Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


A.Y. Credits
2023/2024 5
Lecturer Email Office hours for students
Antonio De Simone

Assigned to the Degree Course

Education Sciences (L-19)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The Course of Philosophy of Culture for the academic year 2023-2024 has the following title: CULTURE, PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICS BETWEEN ROUSSEAU, HEGEL AND DERRIDA.
It aims to delineate analytically and critically the following themes: 1) the prism of consciousness and the writing of the ego in J.-J. Rousseau; 2) the spirit of the world and the anxiety of becoming in G. W. F. Hegel; 3) the impossible, the politicity of the human and the philosophical bestiary in J. Derrida. Through a reinterpretation of the thought and work of Rousseau, Hegel and Derrida, the course, held in lectures and seminars, aims, in particular, to make us more "contemporary" the philosophical, cultural and political idiom of these three thinkers, return, that is, an image of them to be found in the "crisis of the present", before the risk and challenges of the worldly knowledge of our time. A "sagittal" reading of three fundamental philosophers whose "heritage" still needs to be fully collected. Following these intentions, in the First Part of the course, the course proceeds in progressive phases: (1) in a sagittal and transversal way, it highlights the cultural posture, the heuristic value and the reflexive movement of some fundamental issues that cross and structure the page and the plume of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his autobiographical writings. In particular, he focuses on the relationship between historical temporality, autobiographical writing and the metapolitical dimension that raises the central node of the Rousseauian ontology of personal life. Rousseau in confession of himself, on the autobiographical level, in the dimension of the mending inner dialogue, between memory and forgetfulness, performs in writing in the subsequent pursuit of his being in the search of the other in the ego, in the splits of the ego as vulnerable subject exposed to the contingencies of the environment, evil, the external world and human actions, the pathologies of corrupt society, in the metamorphoses and fluctuations of identity, in the vital theater in which the "masks" are appalesano of the subject, of the subjects. A "me" that, in its continuous flow markedly fragmentary, is represented in its own interior scene and is "built by writing", through the confession of self. In Part Two (2) he "actualizes" the problem of the power of the negative in the horizon of Western philosophy which Hegel rereads; (3) he critically reconstructs the Hegelian philosophical scene (and dramaturgy) which shapes the destiny of the subject between conflict, desire and recognition; (4) specifies the essential aspects of the relationship between Hegel and the morphologies of modernity inherent in his philosophical discourse on subjectivity, freedom and anatomy of civil society; (5) themes the link between subjectivity, history and life in the transition from Hegel to Dilthey; (6) with Hegel beyond Hegel, rereads the philosophical hermeneutics of the twentieth century that dialectizes the relationship between philosophy and experience "through" Hegel; (7) discusses the interweaving of philosophy, politics and revolution in Hegel in the "conflict of interpretations" speculates contemporary political philosophy; (8) outlines an interpretative map of the restlessness of becoming centered on the Hegelian dialectic between philosophy, time and spirit. The Third Party will concern Derrida. In this regard, (9) it will be appropriate in our time to ask ourselves not only whether in the thought of Jacques Derrida there have been elements to trace a philosophy of democracy, of democracy to come, but also to ask why it was important for Derrida to say that there is no democracy without philosophy, that is, without democracy in philosophy, so that we can understand that deconstruction is not only at the democratic root, but that you cannot deconstruct without democracy. As is well known, after the first deconstructive phase of the metaphysical tradition, starting from the eighties of the twentieth century, Derrida orients its philosophy on the ethical-political terrain, critically developing a series of themes: gift, forgiveness, hospitality, friendship, community, witness, secrecy, mourning, law, the force/law relationship, justice, decision, responsibility, the crisis of sovereignty. The deconstructive strategy is to bring out a conception of the subject capable of radically questioning every identity collected in itself, purified by otherness and heterogeneity. From here (10) will be examined the philosophical writing of the last Derrida which carries out a deconstruction of the politician who initiates an original reflection on the issue of the animal, life and thought of the living. Crossing the frontier of the two "looks" - of the animal and the human - that extends beyond the disturbing proximity of this distinction, Derrida gives us in writing his philosophical-political bestiary with The animal they are and The beast and the sovereign. This part of the course offers a sagittal "reading" of Derrida, a classic "excess" of contemporary philosophy, the challenge of which must still be fully met.


• Rousseau. The ontology of personal life.
• Self-portraits of the self.
• The life you write.
• Self-awareness, loneliness and community.
• Memory, oblivion and imagination.
• The modern intersubjectivity.
• The feeling of being.
• Hegelian spirit. The power of the negative and us.
• The fate of the subject. Conflict, desire and recognition.
• Hegel and the morphologies of modern. Subjectivity, freedom, civil society.
• Subjectivity, history and life. From Hegel to Dilthey.
• Philosophy and experience.
• Philosophy, politics and revolution.
• Hegel. Time, spirit and philosophy.
• Culture, philosophy, art and experience.
• Dialectical criticism, Absolute spirit and political theology.
• Jacques Derrida. A policy of philosophy.
• Hospitality, friendship, citizenship.
• Deconstruction and democracy.
• Habermas and Derrida.
• Derrida. Human subjectivity, animal question and political sovereignty.
• Disturbing proximity. Life, contingency and politics.

Learning Achievements (Dublin Descriptors)

In relation to the discipline the student must show:
Knowledge and understanding skills:
- knowledge of the fundamental themes of the Philosophy of Culture set out in the lecture and deepened in the textbooks and understanding of its fundamental concepts in their cultural, philosophical and political implications (see Educational objectives);
Knowledge of philosophical forms and cultural, historical, socio-political metamorphoses and dynamics exposed to lecture and deepened in textbooks and understanding of the processes that have shaped them.
- understanding the constituent elements of the relationship between culture, philosophy and politics and between modern and contemporary in relation to the subject matter covered and the programme carried out.
Applied knowledge and understanding:
- ability to orient themselves in cultural, philosophical and political debate; modern and contemporary sociological and pedagogical and to understand the elements that today consolidate structurally the knowledge of the problems of the Philosophy of culture also in the educational and educational field.
Judgment autonomy (making judgements):
- ability to take an independent position on the main cultural, philosophical, historical-political and educational issues of the contemporary critical debate on the thought of the authors considered during the course and in the exam texts.
Communication skills:
- ability to communicate adequately what has been learned in the form of university-level study; ability to transmit and communicate the fundamental aspects and principles of the Philosophy of Culture embodied in its disciplinary relationship in basic educational work.

Ability to learn:
- on the basis of the knowledge acquired through the course, the student must be able to independently construct paths of study and to understand which readings and experiences can help him in this regard.
In relation to discipline, therefore, the student must show in a mature way, the possession:
• mastering basic knowledge;
• understanding the fundamental concepts of the discipline;
• the ability to use knowledge and concepts to reason according to the logic of discipline.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the lecturer specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Supporting Activities

During the course, to enrich the educational offer, interdisciplinary integrative seminars will be held by the holder of the chair Prof. Antonio De Simone and by the subject Dr. Luciano Massi, Dr. Antonio Maria Ligresti and Dr. Mauro Cascio. It is also planned during the course a meeting of studies whose methods and possibilities of implementation will be scheduled and communicated.

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment


Lectures, exercises and seminars scientific-didactic integrative


The participation in the lessons by the students favors the development of logic and disciplinary learning methodologies.

Course books

ANTONIO DE SIMONE, Le affezioni dell’anima. Rousseau. Il prisma della coscienza e la scrittura dell’io, Morlacchi Editore, Perugia 2023.
ANTONIO DE SIMONE, Lo spirito del mondo. L’inquietudine del divenire. Discorsi su Hegel, Mimesis, Milano 2023.
ANTONIO DE SIMONE, Jacques Derrida. L’impossibile, la politicità dell’umano e il bestiario filosofico, Mimesis, Milano 2023.


Oral exam.
The final assessment is expressed in thirtieth.
The assessment criteria and relative scores in thirtieth are determined on the following scale:
less than 18: sufficient level of competence. The candidate does not achieve any of the learning outcomes under "knowledge and understanding"
18-20: sufficient level of competence. The candidate achieves the required learning outcomes under "knowledge and understanding".
21-23: Fully sufficient level of competence. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes set out in the points "knowledge and understanding" and "applied knowledge and understanding".
24-26: good competence level. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "applied knowledge and understanding" and "judgement autonomy".
27-29: very good skill level. The candidate achieves the required learning outcomes in the areas of "knowledge and understanding", "applied knowledge and understanding", "independent judgement" and "communication skills".
30 and 30 and praise: excellent competence level. The candidate fully achieves the learning outcomes set out in the "knowledge and understanding" points; "applied knowledge and understanding skills"; "judgement autonomy"; "communication skills" and "learning ability".

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

Additional Information for Non-Attending Students


Non-attending students will have to study the same program as the attending students and the same textbooks.

Course books

ANTONIO DE SIMONE, Le affezioni dell’anima. Rousseau. Il prisma della coscienza e la scrittura dell’io, Morlacchi Editore, Perugia 2023.
ANTONIO DE SIMONE, Lo spirito del mondo. L’inquietudine del divenire. Lezioni su Hegel, Mimesis, Milano 2023.
ANTONIO DE SIMONE, Jacques Derrida. L’impossibile, la politicità dell’umano e il bestiario filosofico, Mimesis, Milano 2023.


Oral exam.
The final assessment is expressed in thirtieth.
The assessment criteria and relative scores in thirtieth are determined on the following scale:
less than 18: sufficient level of competence. The candidate does not achieve any of the learning outcomes under "knowledge and understanding"
18-20: sufficient level of competence. The candidate achieves the required learning outcomes under "knowledge and understanding".
21-23: Fully sufficient level of competence. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes set out in the points "knowledge and understanding" and "applied knowledge and understanding".
24-26: good competence level. The candidate achieves the learning outcomes foreseen in the points "knowledge and understanding"; "applied knowledge and understanding" and "judgement autonomy".
27-29: very good skill level. The candidate achieves the required learning outcomes in the areas of "knowledge and understanding", "applied knowledge and understanding", "independent judgement" and "communication skills".
30 and 30 and praise: excellent competence level. The candidate fully achieves the learning outcomes set out in the "knowledge and understanding" points; "applied knowledge and understanding skills"; "judgement autonomy"; "communication skills" and "learning ability".

Disability and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Students who have registered their disability certification or SLD certification with the Inclusion and Right to Study Office can request to use conceptual maps (for keywords) during exams.

To this end, it is necessary to send the maps, two weeks before the exam date, to the course instructor, who will verify their compliance with the university guidelines and may request modifications.

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