Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo / Portale Web di Ateneo


Learning Objectives

The national training course The Experience of Literature: from the Middle Ages to Contemporary Times and "Back Again", born from the collaboration between the University of Urbino Carlo Bo and the University of Macerata and under the patronage of SIFR Scuola, is structured into six online afternoon sessions. It offers an interdisciplinary pathway to deepen and enhance the skills needed to design teaching modules and pathways for literature education.

Dedicated to middle and high school teachers currently in service, the course features seminar-style meetings strongly oriented towards debate. These sessions focus on six distinct interpretations of the concept of "experience," bringing together experts in medieval Romance literatures, contemporary literature, geography, art, and music to engage in dialogue.

The course, conceived as a professional development opportunity within the framework of continuous training for middle and high school teachers, aims to enhance and strengthen literary skills through a strongly interdisciplinary approach. At the end of the six scheduled sessions, participants will have acquired new insights and tools, enabling them to design original and innovative proposals for the educational planning of humanities teaching in schools, focusing on the themes addressed in the course.

The schedule includes six weekly sessions of 3 hours each, running from February 27, 2025, to April 3, 2025, from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM. The meetings will take place on an online platform (details regarding the platform and access will be provided upon registration) and will be organized as follows:

  • February 27, 2025: The Experience of Travel (SSD: FLMR-01/B, LICO-01/A)
  • March 6, 2025 (3:30–6:30 PM): The Experience of Music (SSD: FLMR-01/B, GLOT-01/A)
  • March 13, 2025 (3:30–6:30 PM): The Experience of Trauma (SSD: FLMR-01/B, FRAN-01/A)
  • March 20, 2025 (3:30–6:30 PM): The Experience of Play (SSD: FLMR-01/B, SLAV-01/A)
  • March 27, 2025 (3:30–6:30 PM): The Experience of the Character (SSD: COMP-01/A, FLMR-01/B)
  • April 3, 2025 (3:30–6:30 PM): The Experience of Space (SSD: FLMR-01/B, GEOG-01/A)

On April 16, 2025 (3:30–6:30 PM), there will be a final session dedicated to the presentation of participants’ projects, coordinated by Professors Cesare Mascitelli (University of Urbino Carlo Bo), Martina Di Febo (University of Macerata), and Michela Meschini (University of Macerata).

To be admitted to the final evaluation, participants must attend at least 15 out of the 18 total hours (equivalent to 5 out of the 6 sessions, corresponding to 75% of the total course hours).

The course includes a mandatory final assessment consisting of a presentation/discussion of short projects prepared by participants during a concluding online session. These projects will focus on a teaching proposal developed based on the course content. The assessment will be evaluated qualitatively, with a positive evaluation granted if participants achieve at least a “satisfactory” judgment.

Upon passing the final assessment, participants will be awarded 4 ECTS credits.

  • The training course The Experience of Literature: from the Middle Ages to Contemporary Times and "Back Again" grants 4 ECTS credits.

  • The speakers involved in the course are university-level professors and researchers affiliated with Italian universities (Bergamo, Cagliari, Cassino, Macerata, Pavia, Rome "La Sapienza," Turin) and international institutions (Zurich).

How to apply for The Experience of Literature: from the Middle Ages to Contemporary Times and “Return”. National Training Course for in-service Teachers of Secondary School of 1st and 2nd Degree

Course with limited number of positions
Number of positions
40 available
Admission deadline
Applications due by 17/02/2025
Useful information

The activation of the course is contingent upon the enrollment of a minimum of 10 participants and a maximum of 40 participants.

The course is open to humanities teachers currently in service at middle and high schools who have obtained one of the following qualifications:

- laurea di primo livello conseguita ai sensi del D.M. 509/99 o del D.M. 270/04;

- laurea specialistica conseguita ai sensi del D.M. 509/99;

- laurea magistrale, o a ciclo unico, conseguita ai sensi del D.M. 270/04;

- diploma di laurea conseguito secondo l’ordinamento antecedente al D.M. 509/99;

- altro titolo equipollente ai sensi della normativa vigente.

If the number of applicants exceeds the maximum number of available spots, priority will be given based on the order of application submission. In the event of a tie, preference will be given to younger applicants.

Registration form
Application procedure
You can apply from the 18/02/2025 to the 25/02/2025 . Using the online procedure you can register to fill in the application and pay with PagoPA (Credit Card, PayPal) to complete the payment of the admission fee.
Online registration
Online registration Registration guidelines

Useful documents and materials

Call for applications download
Course sheet download

Information on teaching and research activities


Director: Cesare Mascitelli (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo)

Co-Director: Martina Di Febo (Università di Macerata)


For further information, please send an email to both the Course Director and Co-Director:

Cesare Mascitelli

Administrative contacts

Secretary’s Office
Ufficio Dottorati - Post laurea - Esami di Stato
Via Veterani, 36 - Urbino
Office hours
Monday - Friday from 9.30 am to 13pm
 Tel. +39 0722 304637   corsi.postlaurea@uniurb.it

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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Aurelio Saffi, 2 – 61029 Urbino PU – IT
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