.7.1 "pastiglia"

1.7.2 punching and engraving

1.7.3 Pressbrokat

1.7.4 Lüsterfarben or translucent painting

1.7.5 mecca

1.7.6 bronzing

1.7.7 Esgrafiado

1.7.8 Estofado

1.7.9 glossy and matte fleshtones

1.7.10 Aventurine

1.7.11 chromatic treatments of wood

1.8 Special features in statuary: reliquary sculptures, esculturas de candelero, realistic effects

2. The rules of training and profession (2 hours):

2.1 Code of Cultural heritage and Code of ethics

2.2 ICOM-cc 1984 document

2.3 E.C.C.O. 1993 document

3. Treatises on artistic techniques (8 hours):

From Teofilo to the Trattato della pittura by Giorgio de Chirico

Historical sources, libraries, lists of websites, conferences

4. Practical lessons / workshop (90 hours):

To be carried out mainly on models

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

1. Knowledge of materials and techniques used;

2. Manual skills (models with various artistic techniques)

3. Improving knowledge on treaties and historical handbooks, and / or other tools and sources (including web)

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Powerpoint presentations

Video presentations

Visits to sites and workshops

Visits to botanical gardens, exhibitions and museums

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures: 35 hours

Workshop on models: 90 hours


Attendance: see University Regulations

Course books

F. Tonini, Scultura lignea. Tecniche e materiali. Manuale per allievi restauratori, Il Prato, Saonara (PD) 2015;

S. Vacanti, Il Piccolo trattato di tecnica pittorica di Giorgio de Chirico, Firenze 2014;

S. Baroni, G. Pizzigoni, P. Travaglio (a cura di), Mappae clavicula. Alle origini dell'alchimia in Occidente, Padova, 2013;

Diodato, S.P., I buoni colori di una volta, Menabò, Ortona 2012;

G.B. Fidanza, L. Speranza, M. Valenzuela, Scultura lignea. Per una storia dei sistemi costruttivi e decorativi dal Medioevo al XIX secolo, Atti del Convegno  di Serra San Quirico e Pergola 13-15 dicembre 2007, De Luca, Roma 2012;

L. Gusmeroli, La pittura del trittico di Ambrogio Lorenzetti di Badia a Rofeno: tecnica artistica, stato di conservazione e restauro, in M. Ciatti, L. Gusmeroli (a cura di), Ambrogio Lorenzetti: il Trittico di Badia a Rofeno, Edifir, Firenze 2012;

Frezzato, F., (a cura di), Cennino Cennini, Il libro dell’arte, Vicenza 2011;

S. Rinaldi, Storia tecnica dell’arte. Materiali e metodi della pittura e della scultura (secc. V-XIX), Carocci, Roma 2011;

Caniato, G. (a cura di), Con il legno e con l’oro. La Venezia artigiana degli intagliatori, battiloro e doratori, Verona 2009;

Pinna D., Galeotti M., Mazzeo R., Scientific examination for the investigation of paintings. A handbook for Conservators-Restorers, Centro Di, Firenze 2009;

G.B. Fidanza, N. Macchioni, Statue di legno. Caratteristiche tecnologiche e formali delle specie legnose (Atti del Convegno di Perugia 2005), Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato libreria dello Stato, Roma 2008;

C.Z. Laskaris, Il ricettario Diotaiuti. Ricette di argomento tecnico-artistico in uno zibaldone marchigiano del Quattrocento, Padova, 2008;

Fidanza G.B., Macchioni N. (a cura di), Statue di legno. Caratteristiche tecnologiche e formali delle specie legnose, Roma, 2008;

L. Speranza, La scultura lignea policroma, ricerche e modelli di restauro, Centro Di, Firenze 2007;

Brandi, C., Teoria del restauro, Einaudi, Torino 2006;

Ciatti, M., Frosinini, C. (a cura di), Restauro e ricerche. Dipinti su tela e tavola, Firenze 2003

Policromia a escultura policromada religiosa dos séculos XVII e XVIII. Estudo comparativo das tecnicas, alterações e conservação em Portugal, Espanha e Bélgica, Actas do Congreso Internacional, Lisboa 29, 30 e 31 de Otubro de 2002, Instituto Português de Conservação e Restauro, Lisboa 2002;

Ciatti, M., Castelli, C., Santacesaria, A. (a cura di), Dipinti su tavola. La tecnica e la conservazione dei supporti, Edifir, Firenze 1999, pp. 59-98;

Perusini, G., Il restauro dei dipinti e delle sculture lignee, Del Bianco, Udine 2002;

Tutela del patrimonio culturale: Verso un profilo europeo del restauratore di beni culturali, Atti del Summit europeo, Pavia, 18-22 ottobre 1997;

Uzielli, L., Casazza, O. (a cura di), Conservazione dei dipinti su tavola, Firenze 1994

R.B. Hoadley, Identifyng wood, The Taunton Press Newtown, 1990;

A.P. Laurie, The painter's methods and materials, New York, 1988;

Nardi Berti, R., Contributi scientifico-pratici per una migliore conoscenza ed utilizzazione del legno, Firenze, 1979;

Theophilus, On divers arts. The foremost medieval tretaise on painting, glassmaking and metalwork, New York 1979 (o altre edizioni);

Quaderni DIMOS – Istituto Centrale del Restauro, Tecnica delle sezioni stratigrafiche Parte I - Modulo 4, Roma 1978;

Villavecchia Eigenmann, Nuovo dizionario di merceologia e chimica applicata, Hoepli Milano, 1976.


CAMEO: Conservation & Art Materials Encyclopedia Online


Altarpieces: Illustrated Basic Terminology” e “Documento de Retablos 2002” (ad vocem, spagnolo o inglese)


Class notes


For the exam, the student must submit a report divided into several chapters, each relating to the work done in each workshop module. The report must be sent to the teacher via e-mail, two weeks before the exam, and delivered in electronic format at the time of the examination.

The exam consists of a written test and an oral interview.

Written test to be performed in an hour, consists of closed questions and open-ended questions.

Oral test: will focus on the work done in the workshop and the topics covered in lectures and texts.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Contact the teacher and / or the Course Coordinator


For any further information the teacher is available

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