Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Spanish as a language for special purposes: practical workshop on written production and translation

Language Assistant Email Office hours for students
Renata De Rugeriis After lessons

Assigned to the Degree Course

Foreign languages and intercultural studies (LM-37)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

Make participants able to independently develop the linguistic strategies necessary to develop in the world of business and business intercultural communication of the Hispanophone sphere, such that participants develop self-learning skills and so in the future they will be able to enrich themselves in all situations offered by their work or relationship environment.



•  Use knowledge of the formal aspects of the commercial lexicon to achieve a high degree of precision and adequacy, both in understanding and expression.

•  Understand the main ideas and extract specific information from the oral texts of the various topics to work, showing sensitivity for the differences in style and rhetorical figures.

•  Understand oral messages without the sender's presence, overcoming obstacles due to ambient noise, speed and non-standard pronunciation.

•  Understand the attitudes, moods and intentions of the people who speak and the relationship between them.

•  Respond immediately and appropriately to the different levels of the organization chart.

•  Produce extensive texts with different functions and objectives, organizing ideas and information in a coherent and comprehensible way, showing precision in the expression and mastery of the different registers.

•  Show a certain linguistic mastery of the uses and social conventions of the business world.

•  Use a broad vocabulary, with idiomatic expressions.

•  Properly use the most common phonemes and suprasegmental features in oral expression.

•  Participate in debates and discussions on topics of general interest or current affairs with a certain fluidity and spontaneity, showing capacity for argumentation.

•  Incorporate into their speech the distinctive elements that make speech more natural or close to the language spoken by the natives.

•  Use the language and learning strategies developed to reflect and correct errors and deficiencies in both expression and understanding.

•  Learn to develop in a negotiation, using all the linguistic resources and knowledge of the environment.


•  Use knowledge of the formal aspects of the commercial sector lexicon to achieve a high degree of accuracy and adequacy, both in understanding and expression

•  Identify the function and type of a text or document, as well as the intention of its author or issuer.

•  Read and understand a wide range of in-depth specialist texts.

•  Produce extensive texts with different functions and objectives, organizing ideas and information in a coherent and comprehensible way, showing precision in the expression and mastery of the different registers.

•  Show a certain linguistic mastery of the uses and social conventions of the business world and of the different registers.

•  Use an extensive vocabulary, as well as a variety of connectors and text markers that give consistency to the written text.

•  Use resources and reference materials easily and efficiently at your fingertips to expand knowledge and answer questions.

•  Use the language and learning strategies developed to detect errors and self-correction.

•  Learn to write reports, letters, communications and all documents related to the business world.


•  Learn to read aloud and with the correct pronunciation.

•  Make notes of a long presentation (conferences, lectures, lessons, presentations ...) in a standard language specific to the business context.

•  Prepare reports based on oral or written information, from which previous notes have been taken, in a standard language.


•  Develop the cultural strategies necessary to develop in the business world of the Hispanic sphere.

•  Learn social standards in Spanish companies to avoid cultural misunderstandings

•  Compare different negotiation styles based on different cultures.


Socializing function

•  Use the appropriate register for each communication situation.

Information function (inform, describe, narrate)

•  Provide and request information on any topic: request and confirm specific data, express compliance and disagreement, etc.

•  Report facts and events

Expressive function

•  Express and recognize irony, courtesy, etc.

•  Express any type of feeling or mood.

Evaluation function

•  Expressing attitudes: expressing one's opinion and presenting one's point of view, asking others to express their opinions, refuting the opinions of others with well-organized and organized arguments, justifications or arguments.

•  Evaluate things or ideas using comparisons and expressive figures.

Inductive function

•  Provide arguments to convince, persuade or induce someone to do something.

•  Prevent or warn someone of the consequences of doing something.

•  Explain goals and action plans.

Metalinguistic function

•  Structuring the speech: opening and closing the oral and written speech in a wide variety of situations; to emphasize, synthesize, correctly structure the sentence and the speech (dialogue, written text, etc.)

•  Guarantee and repair communication: ask and offer repetitions, confirmations, clarifications; expressing doubts, using strategies to help efficient and fluid communication.

•  Ask and provide clarifications on the grammar and formal aspects of Spanish.



1. Contents of the spelling

•  Use of punctuation marks.

•  Specific uses of capital letters.

•  Uses of acronyms.

1.1 Determinants

1.2 Name and adjective

•  Nouns and adjectives: special cases

•  Word formation: prefixes, suffixes, parasynthetics, gentiles, cultisms, linguistic loans, etc.

1.3 Verb

•  Some special cases of "ser" and "estar"

•  Other values of the imperfect indicative

•  Other values of the future

•  Composite gerund

•  Past tense participle

•  Periphrases of verbs

•  Indicative / conjunctive uses and contrasts

•  Indirect style

•  verbal impersonality

1.4 Adverb

•  Adverbial phrases

1.5 pronoun

•  Revision and extension of personal pronouns

•  Revision and consolidation of relative pronouns with and without preposition (con que ...)

1.6 Preposition

•  Revision and expansion of prepositions and prepositional phrases

1.7 Conjunction

•  Conjunctions that introduce subordinate sentences

Thematic contents

•  The business world

•  Companies and entrepreneurs

•  Products

•  Advertising

•  Banks and savings banks

•  Business trips

•  Business on the net


A communication system will be worked out. The approaches used according to the themes will be:

•  The situational approach to immerse yourself in social contexts, the task approach to implement projects and the functional approach to work on the uses of language and react appropriately.

•  To develop all the skills in each session, all four skills will be practiced in a compensated way.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the language assistant in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the language assistant specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Course books

•  Material distributed in class; lecture notes provided by the reader.

•  While waiting for a specific text, the following bibliographical aids for specialty vocabulary are suggested:

a)    Blanca Aguirre Beltrán: El Español por profesiones; servicios financieros: Banca y Bolsa. Ed. SGEL.

b)    Blanca Aguirre y KlausBeltrán: El Español por profesiones; comercio exterior. Ed.SGEL.

c)    Olga Juan, Marisa de Prada, Ana Zaragoza: En equipo. Ed. Edi Numen. .

d)    José Luís Rodríguez Illera: Soporte visual: video Español de Negocios. Ed. Difusión.

e)    Detlev Wagner, Neus Sans: Mil palabras de Negocios. Ed. Difusión.

f)     Josefa Gómez de Enterría: Correspondencia Comercial en Español. Ed. SGEL.

g)    José María Tomás, Blanca Aguirre, Julio Larrú: Trato hecho. Ed. SGEL. .

h)    Detlev Wagner, Neus Sans: Escribir cartas de Negocios. Ed. Difusión.

i)     Marisa de Prada, Montserrat Bovet: Hablando de negocios. Ed. Edelsa.

j)     Marisa González, Felipe Martín, Conchi Rodrigo, Elena Verdía:Socios. Ed. Difusión.

k)    Ángel Felices, Cecilia Ruiz: Español para el comercio internacional. Ed. Edinumen.

« back Last update: 29/01/2020

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