Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Language Assistant Email Office hours for students
Kristina Volkova

Assigned to the Degree Course

Modern Languages and Cultures (L-11)
Curriculum: AZIENDALE
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives

The program corresponds to the linguistic level "Pervyj Sertifikacionnyj uroven’" (TRKI-1) (B1 according to the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages"). The course aims to achieve the B1 linguistic level, considering the four language competency skills outlined by CEFR (written comprehension, oral comprehension, written production, oral production), with a particular focus on sector-specific business vocabulary.




1.1. Active present and past participles

1.2. Passive present and past participles

1.3. Short form of passive participles


2.1. Degrees of adjectives and pronouns

2.2. Short form of adjectives


3.1. Passive construction with imperfective and perfective verbs

3.2. The use of reflexive and pronominal verbs: pages 20-29

4.Motion Verbs

4.1. Simple intransitive and transitive motion verbs

4.2. Aspect of prefixed motion verbs

4.3. Prefixed unidirectional motion verbs

4.4. Prefixed multidirectional motion verbs

4.5. Figurative use of motion verbs: pages 173-175


5.1. Declension of cardinal numerals

5.2. Ordinal numerals

5.3. Collective numerals


6.1. Present and past gerunds


7.1. Simple and complex sentences with temporal subordinate clauses

7.2. Simple and complex sentences with conditional subordinate clauses

7.3. Simple and complex sentences with causal subordinate clauses

7.4. Simple and complex sentences with consecutive subordinate clauses

7.5. Simple and complex sentences with final subordinate clauses

7.6. Simple and complex sentences with concessive subordinate clauses

7.7. Simple and complex sentences with locative subordinate clauses

7.8. Simple and complex sentences with modal subordinate clauses

7.9. Simple and complex sentences with attributive subordinate clauses

Written Exam:

1. Vocabulary and Grammar Test: Answer 50 multiple-choice questions testing vocabulary and grammar.

Oral Exam:

1.     Listening Test: Listen to a text (in the language lab) on topics related to the business sphere, then provide written answers to 10 multiple-choice questions assessing comprehension of the listened text.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the language assistant in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the language assistant specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Innovative teaching methods

Oltre alle classiche lezioni fontali il corso prevede utilizzo di metodologie didattiche innovative quali Role Playing, Brain Storming, Problem Solving, Goal-Based-Scenarios mirate all’apprendimento attivo e collaborativo da parte degli studenti, anche attraverso l’uso di tecnologie digitali per rendere la didattica, a parità di efficacia, più coinvolgente e accattivante.

Course books


1.     T. Blum, E. Gorelova, "The road to success 2 Course Book," Facultas, Vienna, 2017.

2.     T. Blum, E. Gorelova, "The road to success 2 Workbook," Facultas, Vienna, 2017.

3.     N. Nikitina, "Eserciziario di russo con soluzioni. Livelli B1-B2," Hoepli, Milano, 2016.

4.     S. Chavronina, A. Širočenskaja, "Il Russo. Esercizi," Il Punto Editoriale, Roma, 2007.

5.     S. Chavronina, A. Širočenskaja, "Russkij jazyk v upražnenijach," Russkij jazyk. Kursy, Moskva, 2007.

6.     Course handout published on Blended Learning.

7.     Educational material published on Blended Learning.

Reference Texts:

1.     C. Cevese, J. Dobrovolskaja, "Grammatica russa," Hoepli, Milano, 2018.

2.     C. Cevese, J. Dobrovolskaja, "Sintassi russa," Hoepli, Milano, 2014.


1.     V. Kovalev, "Dizionario russo-italiano e italiano-russo," Zanichelli, Bologna, 2020.


Any changes or additions to the presented program will be communicated to students during the course.

« back Last update: 19/02/2025

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