Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 8
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Giovanna Marani Tuesday and Wednesday after the lesson if possible by appointment palazzo Albani Email: giovanna.marani@uniurb.it

Assigned to the Degree Course

Primary teacher education (LM-85bis)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide the basic principles and logical structures underlying the investigation as a process of action in research. In this context, there will be in particular the use of theoretical knowledge deriving from Dewey's logic for the learning of methodological skills related to the elaboration of research-action projects. Action research as a model of permanent reflective practice represents a formative element that leads to the exercise of teaching as a profession. The course also aims to outline the training and operational paths with respect to the objectives of logic and mathematics envisaged by the national guidelines for the nursery and primary school curriculum. In particular, the course is aimed at the knowledge and understanding of:

- The basic elements of action research

- The peculiarities and distinctive limits of contextual operational research - The main features of Dewey's research

- The value of reflection in action research

- The concept of Set and its use in logic and mathematics in kindergarten and primary school

- Some forms of scientific reasoning - Some of the most common reasoning errors


1. Action research epistemology: 1. Dewey's logic as a theory of inquiry 2. The structure of the investigation as a dynamic and experimental procedure 3. Dewey's logic as an epistemological and methodological framework for action research 4. Inductive and deductive processes in the investigation 5. Research as an interaction between recognition and transformation 6. The relationship between theory and practice in research 7. Reflexivity as a fundamental practice in the path of action research

2 Some elements of logic 1. The logic of the statements 2. The connectives 3. The logic of predicates 4. The theory of simple sets 5. Reports

3-The logical reasoning and its fallacies The forms of scientific reasoning The most common reasoning errors

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

In relation to teaching, students must demonstrate


In particular :

- Knowledge of Dewey's research;

- Mastery of the basic knowledge of set theory with particular regard to the aspects most related to their use in the didactic-disciplinary approach.

- Knowledge of the forms of scientific reasoning and related fallacies


-            Knowledge and understanding of the basic theoretical and methodological principles of action research according to Dewney's  perspective;

-            Knowledge of the epistemological and procedural framework of action research;

-           Ability to recognize peculiarities and problems of action research in the field of pedagogical research;

-  Ability to examine the use of action research in the field of school education ;

-  Ability to recognize the employment of set theory  in logical and mathematical education paths.


-  Ability to detect action-research as a fundamental research methodology in educational field;

-  Ability to think of possible action-research paths ;

-  Ability to employ the set theory to speculate on methodological and didactic paths.


-  Ability to communicate the acquired learnings using the proper language;

-  Ability to discuss and explain the suggested methodological and didactic paths.


-           Ability to critically analyze and evaluate, in its fundamental methodological characteristics, action research as a research practice that can be used in education;

-         Ability to use knowledge and concepts to independently think and suggest possible educational and operational paths - research to solve logical and mathematical problems

-        Ability to use the knowledge of set theory to solve logical and mathematical problems.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

There will be some didactic support lessons held by the teacher and / or by an expert in the subject and related to the practical use of the theoretical concepts introduced.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The course includes: lectures, individual and group practical exercises, laboratory activities, construction of some teaching units

Innovative teaching methods

The frontal teaching method will be enriched by individual and group exercises and insights that students will carry out using the University Moodle platform. Some topics of the course will be treated following the practice of the "inverted lesson". Students will be able to carry out some jobs using the University Moodle platform.

Course books
  • Marani G., La ricerca-azione. Una prospettiva deweyana , Franco Angeli, Milano 2013. (pagina 185)
  • Tombolato M.,  Il ruolo della pratica della ricerca nello sviluppo delle competenze di decision making degli insegnanti in D'ugo R., Marani G., Le pratiche collaborative per la sperimentazione e l'innovazione scolastica , FrancoAngeli, Milano 2020. ( pp. 150-182)

Other material will be indicated during the lessons and/or made available in digital form.

In-depth texts

Lanciotti C., Marazzani I., Logica,   Carocci, Roma, 2004. ( pagine 112)

Giovannoni L.,Lingua e Logica, Franco Angeli, Milano,1986

Varga T.,Fondamenti di logica per insegnanti,Bollati Boringhieri,Torino,1973


The expected objectives are verified through a written test that includes three open questions - two of which are on action research and one on the forms of logical reasoning and its fallacies - and an exercise in set theory. The time available to answer the questions proposed is 1 hour. The evaluation criteria are: - relevance of the answers to the questions relating to the contents of the program; - level of articulation and argumentation of the answer; - adequacy of the language used; - logical resolution ability.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


The course includes: lectures, individual and group practical exercises, laboratory activities, construction of some teaching units

Course books
  • Marani G., La ricerca-azione. Una prospettiva deweyana , Franco Angeli, Milano 2013. (pagina 185)
  • Tombolato M.,  Il ruolo della pratica della ricerca nello sviluppo delle competenze di decision making degli insegnanti in D'ugo R., Marani G., Le pratiche collaborative per la sperimentazione e l'innovazione scolastica , FrancoAngeli, Milano 2020. ( pp. 150-182)

Other material will be indicated during the lessons and/or made available in digital form.

In-depth texts

Lanciotti C., Marazzani I., Logica,   Carocci, Roma, 2004. ( pagine 112)

Giovannoni L.,Lingua e Logica, Franco Angeli, Milano,1986

Varga T.,Fondamenti di logica per insegnanti,Bollati Boringhieri,Torino,1973


The expected objectives are verified through a written test that includes three open questions - two of which are on action research and one on the forms of logical reasoning and its fallacies - and an exercise in set theory. The time available to answer the questions proposed is 1 hour. The evaluation criteria are: - relevance of the answers to the questions relating to the contents of the program; - level of articulation and argumentation of the answer; - adequacy of the language used; - logical resolution ability.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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