Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2021/2022 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Kirsten Maria Sarna al termine delle lezioni previo appuntamento via email, to be determined.
Teaching in foreign languages
Course entirely taught in a foreign language English
This course is entirely taught in a foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Clinical Psychology (LM-51)
Curriculum: COMUNE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims to improve the ability to write and speak, listen and read scientific English. It will focus specifically on the interpretation of graphs in appropriate language and will further work on understanding scientific texts and oral presentations that pertain to the study of psychology.

The course will focus on:

-  use of appropriate language in written and oral interpretation of graphs concerned with relevant research data

-  comprehension of written and spoken texts

-  enabling students to partake in debates/discussions in English

-  learning to avoid common errors, especially of pronunciation.


·  Introduzione generale al corso “Debates Around Mental Health” (2 ore)

·  Interpretation and illustration of graphs (2 ore)

·  Positive Psychology (2 ore)

·  Grafico (2 ore)

·  New apps instead of therapy? (2 ore)

·  Grafico (2 ore)

·  Online Resources, help or hindrance (2 ore)

·  Grafico (2 ore)

· A different look at depression (2 ore)

·  Grafico (2 ore)

· Bipolar disorder and Stephen Fry’s attempt at educating us (2 ore)

·  Grafico (2 ore)

·  Schizophrenia (2 ore)

·  Grafico (2 ore)

·  The rise in Anxiety disorders (2 ore)

·  Grafico (2 ore)

·  A generation of Snowflakes”? (2 ore)

·  Grafico(2 ore)

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding

-  How to debate in English, written and oral analysis of graphs, comprehension of scientific texts and listening comprehension.

-  Active participation in spoken debate on psychological topics.

Applying knowledge and understanding

-Acquire tools to formulate arguments in debate on topics relating to the field of study in English

- How to analyse graphs in English, describing and interpreting in appropriate vocabulary

- Promote awareness and ability to auto-correct spoken English

Making judgements

 - Ability to actively participate in scientific discussions in English

 - Ability to understand and interpret graphs

 - Ability to structure and present scientific arguments in English

Communication skills include:

 - be able to read and interpret information given in graph form

 - be able to argue in English

 - be able to communicate in English in the specific field of study

 - be able to understand scientific content in both reading and listening

Learning skills

 - analyse information given in various sources: graphs, texts, presentations, interactive communications

 - expand proficiency in the use of the English language autonomously, using online sources such as dictionaries, thesaurus, pronunciation aids, etc.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Students are required to actively participate in sessions and prepare texts in advance

They will debate in class and are asked to answer open questions on the materials used, both written and listening.

There will be some group work pertaining to language work.


Participation is expected. 

Course books

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it


1. Written description of a graph (no more than 100-150 words) 

2. Listening comprehension, 10 questions, true/false or multiple choice

3. Oral discussion on a chosen topic and the content of lectures given.

To pass the coures a minimum of 6 correct answers in the listening quiz are necessary, the written and the oral part are subject to the examiners evaluation of pass or fail.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Students are required to actively participate in sessions and prepare texts in advance.

They will debate in class and are asked to answer open questions on the materials used, both written and for the listening. In the case of online students this will be done via the platform's chat function.

There will be some group work pertaining to language work. The platform offers the break-out group function for this purpose and students can present their work orally or by sharing documents.


Participation, with use of microphones or the platform's chat function, is expected.

Course books

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it


1. Written description of a graph (no more than 100-150 words)

2. Listening comprehension, 10 questions, true/false or multiple choice

3. Oral discussion on a chosen topic and the content of lectures given.

To pass the coures a minimum of 6 correct answers in the listening quiz are necessary, the written and the oral part are subject to the examiners evaluation of pass or fail.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


Teaching hours on graphs are held by Prof. Patricia Barzotti

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