Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2023/2024 6
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Roberta Bonì At the end of each lecture on request
Teaching in foreign languages
Course with optional materials in a foreign language English
This course is entirely taught in Italian. Study materials can be provided in the foreign language and the final exam can be taken in the foreign language.

Assigned to the Degree Course

Environmental Geology and Land Management (LM-74)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at acquiring the fundamental theoretical and methodological principles of Applied Hydrogeology. In particular, the course is aimed at the acquisition of:

1. theoretical knowledge for understanding the water balance, the characterization of the aquifer properties, and the hydrodynamics of groundwater

2. practical skills in assessing the volume of water resources stored in aquifers and sustainable groundwater management

3. basic skills to deal with hydrogeological studies and the ability to interact with experts in projects for the extraction of groundwater, management and protection of aquifers.


1. Introduction to applied hydrogeology
Hydrology and hydrogeology. The hydrological cycle. Detection of hydrological parameters.

2. Characterization of the properties of the aquifers
Permeability, transmissivity, storativity Compressibility and effective stress. Homogeneity and Isotropy. Aquifer characteristics. Types of aquifer. Piezometric maps.

3. Hydrodynamics of groundwater
Hydraulic load. Darcy's law. Groundwater flow equations in confined and unconfined aquifers.

4. Groundwater flow to wells.
Drawdown caused by a pumping well. Determining aquifer parameters from time-drawdown data. Estimating aquifer transmissivity from specific capacity data. Permeability tests (Lefranc, Lugeon, slug-test).

5. Evaluation of water resources
Well Yield, Aquifer Yield, and Basin Yield. Effects and methods for the groundwater exploitation.

6. Management of water resources
Groundwater abstraction and storage. Artificial recharge of aquifers. Overexploitation of aquifers and induced effects. The salt-water intrusion into coastal aquifers. Subsidence.

7. Vulnerability of aquifers
Groundwater vulnerability assessment methods (Drastic and Sintacs). Maps of vulnerability.

8. Field surveys for the use of water resources
Aquifer-test design. Geophysical well logging. Collection of water samples. Groundwater monitoring. Vadose zone monitoring. Tracer tests.

9. Remote sensing applications in hydrogeology
 Basic principles and applications of satellite interferometry InSAR data for hydrogeological studies.

10. Groundwater flow modeling
- Applications of groundwater models. Data requirements for hydrogeological models. Finite-difference models. Finite-element models.
- Basics of MODFLOW.

Bridging Courses


Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

Knowledge and understanding: the student must be able to understand the principles underlying applied hydrogeology such as the estimation of the water balance, and the understanding of the groundwater hydrodynamic.

Applied knowledge and understanding: the student will be able to apply the notions and principles useful for interpreting and developing hydrogeological maps.

Making judgments: the student will be able to develop autonomous abilities to collect and interpret data on the development of hydrogeological numerical models. In addition, an autonomous judgment will be matured about the choice of hydrogeological methods for the identification, monitoring and assessment of groundwater resources in different geological contexts.

Communication skills: the student will acquire a technical-scientific language useful for interfacing with other professionals and the ability to present the notions of applied hydrogeology, even to a non-expert audience.

Learning skills: the student will be able to independently explore specific concepts, not presented during the course, on scientific texts. The basic notions acquired during the course represent fundamental requirements for a geologist.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities


Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


The course will take place through a continuous interaction between lectures, and team working.

Innovative teaching methods

The course includes:
- frontal lectures;
- team working;
- preparation of a presentation.

Innovative teaching

The face-to-face teaching method will be enriched with individual and group exercises and insights that students will carry out using the University's Moodle platform. Some topics of the course will be treated following the following practices:

  • problem-based learning;
  • learning by doing;
  • flipped lesson.

Attending the course is not a requirement, but it is strongly recommended.

Course books

FETTER C.W. (2001) - Applied hydrogeology

CIVITA M. (2005) - Idrogeologia applicata e ambientale

CELICO P. (1986) - Prospezioni idrogeologiche 1

CELICO P. (1988) - Prospezioni idrogeologiche 2


The final grade will be given by an oral exam.

The exam involves an evaluation that is expressed as a grade of out of 30.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


The teaching material prepared by the teacher (such as slides, handouts, and exercises) and the specific communications from the teacher can be found, together with other support activities, within the Moodle platform ›blended.uniurb.it (http://blended.uniurb.it/).


No obligations.

Course books

FETTER C.W. (2001) - Applied hydrogeology

CIVITA M. (2005) - Idrogeologia applicata e ambientale

CELICO P. (1986) - Prospezioni idrogeologiche 1

CELICO P. (1988) - Prospezioni idrogeologiche 2


The final grade will be given by an oral exam.

The exam involves an evaluation that is expressed as a grade of out of 30.

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.


The course contributes to realizing the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to achieve the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

SDG 6 - Ensure access to water and sanitation for all.

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
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