A.A. | CFU |
2024/2025 | 8 |
Docente | Ricevimento studentesse e studenti | |
Roberta Bocconcelli | Wednesday 9:00-11:00. |
Didattica in lingue straniere |
Insegnamento interamente in lingua straniera
La didattica è svolta interamente in lingua straniera e l'esame può essere sostenuto in lingua straniera. |
Assegnato al Corso di Studio
Giorno | Orario | Aula |
Giorno | Orario | Aula |
Obiettivi Formativi
"Dematerialization" in advanced economies is a key process that characterizes evolution patterns in Service Management and Marketing studies and practices. The weight of services in the GDP is constantly growing in all Western countries and services firms (as well as increasing "servitization" processes within manufacturing/industrial and agricultural firms) represent a central node of the economic development.
The course aims at offering the students basic knowledge of the functioning of the service sector as well as knowledge of the specific problems and managerial tools in marketing and management of services firms.
In this respect in the course will be analyzed following issues: The role of services in contemporary economy; Competition in the service sector; Service Quality and Customer centrality; Relationship Marketing; Service management and marketing; Service profitability and productivity; Marketing in the Creative and Cultural Industries.
- The service sector and its role in the contemporary economy;
- The strategic perspective on Service;
- Organizational aspects of service marketing: full time and part time marketers, transactional and relationship marketing;
- The importance of total quality in services;
- GAP model in service marketing and management;
- The 5 dimensions of quality and customer centric perspective;
- Service strategies based on customers' and clients' relationships;
- Listening to the customer: marketing researches;
- The offering system design in services: augmented service offering, the service blueprint;
- Internal marketing;
- The role of image and communication in the service firm;
- Segmentation and targeting in the Services market;
- Services productivity;
- Services profitability.
Risultati di Apprendimento (Descrittori di Dublino)
Knowledge and understanding
- Students should acquire knowledge and effective understanding of the main theoretical models developed in the Service Marketing field and of the operational tools in service design and management.
Applying knowledge and understanding
- Students should be able to apply the acquired knowledge and fully understand and solve problems with reference to a variety of contexts that characterize services' markets, using, when necessary, interdisciplinary competences.
Making judgements
- Students should autonomously use the acquired knowledge both at the conceptual and at the operational level showing effective capabilities in analyzing different contexts that caracterize the service sector.
Communication skills
- Students should acquire the technical language that characterizes the discipline in order to clearly and effectively communicate with practitioners, managers, experts and academics. At the same time they should be able to relate and communicate with non professional people.
Learning skills
- Students should develop learning abilities that allow them to autonomously study and investigate advancements in the service marketing discipline especially in the working environment in which they’ll operate.
Materiale Didattico
Il materiale didattico predisposto dalla/dal docente in aggiunta ai testi consigliati (come ad esempio diapositive, dispense, esercizi, bibliografia) e le comunicazioni della/del docente specifiche per l'insegnamento sono reperibili all'interno della piattaforma Moodle ›
Attività di Supporto
Case Studies development and discussions during lectures.
Modalità Didattiche, Obblighi, Testi di Studio e Modalità di Accertamento
- Modalità didattiche
The course will be based on different didactics methods:
- Frontal lessons;
- Project works and discussions based on case studies and/or on ad hoc material (papers, other publications, companies' website analysis...).
- Didattica innovativa
- Flipped classroom.
- Testi di studio
Selected readings that will be shared during classroom and that will be available on Moodle ›
- Modalità di
accertamento The final assessment will be based on a written text, consisting of 3 open questions on the topics covered during the course. The student is expected to answer these questions in an articulated and consistent manner, in order to demonstrate:
- to have fully acquired and understood the main concepts and themes covered during the course;
- to be able of applying those concepts to the understanding and to the solution of practical situations and problems related to the management of companies that operate in the service sector;
- to be able to present their arguments in an effective and consisten manner in the time available and with an appropriate technical language.
The time available to answer questions is one hour and a half. The overall assessment will be made taking into account both the answer to every single questions and the elaborate structure as a whole. Attending students are invited to respond to questions properly using the contents developed and built interactively in the classroom.
- Disabilità e DSA
Le studentesse e gli studenti che hanno registrato la certificazione di disabilità o la certificazione di DSA presso l'Ufficio Inclusione e diritto allo studio, possono chiedere di utilizzare le mappe concettuali (per parole chiave) durante la prova di esame.
A tal fine, è necessario inviare le mappe, due settimane prima dell’appello di esame, alla o al docente del corso, che ne verificherà la coerenza con le indicazioni delle linee guida di ateneo e potrà chiederne la modifica.
Informazioni aggiuntive per studentesse e studenti non Frequentanti
- Testi di studio
- Selected readings that will be shared during classroom and that will be available on Moodle ›
- Modalità di
accertamento The final assessment will be based on a written text, consisting of 3 open questions on the studied topics. The student is expected to answer these questions in an articulated and consistent manner, in order to demonstrate:
- to have fully acquired and understood the main concepts and themes covered during the course;
- to be able of applying those concepts to the understanding and to the solution of practical situations and problems related to the management of companies that operate in the service sector;
- to be able to present their arguments in an effective and consisten manner in the time available and with an appropriate technical language.
The time available to answer questions is 90 minutes. The overall assessment will be made taking into account both the answer to every single questions and the elaborate structure as a whole.
- Disabilità e DSA
Le studentesse e gli studenti che hanno registrato la certificazione di disabilità o la certificazione di DSA presso l'Ufficio Inclusione e diritto allo studio, possono chiedere di utilizzare le mappe concettuali (per parole chiave) durante la prova di esame.
A tal fine, è necessario inviare le mappe, due settimane prima dell’appello di esame, alla o al docente del corso, che ne verificherà la coerenza con le indicazioni delle linee guida di ateneo e potrà chiederne la modifica.
« torna indietro | Ultimo aggiornamento: 12/02/2025 |