Learning Objectives
The specialised degree course in Sports Sciences comes from the natural evolution of the previous specialised degree course in “Sporting activities techniques and Science” (class 75/S) (Min Decree 509). The current training path aims to train graduates who are able to respond to the needs of the labour market, to requests from Bodies and Associations and to satisfy the students’ expectations. The courses set up and relative scientific-disciplinary sectors totally acknowledge the indications in the ministerial table for the LM-68. The experience gained in previous years is combined with the need to train graduates in the new course that can meet the requests for specific professional skills in the world of employment,sport and research, covering roles of top responsibility. The course guarantees the necessary preparation for planning and programming athletic training and sports techniques for competitions, observing a person’s health and the preventive value of sport and physical exercise, also using the ability to plan, manage and coordinate technical staff. The graduate will be able to carry out exercise and sports activities programmes for individuals and groups, interacting with subjects of all ages, gender, physical and social condition. Achieving the course goals will also be possible thanks to the targeted work placements that helps to prepare the student using paths identified in the degree course in the technical-sports, biomedical, educational, information technology and linguistic areas.