Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2022/2023 5
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Enrico Angelo Emili First semester (by email appointment): Mondays, 6-7 p.m. (on-line) and Tuesdays, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. (on-line)

Assigned to the Degree Course

Education Sciences (L-19)
Curriculum: COMUNE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course aims to promote students' theoretical-practical reflection and knowledge about the problem of diversity referring to the condition of disability and Special Educational Needs (BES), according to the inclusive perspective. The perspective of approach to the topics of study will be that of special education, that is, a discipline that has as its field of research and theoretical and practical study the process of teaching those who in developmental and adult age are reported by situation of disability.

The training objectives are as follows:

- to know the characteristics of the learning of people with disabilities;

- to know the characteristics of learning of people with specific learning disorders;

- to know the characteristics of learning of people with other special educational needs (SEN);

- know the reference concepts of special education; quality of life, inclusion, support needs, self-determination, participation, autonomy, adulthood, life project; personalized educational plan;

- knowing and being able to apply inclusive teaching strategies in school and extracurricular settings;

- know how to design and conduct inclusive intervention models aimed, in particular, at guaranteeing the right to read (from shared to independent reading through reasonable accommodations and facilitators that make picture books and books accessible).


- The epistemological status of special education.

- The concept of inclusion and procedures for promoting it in the life cycle.

- The ICF Anthropological Model, critical reflections and educational perspectives.

- Educational intervention in early childhood, with reference to children with disabilities.

- Support needs and the achievement of autonomy for persons with disabilities.

- Self-determination for persons with disabilities, i.e., promoting the ability to make decisions about one's own life.

- Life project planning for people with disabilities.

- Compensatory tools and dispensatory measures for people with specific learning disorders.

- Personalized educational plan planning for people with specific learning disorders.

- Inclusive shared reading strategies and characteristics of accessible picture books and books. 

Bridging Courses

No propaedeuticity is provided.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

The expected learning outcomes, referring to the Dublin Descriptors, are as follows.

Knowledge and understanding (knowledge and understanding):

- Knowledge and understanding of general concepts related to social inclusion, with particular reference to the field of disability;

- Knowledge and understanding of the methodologies of educational observation and assessment to be applied with persons with special educational needs of different ages and in different contexts;

- Knowledge and understanding of educational intervention methodologies for persons with special educational needs of different ages and in different contexts;

Applied knowledge and understanding (applying knowledge and understanding):

- Ability to apply knowledge in the area of promoting inclusive policies and practices for all.

- Analyze inclusive educational intervention appropriate to the context and special educational needs. 

- Design curricular segments, within the relevant subject area/field of experience, dedicated to the promotion of reading for all and for each. 

Autonomy of judgment (making judgements):

- Know how to express opinions, hypotheses, judgments, and evaluations of different methodologies for building and promoting inclusive environments for all in society.

- Identify the most appropriate inclusive teaching mediators for building an inclusive learning environment.

- Interpret teaching situations that present barriers by formulating hypotheses to activate facilitators. 

Communication skills (communication skills):

- Ability to clearly express course content by explaining its meaning;

- Ability to communicate through the use of discipline-specific language with school practitioners;

- Ability to argue about issues and problems in inclusive education. 

Ability to learn (learning skills):

- Be able to learn discipline-specific content through various modes (individual work, group work, etc.), also making use of specific methodologies (advance organizers, mind and concept maps, etc.) and new information and communication technologies. 

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

No supporting activities are planned.

During the lessons, testimonies by external experts will be provided through a dialogue lesson between lecturer, guest speaker and students. In particular, the lecturers in the subject "Special Education": Dr Federica Sisti and Dr Alessia Muratori will speak.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The course includes:

face-to-face lectures
group work and written assignments
oral presentations
participatory lectures in which the papers presented will be discussed.

Innovative teaching methods

The in-person teaching mode will be enriched with individual and group exercises and insights, which students will carry out using the University's Moodle platform. Some course topics will be covered following the practice of the "flipped lesson" and through the mediation of new online and offline technologies.


There is no obligation to attend.

Course books

- Cottini L. (2020). Didattica speciale per l’educatore socio-pedagogico. Carocci, Roma. (escluse pagine 105-112)

- Emili E. A. (2020). Dislessia. Progettualità educative e risorse compensative. BUP, Bologna (disponibile anche in versione PDF Open Access sul sito della BUP).

- Emili E. A. e Macchia V. (2020). Leggere l'inclusione. Albi illustrati e libri per tutti e per ciascuno. ETS, Pisa (escluse pagine 11-35)


Final written test with open and closed questions aimed at ascertaining students' knowledge and skills.

Four questions will be scheduled.  

The first three, closed and multiple-choice with justification of the answer in a maximum of 5 lines, will be directed to assess knowledge and ability to understand the central concepts of the course.

The following knowledge and skills will be assessed:

- the understanding of the core concepts of the discipline;

- the ability to use knowledge and concepts to reason according to the logic of the discipline;

The prompt will be to respond by highlighting, in a limited number of lines, the central themes of the proposed argument.

The last question will present a real, concrete task aimed at sifting procedural knowledge through proposed problem solving situations.

The first three questions will be scored from 0 to 5, while the fourth question will be given a rating from 0 to 15.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Non-attending students are invited to consult the teaching materials uploaded on Moodle blended.uniurb.it (slides discussed in class, etc.) through which it will be possible to further study the volumes indicated in the "Study Texts" section.

Course books

- Cottini L. (2020). Didattica speciale per l’educatore socio-pedagogico. Carocci, Roma. (escluse pagine 105-112)

- Emili E. A. (2020). Dislessia. Progettualità educative e risorse compensative. BUP, Bologna (disponibile anche in versione PDF Open Access sul sito della BUP).

- Emili E. A. e Macchia V. (2020). Leggere l'inclusione. Albi illustrati e libri per tutti e per ciascuno. ETS, Pisa (escluse pagine 11-35)


Final written test with open and closed questions aimed at ascertaining students' knowledge and skills.

Four questions will be scheduled.  

The first three, closed and multiple-choice with justification of the answer in a maximum of 5 lines, will be directed to assess knowledge and ability to understand the central concepts of the course.

The following knowledge and skills will be assessed:

- the understanding of the core concepts of the discipline;

- the ability to use knowledge and concepts to reason according to the logic of the discipline;

The prompt will be to respond by highlighting, in a limited number of lines, the central themes of the proposed argument.

The last question will present a real, concrete task aimed at sifting procedural knowledge through proposed problem solving situations.

The first three questions will be scored from 0 to 5, while the fourth question will be given a rating from 0 to 15.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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