Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo

A.Y. Cycle Venue
2020/2021 XXXVI Urbino


The PhD programme focuses on the economic, socio-political and legal aspects of globalization processes. A special attention will be given to European integration and disintegration, to the evolution of Euro-Mediterranean relations, to global tensions between East and West and between North and South of the world.

Two thematic areas are addressed in alternate years:

- Global Society, Cross-border Mobility and Law (edition starting in the academic year 2020-2021)

- International Economic Policy, Business and Governance (Academic year 2021-2022)

The thematic area Global Society, Cross-border Mobility and Law, first launched in 2018/19 and proposed again in the upcoming  2020-2021 edition, focuses on cross-border movements of capital, knowledge, labour and people, mainly from institutional, legal and sociological perspectives.

The main topics covered in this edition will be:

(a) Law, rights, institutions and cross-border mobility in the European and global arena;

(b) Social dimensions and global governance of migrations, welfare, localities and labour.

The other thematic area, International Economic Policy, Business and Governance, (first launched in 2017) will be proposed again in Academic year 2021-2022, and focuses on economic and political relations across national borders. A specific attention will be given to:

(a)   economic growth after the Great Recession, technological change and inequality across and within countries;

(b)   the international strategies of firms (multinational corporations and SMEs), finance and labour;

(c)   political processes and policies carried out by European and international institutions and major countries for the governance of globalisation.

Università Aperta: online e in presenza

Dal 3 al 14 febbraio 2025 — L’incontro con le studentesse e gli studenti delle Scuole secondarie di secondo grado costituisce da oltre venti anni uno degli appuntamenti più qualificanti dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo. Ti aspettiamo!

scopri il programma

The Ph.D. Programme in Global Studies aims to provide interpretive tools and methods for the in-depth analysis and understanding of different aspects and mechanisms of globalization processes. A stimulating learning environment will be offered to train qualified experts at the cross-roads of different disciplines, able to undertake research and/or operational responsibilities in different (private/public/business/academic) institutions. The programme is developed over three years:

  • a first year of courses and exams in Urbino, definition of the research project and start of dissertation work;
  • a second year of international research and training, mainly spent at foreign universities and institutions, in connection with the Ph.D. Programme;
  • a third year of research activity to complete the Ph.D. thesis and initiate publications of research results.


The first year will be dedicated to courses, exams and other teaching and research activities in Urbino, in the context of this Renaissance city, part of the part of UNESCO World Heritage.

Introductory and background courses will be held online in September and October, in order to fill gaps in students’ competences in English for Academic Purposes, Economics, Business, Social Sciences, Quantitative Methods.

Courses with exams will take place at Urbino University and will be structured into teaching modules organised over two month periods: six weeks of teaching, one week fully dedicated to individual study, one week of exams (written tests and/or papers). An additional exam session will be offered in September 2021.

Data Labs will provide opportunities for hands-on work on databases and for the application of empirical research methods.

Seminars will be organized to address specific research topics, to enhance PhD student’s skills in English, informatics, research methods and valorisation of the research. Seminars will be held mainly in English; some seminars will be held in Italian.

By the end of the year, PhD students will identify their supervisors, will  define structure and contents of their research project, and will initiate their dissertation work.

Admission to the second year will depend on students’ achievement of a satisfactory score at final exams in each teaching module and on the attendance of the different activities.


The second year of the Ph.D. Programme will include:

- further development of research project,  and major steps ahead in the preparation of the Ph.D. thesis;

- at least six months of research abroad at international Universities and/or Institutions, to be agreed upon with the supervisor and the Ph.D. Director;

- attendance of at least one of the courses with final evaluation offered as part of the second thematic area addressed in the next edition of the PhD programme: International economic policy, Business and Governance;

- presentation of the advancement of  research projects and of dissertation work at Ph.D Seminar sessions to be held  in Urbino

- attendance of advanced courses, seminars and workshops, summer and winter schools in Italy and abroad, agreed upon with the supervisor.


The third year will be devoted to the following activities, both in Urbino and in international universities:

  • completion of the Ph.D. thesis;
  • presentation of the advancement of  research projects and of dissertation work at Ph.D Seminar sessions to be held  in Urbino
  • participation to selected courses and conferences relevant for the Ph.D. topic, agreed upon with the supervisor;
  • presentation of papers at international workshops and writing and publication of of research works.


Please note: Introductory courses will be offered online between September and October 2020. We are quite confident that it will be possible to regularly schedule core courses in presence at Urbino, starting from November as usual. Should the Covid 19 emergency not be over by then, however, lectures and seminars will be delivered online. 


In the edition starting in the academic year 2020-2021 the thematic area Global Society, Cross-border Mobility and Law will be addressed following the provisional calendar below:


Introductory and background courses (held online): Economics, Business & Administration; English for Academic Purposes; Foundations of Sociology; Introduction to Political Science; Principles of Public Law and Legal Research

First semester

- First Teaching Module: Comparative Social and Welfare Studies; European Institutions and Law; Geographies of Globalization; Globalization and Legal Systems.

- Second Teaching Module: Global Gender Issues; International Trade Law; Legal Techniques of European Integration; Methods in Social Research.

- Data labs and weekly seminars.


Second semester

- Third Teaching Module: Global Trends in Migration; Global Value Chains and Labour; Rights of Migrants in a Global Perspective; Innovation and Technology Law.

- Fourth Teaching Module: Global Inequalities; Globalization: Concepts, History, Perspectives; International Crime.


- Data labs and weekly seminars.


- One course with final evaluation, to be chosen amongst those offered in the XXXVII cycle (A.A. 2021-2022)

- Development of research project,  preparation  and conclusion of the Ph.D. thesis, with the supervision of distinguished scholars and experts at the University of Urbino and at other international institutions

- Presentation of research project and advancement of dissertation work at the PhD seminar sessions held in Urbino

- Research period(s) at European and foreign Universities and institutions (minimum 6 months, maximum 18 months)

- Attendance of seminars, workshops, advanced courses, summer and winter schools in Italy and abroad related to the topic of the research project




Lecturer Institution Url
Luigi Alfieri Università di Urbino
Eduardo Barberis Università di Urbino
Antonio Baylos Grau University of Castilla-La Mancha -
Antonio  Baylos Grau University of Castilla-La Mancha -
Antonio Blanc Altemir University of Lleida -
Roberta Bocconcelli Università di Urbino
Fabio Bordignon Università di Urbino
Giorgio Calcagnini Università di Urbino
Marco Cangiotti Università di Urbino
John Cantwell Rutgers University -
Luigino Ceccarini Università di Urbino
Francesca Maria Cesaroni Università di Urbino
Rebel Cole Florida Atlantic University -
Claes H. De Vreese University of Amsterdam -
Mara Del Baldo Università di Urbino
Ilvo Diamanti Università di Urbino
Jonathan Doh Villanova University -
John Dumay Macquaire University, Sydney -
Fatima Farina Università di Urbino
Laura Gardini Università di Urbino
Angela Genova Università di Urbino
Giuseppe Giliberti Università di Urbino
Germana Giombini Università di Urbino
Andrea Giussani Università di Urbino
Matteo Gnes Università di Urbino
Cars Hommes University of Amsterdam -
Yuri Albert Kyrill Kazepov University of Vienna -
Michael Landesmann Johannes Kepler University of Linz -
Marc Lazar Sciences Po - Paris -
Federico Losurdo Università di Urbino
Rodrigo Lozano University of Gavle -
Giovanni Marin Università di Urbino
Kiminori Matsuyama Northwestern University -
Paolo Morozzo della Rocca Università di Urbino
Fabio Musso Università di Urbino
Rajneesh Narula University of Reading -
James Lawrie Newell University of Salford -
Alessandro Pagano Università di Urbino
Paolo Pascucci Università di Urbino
Chiara Scivoletto Università degli Studi di Parma -
Laerte Sorini Università di Urbino
Giuseppe Travaglini Università di Urbino
Roland Verwiebe University of Vienna -
Stefano Visentin Università di Urbino
Antonello Zanfei Università di Urbino

The Ph.D. in Global Studies allows participants to develop a wide variety of skills and competences useful for an international career in research/teaching or in the private/public sector: strong analytical skills, ability in collaborative work, effective oral and written communication skills, deep cross-cultural competences, wide knowledge of the global socio-institutional context.

Notably, PhD graduates will be well placed to apply for the following professional opportunities:

- academic positions/careers in University Departments/ Research Centres active in Global Studies and in the main related disciplines;

- positions/careers as managers/analysts in:

  • International governmental organizations and NGOs active in the economic-social setting, in both advanced and developing countries
  • Local, national and transnational organizations and agencies supporting the internationalization processes of SMEs and social companies
  • Business enterprises and professional firms (consulting/legal sector) active in international projects

How to apply for the Ph.D. Programme in Global Studies. Economy, Society and Law

Course with limited number of positions
Admission deadline
Applications due by 11/06/2020
Useful information

Please note: It is highly recommended to carefully read the Call for applications to verify the admission requirements and the required documentation. The Call can be consulted by clicking on "ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTATION" in the "REGISTRATION FOR GLOBAL STUDIES. ECONOMY, SOCIETY AND LAW" section. In the same folder you can also find our guide "How to appply: step-by-step instructions".

The selection procedure will be based on:

  • Curriculum vitae (CV) in English,
  • Academic qualifications as specified in the call including transcript of record;
  • Knowledge of English (minimum B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
  • Two letters of reference in English;
  • A research project of up to 3000 words in English, focusing on one of the following topics under the Thematic Area “Global Society, Cross-border Mobility and Law”: (a) Law, rights, institutions and cross-border mobility in the European and global arena; (b) Global social dimensions and governance of migrations, welfare, localities and labour. The project must have the following structure: a) state of the art, b) research objectives, c) methodology, d) expected results.

The oral interview will focus on the cv, the scientific and research interests and the research project proposal of the candidate. English proficiency of at least B2 or higher level will also be evaluated  during the interview.

Information on teaching and research activities


PhD Director: Professor Antonello Zanfei

Organizational Support: Dottoressa Simona Abderhalden


To request information, please send an email to phd-global-studies@uniurb.it indicating "phd in global studies_information request" as subject

Antonello Zanfei
 0722 305562   antonello.zanfei@uniurb.it
Simona Abderhalden
 0722 305508   phd-global-studies@uniurb.it

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304630  dottorato@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
Partita IVA 00448830414 – Codice Fiscale 82002850418
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