Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2021/2022 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Francesco Comelli On friday 3\4 pm, during teaching time , but always by appointment, in presence. Same time friday from 3\4. pm also in no teaching times but always by appointment calling. or writing on indicated addresses .
Teaching in foreign languages
Course partially taught in a foreign language English French Spanish
This course is taught partially in Italian and partially in a foreign language. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Clinical Psychology (LM-51)
Curriculum: COMUNE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

1- To improve knowledge on historical and contemporary issues of Etnopsychopathology and differences between the traditional treatments of foreign countries  and health cares of western world . Mental disorders in primitive cultures and their methods. New psychic diseases of Western world and their relationship with Western culture. Three Hours

2-   Group dynamics in  familiar , institutional and social groups: to improve knowledge of  the traditional and western treatment institutions through a study of the institutions themselves. Overview of group in their therapeutic settings and anthropological meaning (past and present). Deculturation. Health care in non-Western cultures and mixed models of care as a link between different cultures. Three Hours 

. 3- Cultural and clinical case history of patients. Psychopathologies in their current representations. Exploring  ties between the clinic work with individuals, with families and  groups, and their links with destructiveness in daily life. Environmental destructiveness, in war scenarios. The human characteristics of psychologists with foreigners: flexibility, willingness to decentralize its operational certainty, knowledge of environmental contexts other than the western ones. The groups in primitive environments, and in the contemporaneity. Ethological theory as a model for understanding  group dynamics of different cultures. Western and Eastern suicide kamikazes. Geopolitical issues. Six Hours

4- Working together  to aquire operational and conceptual tools relating to contemporaneity and new ways of suffering. Psychiatry and psychotherapy with foreign patients. The significance of the lexicon: the work through words. Models of mental care in Italy and support to foreign patients. Examples from France and England. Death concepts in the West, in other cultures and death concepts in the current conflicts in the Middle East. The relationship with death and with pain in different contexts. Six Hours

5- Working together to identify lexical terms related to our experience of the course to communicate through  publication a student text (students each year can find  key terms with a brief explanation of lexical etimological meaning , then publishing these works). Innovative clinical models. Three Hours

6-  Working together to reflect on meeting between ancient , modern and postmodern societies, looking for links between psychopathology and major social containers: the relationship with economy and power; hypothesis on bridges between psychopathology and mass . Relationship between individual, family, group, mass states of mind. Three Hours  

 7- Migration and mental health. Conflicts between social groups destructiveness and wars between Western and Eastern world. East and western kamikaze. Four hours 

8 -Conflicts among social groups : wars and distructivity in western and eastern countries_. Western and eastern kamikaze .Three Hours 

9- To know critical issues of the migratory journey,  of  social inclusion or exclusion aquiring skills on institutions. Three Hours 

10 Migration as epochal events from a psychologic and geopolitical viewpoint One Hour

- 11 Developing  areas of  relationship between the individual - large groups - destructiveness: individual defenses and social defenses. One hour. 


12 Personal Skills for Trauma Management in Care Settings.

Development of cultural and symbolic representations as a tool to prevent depression and enhance psychic defenses against trauma.

Social dreaming, use of this tecnique.

Group and multigroup field development.

Starting and building groups, their maintenance and analysis of the multigroup field, to help the student to take on basic elements of theories, techniques and group dynamics and their use in institutional and innovative contexts, public and private, health or school.

Mutual diffusion in the different groups of mind states.

Use of online techniques and changes in group technique via online tool.

Relevant Ethology concepts useful to psychologist.

The existential key points, birth, contact, growth, separation, mourning and relationship: ways in which different cultures fill these passages. Individual, family and social tools.

Transformative and cultural functions of societies on these existential points of everyone's life

symbolic and narrative or artistic representation as factors of evolution and protection from stress. Art and individual group representation.

Internet and absence of contact: voice, images and photos.

Social and cultural Trauma, Covid virus as an invisible enemy, isolation, confrontation with other forms, eg wars.

Mass addiction and sudden brake on mass drug use during Covid pandemia; concept of death; the trauma of normality; concept of extended mind, mental contagion. 3. hours


First step: the course will be beginning from the history of Ethno-psychiatry, considering differences between organic solidarity care groups (primitive societies) and sectorial and individual group society (Western models), to better understand contemporary Western pathologies (eg, anorexia, bulimia, addictions and delusional ties) in order to identify meaningful differences of expression of diseases in different cultural areas.Eight  hours , four days

Second step: the study of migratory path,  related to emotional suffering and to the age o f migrants, e.g. the problem of abandoned children and social integration.Eight Hours , four days

Third step: the relationships between culture, health systems and expression of discomfort. Eight Hours , four days

Fourth step: the treatment and support for health workers's mind are studied as well as team building  in health care for migrants or foreigners. During lessons we'll try to make an experience through groups of students and teachers , working  on the  impact of  different  states of mind, mostly those related to the work with other cultures and  with foreign patenits. It' will be possible to help foreign students to disclose their feelings related to their Erasmus experiences. In particular it is also addressed the difference between the concept of the clinicla group and that of ethnic group. We will study the concept of ethnic disorder, crisis and organization of containers ( family, social , cultural ) and their relationship with the  individual diseases; we will study the concept of group and  the individual \group relationship. Twelve Hours six days

possible workshops of social dreaming and writing elaborated related to the course , 4. hours , not. mandatory one day 

Bridging Courses

Social Psychology, English.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

In relation to teaching the student must show possession : - to have mastered the knowledge of specialized disciplines ; - The understanding of the advanced concepts of the discipline ; - The ability to use knowledge and concepts to think independently on the issues of the discipline .

In relation to teaching, the student must show skills on  Knowledge and understanding, relating to the fundamental themes of the course, eg. the relation between psychopathology and culture. · Applied knowledge and understanding, ie the understanding of clinical applications related to the topics presented in class. · Autonomy of judgment, ie the possibility of supporting one's own work thesis and clinical hypothesis. · Communication skills, realization of a sufficiently managed exposition as a comprehensibility of the speech. · Ability to learn; ability to learn from the experience of lessons and workshops - the mastery of the knowledge of the specialized disciplines; that is, the integration of various specialist disciplines encountered in the course of studies and lessons. - understanding of the advanced concepts of the discipline; these concepts are the group as a working setting, the contemporary discomfort pathologies and cultural manifestations- the ability to use knowledge and concepts to reason independently on the issues of the discipline. Provide examples of clinical reports or clinical opinions , or report independently on authors or topics.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

Besides to the texts of study ( see below ) , the course material will be provided with publications or articles from magazines relevant to the matter . It will be given a newspaper that is written by patients and cultural workers (Noialtri) as study case of the relationship between culture and psychopathology. As a supporting activity will be held a theathral show with patients and mental health workers.

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Different  languages witnesses.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lessons through experiential groups , where  learning is integrated in the way we share group experiences.  We'll alternate small groups work with general full group work, with an integration of lessons with multidisciplinary seminars or free visits to institutions. Presence of cultural mediators and operators of facilities for foreigners . Presentation of shared theatrical shows. Possible seminars integrated with other teachings. Learning  from experience of groups in the classroom . As a supporting activity will be held a theathral show with patients and mental health workers. It is ecouraged a personal production of texts merging from all these experiences.

It' will be possible to help foreign students to disclose their ideas related to  Erasmus experiences

The search for another model of life cannot fail to question an organization of daily life that calls into question, starting from the organization of work that constantly changes, the relationship between economic processes and social space, between groups (organized, non-formal and informal) and community by rethinking the relationship with the place of residence and its landscape identity (the themes of the environment, cultural heritage, historical memory).
In Italy the experiences of associated life are multiplying which propose an alternative life model to the metropolitan one (for example, the communities of happy degrowth).
The guiding idea is to move within a context of thought that crosses the disciplines of organizational psychosociology, of the analysis of groups and institutions, of educational sciences and questions the Western monastic tradition and its millennial experience. community management

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recommended for the experiential nature of the course

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Course books

G. Devereux, Ethnopychiatry, (chapters 1,2,3,4,5); 100 pages, Karnac books london 1980

AAVV: N.34 (2015) – Group psychotherapy and border areas of contemporary psychiatry, Presentation Funzionegammajournal (www.funzionegamma.it), Università la Sapienza Roma. (versione  italiana e  inglese) first  5 chapters - free download

http://www.argo-onlus.it/la-rivista/, edited by M. Ringer , english version (the paper written by Francesco Comelli) first 40 pages, free download

https://www.argo-onlus.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/argo-rivista-n-4-curadiliviocomin.pdf first 40 pages, free download


oral examination on course issues

Process Learning evaluations in the middle of the  course .

themes of contemporary psychopathology. psychopathological relations \ culture.

monographic researches

Oral exam on the topics of the course mainly dealt with in class.

Mid-course evaluation on the progress of learning

examples, monographs, case histories are accepted

blended topics and topics given by proposed exercises

Outcome of the exams

· Less than 18: insufficient level of competence. The candidate does not achieve any of the learning outcomes provided for in the point "knowledge and understanding", 18-20: sufficient level of competence. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes provided for in the point "knowledge and understanding", 21-23: fully sufficient level of competence. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes envisaged in the points "knowledge and understanding" and "applied knowledge and understanding", 24-26: good level of competence. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes envisaged in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "applied knowledge and understanding" and "independent judgment", 27-29: very good level of competence. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes envisaged in the points "knowledge and understanding", "applied knowledge and understanding", "independent judgment" and "communication skills", 30 and 30 cum laude: excellent level of competence. The candidate fully achieves the learning outcomes envisaged in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "applied knowledge and understanding"; "autonomy of judgment"; "communication skills" and "ability to learn".

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


For those  non attending it'll be significant to understand the way to consider clinic  problems as suggested from texts.

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for non-attending students it is necessary to integrate with the bilbiography indicated here, which is different from attending students. It is also possible to agree with the teacher for monographic additions.



Files availables and downloaded in personal dashboard  of  myself- and Ethnopsychopatology course in mobile blendend.uniurb.it

for non-attending students it is necessary to integrate with the bilbiography indicated here, which is different from attending students. It is also possible to agree with the teacher for monographic additions.

Course books

G. Devereux, Ethnopychiatry, (chapters 1,2,3,4,5); 100 pages, Karnac books london 1980

AAVV: N.34 (2015) – Group psychotherapy and border areas of contemporary psychiatry, Presentation Funzionegammajournal (www.funzionegamma.it), Università la Sapienza Roma. (versione  italiana e  inglese) first  5 chapters - free download

http://www.argo-onlus.it/la-rivista/, edited by M. Ringer , english version (the paper written by Francesco Comelli) first 40 pages, free download

https://www.argo-onlus.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/argo-rivista-n-4-curadiliviocomin.pdf first 40 pages, free download

Omogenietà e differenze , a cura di Martin Ringer autori

Autori: Richard Morgan-Jones, Barry Jones, Rob Gordon, Martin Ringer, Robert Hinshelwood, Mario Perini, Rosealeen Tamaki, Robert French, Peter Simpson, Silvia Corbella, Francesco Comelli. http://www.argo-onlus.it/la-rivista/

at  least five  papers 


oral exam on the texts indicated, on the topics of the lessons and on the stimuli present on the forum.

themes of contemporary psychopathology. psychopathological relations \ culture.

Monographic research

issues from blended service

Outcome of the exam

· Less than 18: insufficient level of competence. The candidate does not achieve any of the learning outcomes provided for in the point "knowledge and understanding", 18-20: sufficient level of competence. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes provided for in the point "knowledge and understanding", 21-23: fully sufficient level of competence. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes envisaged in the points "knowledge and understanding" and "applied knowledge and understanding", 24-26: good level of competence. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes envisaged in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "applied knowledge and understanding" and "independent judgment", 27-29: very good level of competence. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes envisaged in the points "knowledge and understanding", "applied knowledge and understanding", "independent judgment" and "communication skills", 30 and 30 cum laude: excellent level of competence. The candidate fully achieves the learning outcomes envisaged in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "applied knowledge and understanding"; "autonomy of judgment"; "communication skills" and "ability to learn".

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


Suggestions or issues linked with personal experiences that are consistent with the course are welcome, as well as proposals for activities to the group of students.

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