Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Language Assistant Email Office hours for students
Maria Paola Gonzalez Sepulveda

Assigned to the Degree Course

Modern Languages and Cultures (L-11)
Curriculum: LETTERARIO
Date Time Classroom / Location
Date Time Classroom / Location

Learning Objectives


The communicative functions that the student has to consolidate through this course are:

• Physical and personality description (subjectively assessing an attitude or behavior; highlighting physical and moral characteristics).

• Judge and evaluate.

• Tell stories. Express temporal relationships between actions (refer to an action as a process or result; evoke a memory; narrate and describe in the past; express contemporary and sequential relationships between actions; establish prior and posterior relationships between actions; evoke a memory; establish temporary relationships).

• Correct erroneous information.

• Define.

• Give advice and instructions.

• Give orders to an interlocutor or a group.

• Give and ask for an opinion (give opinions, evaluate and contrast opinions).

•  Advise.

• Persuade and convince (expressing will, desire, prohibition, command or request with the intention of influencing others).

• Resources to express agreement and disagreement with part of what another has said (react to something; express the point of view about something).

• Express doubt and reserve.

• Express moods and feelings.

• Express wishes.

• Express feelings.

•  Quote.

• Resources to maintain oral communication.

• Expression of the condition (present two options to the listener with similar consequences; condition with a value of warning and threat; minimum essential condition for something to occur; sufficient condition that is sufficient for something to occur; condition that is presented as unique impediment; condition that implies a forecast of what may happen; condition that expresses an exchange of actions).

• Interpret other people's words and transmit them through a referenced speech.

• Transmit information taking into account different pragmatic elements.

• Express what is considered possible or probable.

• Express what is considered possible but distant.

• Evoke fictitious situations.

• Reformulate sentences to bring clarity to the presentation.


The grammatical elements necessary to consolidate this level are those listed below:

• Periphrasis of continuity and change.

• Resources to compare

• Conditional sentences and connectors

• Final subordinate clauses: consolidation

•  Present participle

• Pronominal use of the verb.

• Periphrasis and initiation of action.

• The future and the conditional to express hypotheses.

• Temporal correlation in subordinates.

• Conditionals with like + subjunctive.

• Adverbs ending in –mente.

• Indirect style and referred speech.

• Ser accidental.

• Periphrasis of development and progress.

• Applications of yourself.

• Uses of por and para.

• Concessive sentences and markers.

• Proportional comparative constructions.

• Concessive sentences.

• That in independent sentences.

• Temporal sentences of simultaneity.

- Reported speech

It should be noted that the grammatical topics of the previous levels are essential for the acquisition of the elements of this level, therefore, their knowledge is a necessary budget. For its proper consolidation and review, if necessary, the student has to carry out the writing assignments assigned by the teacher.



The communicative functions that the student has to consolidate through this course are:

• Physical and personality description (subjectively assessing an attitude or behavior; highlighting physical and moral characteristics).

• Judge and evaluate.

• Tell stories. Express temporal relationships between actions (refer to an action as a process or result; evoke a memory; narrate and describe in the past; express contemporary and sequential relationships between actions; establish prior and posterior relationships between actions; evoke a memory; establish temporary relationships).

• Correct erroneous information.

• Define.

• Give advice and instructions.

• Give orders to an interlocutor or a group.

• Give and ask for an opinion (give opinions, evaluate and contrast opinions).

•  Advise.

• Persuade and convince (expressing will, desire, prohibition, command or request with the intention of influencing others).

• Resources to express agreement and disagreement with part of what another has said (react to something; express the point of view about something).

• Express doubt and reserve.

• Express moods and feelings.

• Express wishes.

• Express feelings.

•  Quote.

• Resources to maintain oral communication.

• Expression of the condition (present two options to the listener with similar consequences; condition with a value of warning and threat; minimum essential condition for something to occur; sufficient condition that is sufficient for something to occur; condition that is presented as unique impediment; condition that implies a forecast of what may happen; condition that expresses an exchange of actions).

• Interpret other people's words and transmit them through a referenced speech.

• Transmit information taking into account different pragmatic elements.

• Express what is considered possible or probable.

• Express what is considered possible but distant.

• Evoke fictitious situations.

• Reformulate sentences to bring clarity to the presentation.


The grammatical elements necessary to consolidate this level are those listed below:

• Periphrasis of continuity and change.

• Resources to compare

• Conditional sentences and connectors

• Final subordinate clauses: consolidation

•  Present participle

• Pronominal use of the verb.

• Periphrasis and initiation of action.

• The future and the conditional to express hypotheses.

• Temporal correlation in subordinates.

• Conditionals with like + subjunctive.

• Adverbs ending in –mente.

• Indirect style and referred speech.

• Ser accidental.

• Periphrasis of development and progress.

• Applications of yourself.

• Uses of por and para.

• Concessive sentences and markers.

• Proportional comparative constructions.

• Concessive sentences.

• That in independent sentences.

• Temporal sentences of simultaneity.

- Reported speech

It should be noted that the grammatical topics of the previous levels are essential for the acquisition of the elements of this level, therefore, their knowledge is a necessary budget. For its proper consolidation and review, if necessary, the student has to carry out the writing assignments assigned by the teacher.

Teaching Material

The teaching material prepared by the language assistant in addition to recommended textbooks (such as for instance slides, lecture notes, exercises, bibliography) and communications from the language assistant specific to the course can be found inside the Moodle platform › blended.uniurb.it

Teaching, Attendance, Course Books and Assessment

Innovative teaching methods

The course is organized following the next steps:

  • Collaborative writing and group work
  • Oral presentations
  • Oral discussion about different topics
  • Visualization of audiovisual material

Innovative teaching:

The face-to-face teaching method will be enriched with individual and group exercises and insights that students will carry out using the University's Moodle platform. Some topics of the course will be taught through "flipped classroom".

Course books

Course books

Text books/Methods

1-  C de C1 Curso de español de nivel superior, libro del alumno, Rosana Acquaroni, José Amenós, Virginia González, Pedro Gras, Josefina Simkievich, Carmen Soriano, Iñaki Tarrés, Difusión, 2017

2-  C de C1 Curso de español de nivel superior, cuaderno de ejercicios, Rosana Acquaroni, José Amenós, Virginia González, Pedro Gras, Josefina Simkievich, Carmen Soriano, Iñaki Tarrés, Difusión, 2017 -  (soluciones presentes en la plataforma blended)


 Useful additional books:


-  Temas de Gramática con ejercicios prácticos, C. Moreno, , Madrid, SGEL, 2008.

-  Nuevo Prisma nivel C1, libro de ejercicios, Genís Castro, José Vincente Ianni, , Edinumen, 2011.

-        Gramática de uso del español. Teoría y práctica. C1/C2. SM/ELE, 2010.

-  Notas de morfosintaxis contrastiva español-italiano, Falcinelli, A. Pisa, TEP, 2004,


-  Uso Interactivo del vocabulario, Nivel B2/C2  Marisa De Prada , Edelsa, 2012

-  Hablar por los codos. Frases para un español cotidiano, Gordana Bogdanovic,  Madrid, Edelsa, 2004


-  Escribe en español, Madrid, C. Arnal y A. Ruiz de Garbay,  SGEL, 2003.

-  Ejercicios de escritura. Nivel avanzado, M. Álvarez Martínez, Madrid, Anaya, 2001.


-  Clave. Diccionario de uso del español actual, Madrid, SM, con CD-Rom.

-  Real Academia Española, Diccionario de la Lengua Española http://lema.rae.es/drae/

-  Ediciones SM, Diccionario Clave del Uso del Español http://clave.smdiccionarios.com/app.php

-  M. Seco, Diccionario de dudas y dificultades de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 2003

-        S. Carbonell, Diccionario fraseológico completo, italiano-spagnolo/spagnolo-italiano, 2 Vols., Milano, Hoepli, 1992.

-         L. Tam, Grande dizionario di spagnolo-italiano, italiano-spagnolo (con CD-Rom), Milano, Hoepli.



The C1 level exam consists of the following two parts: 

1. Written grammar exam and composition exam

2. Listening exam: Consists of two exercises that can have the following possibilities: multiple choice, true or false correcting the false answers, open answers, explaining proverbs. 

3. Oral exam: It is based on one of the topics that are present in the “C de C1”  book, from which the student will have to prepare an argumentative exposition of at least 7 minutes using the level required. There will be a text to read about the topic chosen or another one studied during the year, the student will have to explain it using his/her own words and questions will be asked about it. 


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