Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
A.Y. | ||
2023/2024 |
Learning Objectives
The current sociocultural changes concerning both the graphic gesture (digitalisation, handwriting leaving, notably cursive, etc.) and the recent law on the rules for professional activities (law Iori of 20 December 2017; Progetto di norma UNI1601966: Attività professionali non regolamentate – Educatore del gesto grafico) call for rethinking and reflecting on the origin and evolution of the graphic gesture and the related pedagogical aspects.
The course pursues the following aims:
- building the necessary skills for planning educational courses and workshops able to observe, understand and support the evolution of the graphic gesture expressed through doodling, drawing and writing;
- acquiring knowledge of the most recent interdisciplinary studies on the neuro-psycho-physiological development of the grapho-motor activity and related problems (i.e. dysgraphia);
- building the necessary skills to start courses for supporting the processes of learning the expression of the graphic gesture and of writing, especially from the perspective of the quality of the graphic gesture;
- developing methodological skills for researching and teaching in order to support educational paths for the development of writing.
The course is divided into three interactive modules: the first one is centred on the evolutionary and educational aspects of doodling; the second one is mainly devoted to the evolutionary and educational aspects of drawing; the third module is based on the theoretical and practical aspects of writing and of the related educational problems.
An additional module will focus on the analysis of dysgraphia, a growing phenomenon in the different phases of the learning of writing.
The modules and subjects within them will all be treated in an interdisciplinary way, with a particular pedagogical perspective.
This division into three conceptual areas aims at grouping the pedagogical objectives into theoretical, educational and practical proposals focusing on the possible expressions of the graphic gesture that from doodling in childhood becomes spontaneous drawing and writing in the following age; hence, beside a general look at the education of the graphic gesture, the specific focus will be on doodling education, drawing education and writing education.
The basic idea is that children use a sort of “sketched writing”, that the adults see as “doodling”, an expression that tends to belittle the first immediate and ingenuous graphic expression, whose practice is anyway the first step toward spontaneous drawing, which, on turn, from a prefigurative phase becomes more and more realistic. The underlying process is the same, in terms of timing and modes, as the one concerning the learning of handwriting. The latter is a complex challenge reacting to trends that are trying to remove this fundamental human skill. As confirmed by neuroscientific studies, handwriting activates global and integral dimensions of the individual (perceptive, cognitive, motor, relational, communicative etc.), able to solicit the metacognitive components of learning and of the more general knowledge of the world.
The disciplinary contribution from graphology offers the opportunity to pay attention to writing from a grapho-motor point of view, starting from its first development up to the acknowledgment of its basic constitutive elements (space occupation, pressure, rhythm, speed, movement and shape).
Educating the graphic gesture requires methodological and instrumental skills that allow the educator to acknowledge, detect and treat difficulties (distinguishing them from disabilities), in cooperation with families (aided by precise training on how to conduct an interview) and with the practitioners that work in the school field (teachers, pedagogues etc.) and in the extra-school field (psychomotrists, speech therapists etc.).
Career prospects
The post-graduate course intends to train and qualify practitioners whose theoretical, methodological and teaching skills will allow access to the integrate school system (school and extra-school), in the view of knowing, promoting and supporting learning of the graphic gesture, from doodling to drawing and writing.
Considering handwriting, this practitioner will develop the knowledge and practice for co-planning (with other experts such as teachers, pedagogues etc.) paths to prevent difficulties during the learning process (dysgraphiae), through the diffusion of methodological and didactical strategies built within an interdisciplinary theoretical frame. In the presence of such difficulties, the educator of the graphic gesture trained and qualified in the current course (based on the recent UNI law on the educator of the graphic gesture) will be able to set up individual or collective paths, or workshops to educate the graphic gestures and prevent/observe possible problems.
The educator of the graphic gesture will be able to find work in the field of public and private schooling, of educational and socio-integrative services managed by local bodies, of services established by specific regional laws. Or he/she can work in private structures together with other experts such as psychologists, speech therapists etc.
Contents and structure of the course / Syllabus
Activities of PhD Students
The course will run from January 2024 to August 2024 and will be held remotely.
The structure of the course provides for a total of n. 1500 hours of training activities, corresponding to n. 60 CFU.
The teaching will take place entirely online, the hours are divided into two modules.
First module:
Friday 26 January 2024 (15-19) and Saturday 27 January 2024 (9-13);
Friday 22 March 2024 (15-19) and Saturday 23 March 2024 (9-14);
Friday 24 May 2024 (15-19) and Saturday 25 May 2024 (9-14);
Friday 21 June 2024 (3 pm-7pm) and Saturday 22 June 2024 (9 am-2pm).
Second module.
From 22 to 26 July 2024, an intensive week, from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14 to 18.
From 19 to 21 August 2024, an intensive week, from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14 to 18.
The END OF THE COURSE TEST is scheduled for Saturday 24 August 2024.
The modulation of the course follows a mainly didactic-laboratory path, supported by appropriate theoretical-pedagogical and interdisciplinary insights.
- Theories and science of education, of learning and psycho-pedagogy
- Didactics of handwriting
- Experimental education
- Neuropsychology of the graphic gesture
- Pedagogy of doodling and drawing
- Theoretical and child graphology
- Child psychology
- Theories and techniques of psychological interview
- Methodology of pedagogical research
- Philosophical and cultural history of the teaching of writing
- Teaching handwriting: problems and solutions
- Education and prevention of difficulties in handwriting, doodling and drawing, re-education of handwriting
How to apply for Pedagogy and Education of Graphic Gesture
- Admission
- Course with free access
- Number of positions
- 50 available
- Application procedure
- You can apply from the 20/07/2023 to the 26/02/2024 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
- Online registration
- Online registration Registration guidelines
Information on teaching and research activities
- Contacts
- Roberto Travaglini
- 347 5797538 roberto.travaglini@uniurb.it
- Gloria Donnini
- gloria.donnini@uniurb.it
Administrative contacts
- Secretary’s Office
- Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
- Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
- Office hours
- Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
- Contacts
- Tel. +39 0722 304637 corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it