Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo



A.Y. Credits
2020/2021 8
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Valentina Radi

Assigned to the Degree Course

Geology and Land-Use Planning (L-34 / L-21)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The first approach to the discipline must allow the understanding of the context in which you live, that is rather of the contemporaneity in which you are immersed both socially and technically, correlating this knowledge to the specific architectural and urban.

In particular, the course addresses the theme of architectural composition in the founding aspects of the method, spatial, distributive, functional and relational aspects, even through compositional models, bringing students closer to the complexity of the project in its relationship with the urban context.

The main objective of the teaching is to give both theoretical and practical principles to acquire and develop the sense and ability to measure the architectural space related to the reading of space and urban structure.

To this end the course chooses as teaching theme to develop a project with mixed functions of residences and services, with limited physical dimensions, contextualized in a stable and consolidated urban area.

The knowledge that the learner will have to assume will be related to the fundamentals of architectural composition, the selection and critical evaluation of models of living referred to modern and contemporary debate. Reading the constitutive elements of architectural and urban spaces. Basic references of morphological and spatial reading in the urban context. Critical analysis of typological and historical evolutionary characters of urban contexts.


The course explores issues related to the relationship between the architectural project and the consolidated city. The teaching activity is accomplished in the complete development of an architectural project read in the essential elements of its complexity.

From the point of view of architectural composition, the basic lines of the design method will be tackled, supported by selected references on the positions in the twentieth century and contemporary, with related examples. Complementary attention will be paid to the analysis of urban morphology and building typologies, with case studies that highlight the relationship between the urban structure and the shape and characteristics of building systems, with attention to the typologies required by the design theme developed during the course.

The seminar activity will develop the principles of composition of forms and volumes, functional schemes and distributive characteristics of buildings. The principles of contemporary living will be addressed. We will give notions of living relatively to the masters of modern architecture through examples that express their positions. The concept of place, the relationship with memory and tradition. Morphological structure of the city with relevant examples. Density and type of building.

The classroom activity will include the elaboration of a small project of residences and services starting from the design idea, identifying the defined relationships with the city and the environment. This as an intellectual and practical exercise that will involve the knowledge that will be gradually transferred and independently implemented. The project will be elaborated through drawings, graphic images in the appropriate dimensional scales.

Bridging Courses

No specific requirements required

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The course of architectural and urban composition is divided into lectures and classroom activities. The first ones will take place according to distinct strands: frontal, in-depth, design references. The classroom activity includes the development of the project theme through graphic works and study models. The participation of the student in the written exercises is required.

Weekly lessons will be held on the following themes:

Architectural composition

- "Design a building. That is, a matter of method"

- "Living in the modern world"

- "Living in the contemporary world"

- Living in the Mediterranean area

Urban morphology and building typologies

- "Shape, place, space"

- "Type and place"

- "The building in context. Tools and strategies for the control of environmental well-being".

Course books

Quaroni L., Progettare un edificio. Otto lezioni di architettura, Roma 2001.

Zumthor P., Pensare architettura, Electa, Milano 1998.

 A. Rossi, L’architettura della città, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2011.

Ponti G., Amate l’architettura, Rizzoli, Milano 2018.

Giancarlo De Carlo, Il nuovo piano per Urbino, Urbanistica, INU, n°102, Rivista semestrale, gennaio-giugno, 1994.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


The course of architectural and urban composition is divided into lectures and classroom activities. The first ones will take place according to distinct strands: frontal, in-depth, design references. The classroom activity includes the development of the project theme through graphic works and study models. The participation of the student in the written exercises is required.

Weekly lessons will be held on the following themes:

Architectural composition

- "Design a building. That is, a matter of method"

- "Living in the modern world"

- "Living in the contemporary world"

- Living in the Mediterranean area

Urban morphology and building typologies

- "Shape, place, space"

- "Type and place"

- "The building in context. Tools and strategies for the control of environmental well-being".

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