Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Language Assistant Email Office hours for students
Patricia Vannetti

Assigned to the Degree Course

Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies (LM-37)
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives


For the economic and legal sectoral language


- information systems

- digital technology and its risks

- information and data

- artificial intelligence


- contracts

- CV and cover letter and job interview

- civil and criminal liability

- individual and collective freedoms

- State and economy

- International trade

- Economic growth and sustainable development

- Economics and geopolitics

- Decolonisation

- Europe and the European Union

- Constitution of France

- French Society

- O.I.F. and Francophonie

- The condition of women

- France's influence in globalisation

For the achievement of level C2.

The C2 level user :

- Can effortlessly understand everything he reads or hears

- Can summarise facts and arguments from different written and oral sources in a coherent manner, grasping all their nuances, idiomatic expressions etc.

- Can express him/herself spontaneously, fluently and precisely and can distinguish finer shades of meaning with regard to complex subjects.

I.                   Oral comprehension and production activities.

Reporting coherently (reporting) the content of an audio and then expressing oneself in a personal and finely argued manner on an aspect of the content heard.


Knowing how to.

- identify the theme, key words, articulations and phases of the audio document, the

- Defending a point of view

- Express oneself clearly and precisely in a level of language appropriate to the situation of enunciation

- Present a theme in public 

I.                   Written production activities

Knowing how to write a dissertation based on a previously analysed and studied dossier.

The dissertation is an objectively written text; the subjectivity of the writer must not be apparent.

It is divided into 3 parts :

- The introduction

- The development

- The conclusion

The introduction :

- Sujet amené (presentation of the subject)

- Sujet posé (formulation of the " problématique ")

- Sujet divisé (announcement of the scheme)


The dissertation will be divided into paragraphs

The composition of a paragraph will be studied:

- Essential idea (main argument)

- secondary ideas (justifications)

- concrete examples (to illustrate)

- budget


- summary of the broad reflection

- opening on another aspect related to the problem analysed

  • Different schemes to deal with the issue:

- dialectical plan

- analytical plans

- thematic plan

- comparative plan



For the economic and legal sectoral language


- information systems

- digital technology and its risks

- information and data

- artificial intelligence


- contracts

- CV and cover letter and job interview

- civil and criminal liability

- individual and collective freedoms

- State and economy

- International trade

- Economic growth and sustainable development

- Economics and geopolitics

- Decolonisation

- Europe and the European Union

- Constitution of France

- French Society

- O.I.F. and Francophonie

- The condition of women

- France's influence in globalisation

Thematic dossiers for the various activities:

1st semester

- economic growth and ecological limits

- technical progress

- international trade, relocation and the internationalisation of production

- unemployment and under-employment

- financial crises

2nd semester

- European economic policies

- contemporary French society

- school action on individuals and society

- social protection

- changes in work and the organisation of working time

- intergenerational conflicts at work

- public action for the environment

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the language assistant in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the language assistant specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Course books

The teaching material will be provided by the language assistant.

No book to be purchased.

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