Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2021/2022 5
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Enrico Bocciolesi At the end of the lessons, by appointment via email, at the studio on the second floor of Palazzo Albani, via Bramante 17

Assigned to the Degree Course

Education Sciences (L-19)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims to address in a critical and complex key the issues of adult education that invite the transformation of pedagogical thought for the freedom of the person, according to the specificity of the authors analyzed.

The need for deepening and understanding of epistemology and interpretative-generative practice for the enhancement of continuing education. 

European and transnational regulations refer with great interest to the educational needs and requirements of the person in adulthood, as a need of primary interest for education, training, and the specificity of professional updating.

Attention will also be paid to knowing how to ask the appropriate questions and looking for references on the specific topics of epistemological consideration to achieve autonomy of reflection and use of multiple codes and forms of communication educating.


The program is divided into lessons of 2 hours each, according to the following scheme.

1. Introduction to the course

2. Pedagogical lexicon

3.1 Towards adulthood: authors I

3.2 Towards adulthood: authors II

4. Faure: the education of the future

5. Delors: a treasure in education

6. Adult education in Italy

7. Andragogical issues

8. Adult education contexts and variables: literacy

9. Legislative comparisons

10. Plots of learning

11. Education, training and welfare

12. Lifelong education

13. Learning styles

14.1 Experiential learning models

14.2 Reflective learning models

14.3 Autobiographical learning models

15.1 International proposals for adult education I

15.2 International proposals for adult education II

15.3 International proposals for adult education III

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding:

  • know and understand the methods of critical and complex thinking typical of adult education;
  • advanced knowledge related to the lines of epistemological debate in the field of adult education;
  • understanding of the specific concepts of adult education provided by the course;
  • knowledge of the complexity of adult education according to the in-depth themes.
  • Applying knowledge and understanding:

  • show the understanding of the different theoretical contributions inherent in the discipline;
  • demonstrate the ability to apply theoresis and practices in the different places of education;
  • ability to analyze some life situations by interpreting their educational needs and grafting on their reflections and pedagogical paths aimed at adult education.
  • Making judgements:

  • recognize themes and problems of adult education in different contexts;
  • critically evaluate knowledge and concepts acquired concerning different educational situations;
  • interpret and evaluate problematic situations to activate critical educational processes and complex organization.
  • Communication skills:      

  • express with clarity and criticality the contents of the course, illustrating its meaning;
  • communicate through the use of a specific disciplinary language;
  • argue about themes and problems characteristic of adult education.
  • Learning skills:

  • use knowledge and concepts to reason according to the specific logic of the pedagogical discipline;
  • use knowledge and concepts to analyze new situations and develop cutting-edge actions for adult education;
  • identify strategies and solutions adapted to unexplored and emergency contexts;
  • move independently in the study of the texts and materials provided.
  • Teaching Material

    The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

    Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


    Lectures, seminars and active debate, with the exhibition of case studies, research, international scientific contributions in the platform (blended learning) that will provide for the direct participation of students.


    Attendance is not mandatory.

    Course books

    1. Frabboni, F., Baldacci, M., Margiotta, U. (2012). Longlife-longwide learning. Per un trattato europeo della formazione. Mondadori Università. 9788861597068

    2. Malcolm S. Knowles (1996). La formazione degli adulti come autobiografia. Il percorso di un educatore tra esperienza e idee. Raffaello Cortina Editore. 9788870783704


    Written test with open questions.

    There is a written exam consisting of three open questions. Applications will require compliance with the following main criteria:

    - argumentation and demonstration of critical reasoning concerning the contents of the program,

    - correct articulation of the answer in an analytical perspective to analyze and evaluate the different pedagogical dynamics,

    - the ability to reflect with specificity on the disciplinary language and the acquired knowledge.

    Estimated time for the test: 45 minutes.

    Each of the criteria shall be assessed with the equal weight assigned to each of them. 

    Disabilità e DSA

    Le studentesse e gli studenti che hanno registrato la certificazione di disabilità o la certificazione di DSA presso l'Ufficio Inclusione e diritto allo studio, possono chiedere di utilizzare le mappe concettuali (per parole chiave) durante la prova di esame.

    A tal fine, è necessario inviare le mappe, due settimane prima dell’appello di esame, alla o al docente del corso, che ne verificherà la coerenza con le indicazioni delle linee guida di ateneo e potrà chiederne la modifica.

    Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


    Lectures, seminars and active debate, with the exhibition of case studies, research, international scientific contributions in the platform (blended learning) that will provide for the direct participation of students.


    Attendance is not mandatory.

    Course books

    1. Frabboni, F., Baldacci, M., Margiotta, U. (2012). Longlife-longwide learning. Per un trattato europeo della formazione. Mondadori Università. 9788861597068

    2. Malcolm S. Knowles (1996). La formazione degli adulti come autobiografia. Il percorso di un educatore tra esperienza e idee. Raffaello Cortina Editore. 9788870783704


    Written test with open questions.

    There is a written exam consisting of three open questions. Applications will require compliance with the following main criteria:

    - argumentation and demonstration of critical reasoning concerning the contents of the program,

    - correct articulation of the answer in an analytical perspective to analyze and evaluate the different pedagogical dynamics,

    - the ability to reflect with specificity on the disciplinary language and the acquired knowledge.

    Estimated time for the test: 45 minutes.

    Each of the criteria shall be assessed with the equal weight assigned to each of them. 

    Disabilità e DSA

    Le studentesse e gli studenti che hanno registrato la certificazione di disabilità o la certificazione di DSA presso l'Ufficio Inclusione e diritto allo studio, possono chiedere di utilizzare le mappe concettuali (per parole chiave) durante la prova di esame.

    A tal fine, è necessario inviare le mappe, due settimane prima dell’appello di esame, alla o al docente del corso, che ne verificherà la coerenza con le indicazioni delle linee guida di ateneo e potrà chiederne la modifica.

    « back Last update: 19/07/2021

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    Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
    Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
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