Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


The Verzocchi Collection: genesis and success of an art collection
La Collezione Verzocchi: genesi e fortuna di una raccolta d’arte

A.Y. Credits
2021/2022 8
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Emanuela Morganti Tuesday, after class, on Zoom

Assigned to the Degree Course

Modern Languages and Cultures (L-11)
Curriculum: TURISTICO
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

History of contemporary art course focuses on the acquisition of stylistic, chronological and geographical coordinates of the contemporary age, framing and processing movements and authors from Neoclassicism to nowadays (in particular in the field of painting, sculpture, illustration and graphic). Learning outcomes are: the acquisition of the topics of the course and their communication in a clear and correct shape; adopting the specialized terminology; demonstrate the ability to recognize the contemporary values of artworks and the historical memory of the national and international artistic heritage; demonstrate the ability to promote a local background starting from a masterpiece.


The course develops through two running parts, or section. 
The first part, or institutional section, introduces and processing chronological coordinates, sentences students to independent study and examines artworks and their geographical and historical-cultural background. The route winds from Neoclassicism to nowadays (sailing on different styles and artistic languages), according a chronological analysis, with references to the past and the present.

The second part, or monographic section, is focused on the Verzocchi Collecion based in Forlì, its genesis, success and current status. The analysis of this remarkable art collection allows to present the Italian post–World War II art scene, and at the same time represents an example of local cultural promotion.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures and discussions, movies, guided tours (only when the pandemic situation so permits).

Course books

1.   Lectures and guided tours notes. Lectures images will be available on Moodle › blended.uniurb.it from the end of the course.

2.   Knowledge of the main authors and movements of contemporary art, from Neoclassicism to nowadays, by studying a book to choose from:

- G. Bora, G. Fiaccadori, A. Negri, I luoghi dell’arte vol. 5 Dall’età neoclassica all’Impressionismo e vol. 6 Nascita e sviluppi dell’arte del XX secolo, Electa-Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2003 ed edizioni successive;
- L. Beltrame, E. Demartini, L. Tonetti, Il nuovo Arte tra noi vol. 4. Dal Barocco all'Impressionismo e E. Demartini, C. Gatti, E. P. Villa,  Il nuovo Arte tra noi vol. 5. Dal Postimpressionismo a oggi, Pearson – Bruno Mondadori, Milano-Torino, 2011;
 - G. Mezzalama, M. Tavola,  Arte bene comune vol. 3. Dal Neoclassicismo a oggi, Pearson – Bruno Mondadori, Milano-Torino, 2018.

3.   C. Ambrosini (a cura di), La collezione Verzocchi, Sagep Editori, Genova, 2014.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students

Course books

1.   Knowledge of the main authors and movements of contemporary art, from Neoclassicism to nowadays, by studying a book to choose from:

- G. Bora, G. Fiaccadori, A. Negri, I luoghi dell’arte vol. 5 Dall’età neoclassica all’Impressionismo e vol. 6 Nascita e sviluppi dell’arte del XX secolo, Electa-Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2003 ed edizioni successive;
- L. Beltrame, E. Demartini, L. Tonetti, Il nuovo Arte tra noi vol. 4. Dal Barocco all'Impressionismo e E. Demartini, C. Gatti, E. P. Villa,  Il nuovo Arte tra noi vol. 5. Dal Postimpressionismo a oggi, Pearson – Bruno Mondadori, Milano-Torino, 2011;
 - G. Mezzalama, M. Tavola,  Arte bene comune vol. 3. Dal Neoclassicismo a oggi, Pearson – Bruno Mondadori, Milano-Torino, 2018.

2.   C. Ambrosini (a cura di), La collezione Verzocchi, Sagep Editori, Genova, 2014.

3.   E. H. Gombrich, La storia dell’arte raccontata da E.H. Gombrich, Torino, Einaudi, 1973 ed edizioni successive (solo i capitoli: Introduzione. L’arte e gli artisti; 24. La tradizione si spezza; 25. La rivoluzione permanente; 26. Alla ricerca di nuovi canoni; 27. L’arte sperimentale; Postscriptum 1965).

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