Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2023/2024 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Valeria Giostra On line monday at 10.00 am by appointment to be agreed via email

Assigned to the Degree Course

Clinical Psychology (LM-51)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at acquiring the main legal, theoretical and operational contents that characterize the intervention and prevention activity in matters relating to social psychology as well as the protection of the family and the minor in both civil and criminal matters. In particular, the course will be divided into two parts. The first will analyze the intervention planning methodology in social psychology, declined in different contexts. In the second part, the course aims to analyze how the psychologist's work is expressed within the network of social services and residential facilities for minors, highlighting the multidisciplinary nature of the intervention and the critical issues related to the dual mandate, institutional and relational, as well as to the relationship with the judicial authority


1. The planning of the intervention in the psycho-social field: from needs analysis to evaluation

2. Intervention and prevention methods and application contexts

3. Introduction to networking in psychosocial intervention

4. Helping families during separation: contexts and intervention tools

5. The role of the Consultorio Familiare and the Neutral Space Service

6. Adoption and foster care: protection and support measures

7. Juvenile deviance: regulatory resources and intervention models

8. Pathways to restorative justice

9. Communities for minors: types of services and intervention models

First and second week: Presentation of the course. Introduction to psycho-social planning. Method of intervention and prevention in different contexts. In particular, examples of projects in different contexts on topics of current interest will be presented

Third and fourth week. Introduction to the network of social services that deal with the protection of families and minors. Intervention models in case of conflicting separations in order to protect the minor and safeguard his family ties.

Fifth week: in-depth study of the role of the family clinic and of the neutral space service in the care of family ties and in the management of access rights. Presentation of a case

Sixth week: criticality of adoptive and foster families and possible interventions

Seventh week: Juvenile deviance: introduction to the juvenile trial and to the d.p.r. 448/1988. Explanatory and intervention models. Principles of restorative justice

Eighth and ninth week: Communities for minors: in-depth study of the various types of services and possible models of intervention. Presentation of the ATG intervention model and the one based on attachment theory.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

In relation to the course,  the student must show possession of:

In relation to teaching, the student must show possession:

- knowledge and understanding: knowledge of the theories and models presented that are related to the methods of intervention and prevention in the various areas covered by social and legal psychology

- applying knowledge and understanding: possession of the ability to use knowledge and concepts to reason critically according to the logic of the discipline in the various areas examined, as well as to hypothesize possible prevention and intervention interventions, taking into account the limits and of the potential of the various instruments

- making judgment: developing an aptitude to integrate and apply one's knowledge and understanding so as to demonstrate a scientific and professional approach to planning interventions in the proposed areas

- communication skills: acquire communication skills using specific disciplinary terminology in the psychological and legal field, and organize the presentation of the various issues with clarity and consistency

- learning skills: acquire a good autonomy in reading scientific material, as well as projects and expert cases. Ability to independently find the sources necessary for the development of further knowledge and autonomous study within the discipline

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

support activities are not provided

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures, case discussions and simulations; meetings with operators and experts.

During the lessons there will be discussion of cases


No obligatory attendance

Course books

- Santaniello, M.  Vieno, A. (a cura di) (2013). Metodi di intervento in psicologia di comunità. Il Mulino. (only pages 1-136)

- Patrizi, P. (a cura di) (2012). Manuale di psicologia giuridica minorile. Carocci Editore (excluding pages. 23-50 e 191-236)

- Caruso, I., & Mantegna, M. C. (2012). Aiutare le famiglie durante la separazione. Dalle linee guida alla definizione dell'intervento per gestire il "diritto di visita. Franco Angeli (excluding pages 95-113)

- Bastianoni, P., & Taurino, A (2009). La comunità per minori. Modelli di formazione e supervisione clinica. Carocci Editore (excluding pages 81-125)

Additional materials on specific topics during the course will also be indicated and will be made available by the teacher on the course page.


Oral exam. A specific and in-depth knowledge of the topics is required, as well as the acquisition of an appropriate language and an interdisciplinary perspective, as will be indicated in class and as also treated in the textbooks. The ability to critically re-elaborate contents will be assessed, as well as an in-depth analysis on the methodological level, with particular reference to the ability to distinguish specific theories and methods of intervention in the social and legal sphere compared to other contexts of application of psychology.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Lectures, case discussions and simulations; meetings with operators and experts.

During the lessons there will be discussion of cases


No obbligatory attendance

Course books

- Santaniello, M.  Vieno, A. (a cura di) (2013). Metodi di intervento in psicologia di comunità. Il Mulino. (only pages 1-136)

- Patrizi, P. (a cura di) (2012). Manuale di psicologia giuridica minorile. Carocci Editore (excluding pages. 23-50 e 191-236)

- Caruso, I., & Mantegna, M. C. (2012). Aiutare le famiglie durante la separazione. Dalle linee guida alla definizione dell'intervento per gestire il "diritto di visita. Franco Angeli (excluding pages 95-113)

- Bastianoni, P., & Taurino, A (2009). La comunità per minori. Modelli di formazione e supervisione clinica. Carocci Editore (excluding pages 81-125)


Oral exam. A specific and in-depth knowledge of the topics is required, as well as the acquisition of an appropriate language and an interdisciplinary perspective, as will be indicated in class and as also treated in the textbooks. The ability to critically re-elaborate contents will be assessed, as well as an in-depth analysis on the methodological level, with particular reference to the ability to distinguish specific theories and methods of intervention in the social and legal sphere compared to other contexts of application of psychology.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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